Почетен курс за Википедија
Wikipelli, добредојдовте на Википедија на македонски јазик, слободна on-line енциклопедија започната во август 2003 година!
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Еве неколку страници кои може да ви бидат од помош:
- Википедија, опис, организација и историја на проектот
- Петте столба на Википедија
- Почетен курс, што треба да знаете и како се користи (за повеќе детали погледнете ги врските од десно)
- Слики, начин на подигнување и вметнување во статиите
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Сопствената корисничка страница (Корисник:Wikipelli) можете да ја уредувате по сопствена желба во согласност со правилата за уредување на корисничките страници.
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Ве молиме, имајте во предвид дека сите придонеси на Википедија се смета дека се објавени под ГНУ-овата Лиценца за слободна документација.
If you are not able to speak, understand or write Macedonian, please visit our Village Pump for non-Macedonian speakers if you have any suggestions or comments.
Поздрав, brest, 01:59, среда, 8 јануари 2025
уредиHello Wikipelli. I saw the nice statement on your page and it is rather unfortunate that the automatic translation has made quite a mess of it. As an experienced translator, I might help you and translate the original statement for you in appropriate words. Just tell me if you want this and I will do it without any problem. You may also ask me anything else or request any kind of help from me or the other admins. All of them will be happy to assist you. All the best. --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 07:48, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
- Forgot to mention - since you want the statement in Macedonian, I think it will be useful to put a Babel box on your page to indicate whether you actually speak/understand Macedonian (and other languages). Cheers. --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 07:51, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
- Thank you very much for your comments and offer! I appreciate it very much. I am an American professor and I am currently in Macedonia teaching a workshop on Blended Learning in Stip. Today's topic in the course will be Wikipedia. I do not speak Macedonian and I used Google Translate to convert my English user page to Macedonian. As you noticed, the translation is not always easy! If you have suggestions, I would appreciate them and you can feel free to edit if you wish. :) Fala! Wikipelli (разговор) 08:47, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
- You're very welcome. Anyone with an idea and an interest for our wiki is worthy of such attention :) I've translated the text appropriately and took the liberty to make some small changes in the appearance of the links (to be without the little external link symbol). I see that, in one of them, you invite users to write a new message on your user account. Is this intentional or just a by-product of the copying? --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 11:06, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
- It is really a by-product, but I haven't yet decided if it is a good thing or not. On the one hand, I will receive all messages in one place no matter which wiki the user is on, on the other hand, it might be better to have the messages stay within the appropriate wiki. Do you have suggestions on that? And, thank you again! (разговор) 11:45, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
Wikipelli Talk 11:46, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
- I guess it depends on the frequency. It is rather convenient to have them in one place. But to be seen as a real local user, they would have to be here. So, if you intend to be active here, I suggest that they should write on this page. If not, then it is really no problem to have them write on the page. --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 12:42, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
- I agree. I believe that I will have the messages on the appropriate wiki. I have activated this account to help in teaching about Wikipedia to my workshop, but I don't anticipate that I will edit here on mk.wikipedia. Thank you again for your assistance! I think that the workshop helped the students (professors at the university here) understand some of the 'behind the scenes' aspects of Wikipedia. Your offer of assistance and our conversation couldn't have been better for illustrating the collaborative nature of Wikipedia and the community. Thank you! Wikipelli Talk 13:22, 29 јуни 2011 (CEST)
- On the same note: I am not sure if you are aware, but Wikimedia Macedonia has a number of collaborative projects with educational institutions, whereby students write articles on such topics as they study, and we, the reviewers and administrators, check and correct them linguistically and make sure that they follow Wikipedia's style in terms of tone, formatting and general appropriateness. Students have some stimuli for doing this, but I am not sure what they are. This is going on in several cities, but so far as I know, not in Štip. Should you wish to start something of that sort there (or something new altogether), then write me an e-mail, and I can give you my IM details to discuss it. --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 00:15, 30 јуни 2011 (CEST)
--Sofija Petkovska (разговор) 12:18, 8 јули 2011 (CEST)
Thank you Bill, today classes were excelent the same as the other days. Wikipedia new and usefull experience for us. Have a nice weekend.