Корисник:Виолетова/100wikidays 3
Како дел од проектот 100 вики дена, ова е списокот на моите придонеси, во третиот дел.
уредиDay | Date | Article Title | Description |
1 | 29.12.2017 | Наргиле | Hookah, a single or multi-stemmed instrument for vaporizing and smoking flavored tobacco |
2 | 30.12.2017 | Клинесто писмо | Cuneiform script, one of the earliest systems of writing, invented by the Sumerians |
3 | 31.12.2017 | Табличка од Киш | Kish tablet, a limestone tablet found at the site of the ancient Sumerian city of Kish. |
4 | 1.1.2018 | Виенски новогодишен концерт | Vienna New Year's Concert, a concert of classical music performed by the Vienna Philharmonic that takes place each year in the morning of New Year's Day in Vienna, Austria. |
5 | 2.1.2018 | Вазна од Варка | Warka Vase, a carved alabaster stone vessel found in the temple complex of the Sumerian goddess Inanna in the ruins of the ancient city of Uruk |
6 | 3.1.2018 | Ерик Црвениот | Erik the Red, a Norwegian Viking, remembered as having founded the first Norse settlement in Greenland. |
7 | 4.1.2018 | Торвалд Асвалдсон | Thorvald Asvaldsson, the father of the colonizer of Greenland, Erik the Red |
8 | 5.1.2018 | Термопили | Thermopylae, a place in Greece where a narrow coastal passage existed in antiquity. |
9 | 6.1.2018 | Џемс Бонд (орнитолог) | James Bond (ornithologist), whose name was appropriated by writer Ian Fleming for his fictional British spy of the same name |
10 | 7.1.2018 | Јован Јовановиќ - Пижон | Jovan Jovanović Pižon, Serbian diplomat |
11 | 8.1.2018 | Живојин Балугџиќ | Zivoin Balugdzhić, Serbian diplomat |
12 | 9.1.2018 | Михаило Ристиќ | Mihailo Ristić, Serbian diplomat |
13 | 10.1.2018 | Српски конзулат во Солун | Serbian office in Solun |
14 | 11.1.2018 | Кумановска Каза | Kumanovo district, a kaza (district) in the Sanjak of Skopje of the Ottoman Empire. |
15 | 12.1.2018 | Алонсо де Охеда | Alonso de Ojeda, a Spanish navigator, governor and conquistador. |
16 | 13.1.2018 | Хуан де ла Коса | Juan de la Cosa, a Spanish navigator and cartographer, known for designing the earliest European world map. |
17 | 14.1.2018 | Родриго де Бастидас | Rodrigo de Bastidas, a Spanish conquistador and explorer who mapped the northern coast of South America, discovered Panama, and founded the city of Santa Marta. |
18 | 15.1.2018 | Рагнар Лодброк | Ragnar Lodbrok, a legendary Danish Viking hero and ruler |
19 | 16.1.2018 | Сага за Рагнар Лодброк | Tale of Ragnar Lodbrok, an Icelandic legendary saga of the 13th century about the Viking ruler Ragnar Lodbrok |
20 | 17.1.2018 | Аслауг | Aslaug, a queen in Norse mythology who appears in sagas as Ragnar Lodbrok third wife. |
21 | 18.1.2018 | Ивар Бескостниот | Ivar the Boneless, a Viking leader and a commander who invaded what is now England. |
22 | 19.1.2018 | Крштение Господово | Baptism of Jesus, the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the river Jordan |
23 | 20.1.2018 | Адам од Бремен | Adam of Bremen, a German medieval chronicler, who lived and worked in the second half of the eleventh century |
24 | 21.1.2018 | Боро Чаушев | Boro Čaušev, partisan and general-mayor of Macedonian militia |
25 | 22.1.2018 | Орден на заслуги за народот | Order of merits for the people, of SFRJ |
26 | 23.1.2018 | Кривопаланечка Каза | Kriva Palanka district, a kaza (district) in the Sanjak of Skopje of the Ottoman Empire. |
27 | 24.1.2018 | Кичевска Каза | Kicevo district, a kaza (district) in the Sanjak of Bitola of the Ottoman Empire. |
28 | 25.1.2018 | Дебарска Каза | Debar district, a kaza (district) in the Sanjak of Debar of the Ottoman Empire. |
29 | 26.1.2018 | Дебарски санџак | Sanjak of Debar of the Ottoman Empire |
30 | 27.1.2018 | Новопазарски санџак | Sanjak of Novi Pazar of the Ottoman Empire |
31 | 28.1.2018 | Скадарски вилает | Scutari Vilayet, administrative division (vilayet) of the Ottoman Empire |
32 | 29.1.2018 | Дунавски вилает | Danube Vilayet, administrative division (vilayet) of the Ottoman Empire from 1864 to 1878 |
33 | 30.1.2018 | Софи Шол | Sophie Scholl, a German student and anti-Nazi political activist |
34 | 31.1.2018 | Хуан Дијаз де Солис | Juan Díaz de Solís, a 16th-century navigator and explorer |
35 | 1.2.2018 | Алонсо де Санта Круз | Alonzo de Santa Cruz, a Spanish cartographer, mapmaker, instrument maker, historian and teacher |
36 | 2.2.2018 | Диого Као | Diogo Cão, a Portuguese explorer and one of the most notable navigators of the Age of Discovery. |
37 | 3.2.2018 | Емин-паша | Emin Pasha, an Ottoman-German Jewish physician, naturalist, and governor of the Egyptian province of Equatoria on the upper Nile |
38 | 4.2.2018 | Иван Висин | Ivan Visin, a naval captain and explorer. |
39 | 5.2.2018 | Кулен | Kulen, a type of flavoured sausage made of minced pork that is traditionally produced in Croatia (Slavonia) and Serbia (Vojvodina) |
40 | 6.2.2018 | Кнез | Knyaz, a historical Slavic title, used both as a royal and noble title in different times of history and different ancient Slavic lands |
41 | 7.2.2018 | Племе | Tribe, a social group existing outside of or before the development of states. |
42 | 8.2.2018 | Поглавица | Tribal chief, the leader of a tribal society |
43 | 9.2.2018 | Клан | Clan, a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. |
44 | 10.2.2018 | Тотем | Totem, a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, lineage, or tribe. |
45 | 11.2.2018 | Гезерски календар | Gezer calendar, a small inscribed limestone tablet discovered in 1908 |
46 | 12.2.2018 | Свитокот на храмот | Temple Scroll, one of the longest of the Dead Sea Scrolls. |
47 | 13.2.2018 | Војна на синовите на светлината против синовите на темнината | War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, a manual for military organization and strategy that was discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. |
48 | 14.2.2018 | Химни за благодарност | Thanksgiving Hymns, one of the first seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947 by the Bedouin. |
49 | 15.2.2018 | 4Q106 | 4Q106, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls, containing portions of the Song of Songs in Hebrew |
50 | 16.2.2018 | 4Q107 | 4Q107, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls, containing portions of the Song of Songs in Hebrew |
51 | 17.2.2018 | 4Q108 | 4Q108, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls, containing only 10 letters from the Song of Songs in Hebrew |
52 | 18.2.2018 | 4Q166 | 4Q166, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls, also known as The Hosea Commentary Scroll |
53 | 19.2.2018 | 4Q240 | 4Q240, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls, containing a commentary on the Song of Songs |
54 | 20.2.2018 | 4Q175 | 4Q175, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls, also known as The Testimonia |
55 | 21.2.2018 | Правило на благословот | The Rule of the Blessing, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
56 | 22.2.2018 | Правило на заедницата | Community Rule, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
57 | 24.2.2018 | Песни за шабатски жртвувања | Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, also referred to as the Angelic Liturgy, from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
58 | 25.2.2018 | 4Q448 | 4Q448, often called the "Hymn to King Jonathan", a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
59 | 26.2.2018 | 6Q6 | 6Q6, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
60 | 27.2.2018 | 7Q5 | 7Q5, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
61 | 28.2.2018 | 11Q13 | 11Q13, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
62 | 1.3.2018 | Свитоци од Мртвото Море | Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient manuscripts found in the Qumran Caves near the Dead Sea |
63 | 2.3.2018 | Коментар на Наум | Nahum Commentary, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
64 | 3.3.2018 | 4Q246 | 4Q246, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
65 | 4.3.2018 | 4Q510-511 | 4Q510-511, a scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls |
66 | 6.3.2018 | Прва македонска коњичка бригада | First Macedonian cavalry brigade |
67 | 7.3.2018 | Прва македонска автобригада | First Macedonian auto brigade |
68 | 8.3.2018 | Малинче | La Malinche, a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who played a role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, mistress, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés. |
69 | 9.3.2018 | Македонски партизански бригади | Macedonian partisans brigade |
70 | 10.3.2018 | Бригада на Народната одбрана | National Defense Brigade |
71 | 11.3.2018 | Инженерски бригади | Engineering brigades |
72 | 12.3.2018 | Патна исправа | Travel document, an identity document issued by a government or international treaty organization to facilitate the movement of individuals or small groups of persons across international boundaries, following international agreements. |
73 | 13.3.2018 | Кумановска артилериска бригада | Kumanovo artillery brigade |
74 | 14.3.2018 | Осма македонска дивизија на КНОЈ | Eight Macedonian Division of KNOY |
75 | 15.3.2018 | Ед Стафорд | Ed Stafford, an English explorer. He holds the Guinness World Record for being the first human ever to walk the length of the Amazon River |
76 | 16.3.2018 | Жилинска книга | Žilinská kniha, important written text in Slovakia |
77 | 17.3.2018 | Ерке | Erke, a large labrophone instrument native to the Gran Chaco of Bolivia, northern Chile, and Argentine Northwest |
78 | 19.3.2018 | Кумановска дивизија на НОВЈ | Kumanovo Division of NOVY |
79 | 20.3.2018 | Нагак | Nagak, a large seashell played as a horn in Korean traditional music |
80 | 21.3.2018 | Селанска буна | Peasants' revolt, novel by August Šenoa |
81 | 22.3.2018 | Стерјо Боздов | Sterjo Bozdov, a member of Presidium of ASNOM and the first dean of the Medical Faculty in Skopje |
82 | 23.3.2018 | Црногорка | Crnogorka, mixed Macedonian dance from the region of Skopje |
83 | 24.3.2018 | Глувонемо оро | Gluvo-nemo, Macedonian dance from the region of Mala Reka |
84 | 25.3.2018 | Порече и Поречието во НОБ | Poreche and Porechieto in NOB |
85 | 26.3.2018 | Баба Ѓурѓа | Baba Gjurgja, Macedonian dance from Skopje |
86 | 27.3.2018 | Скудринка | Skudrinka, Macedonian dance from Dolna Reka |
87 | 29.3.2018 | Црпи вода, Јано | Crpi voda, Jano, Macedonian dance from Skopje |
88 | 2.4.2018 | Шопка | Šopka, Macedonian dance from the region of Kratovo. |
89 | 3.4.2018 | Хинди Зара | Hindi Zahra, a Franco-Moroccan singer and actress. |
90 | 4.4.2018 | Јени јол | Jeni Jol, Macedonian dance from Skopje |
91 | 5.4.2018 | Пембе | Pembe, Macedonian dance from Veles |
92 | 6.4.2018 | Повратено оро | Povrateno, Macedonian dance from Skopje |
93 | 7.4.2018 | Брен (4 век п.н.е.) | Brennus, a chieftain of the Senones, who defeated the Romans at the Battle of the Allia |
94 | 8.4.2018 | Валаамски манастир | Valaam Monastery, an Orthodox monastery in Russian Karelia, located on Valaam, the largest island in Lake Ladoga. |
95 | 9.4.2018 | Лопе де Агире | Lope de Aguirre, a Basque Spanish conquistador best known for his search of the mythical golden Kingdom El Dorado. |
96 | 10.4.2018 | Божидар Никетиќ | Bozidar Niketic, the first director of the hospital for nervous and mental diseases "Bardovci" in Skopje |
97 | 11.4.2018 | Димитрије Јузбашиќ | Dimitrije Juzbasic, surgeon from Croatia, and director of the Surgical Clinic in Skopje |
98 | 12.4.2018 | Милоје Видаковиќ | Miloje Vidakovic, first director of the Institute of Physiology in Skopje |
99 | 19.4.2018 | Зденко Крижан | Zdenko Krizan, first director of the Institute of anatomy in Skopje |
100 | 19.4.2018 | Глигор Муратовски | Gligor Muratovski, the founder of the Institute of chest diseases in Skopje |