
Здраво, Odysseas-spartan-53, и добредојде на Википедија! Се надеваме дека Ви се допадна местото и одлучивте да останете. Еве некои страници кои можат да Ви бидат од помош:

Се надевам дека ќе уживате во уредувањето и во тоа што сте википедијанец! Ве молам потпишувајте ги вашите пораки на страниците за разговор користејќи четири тилди (~~~~); ова автоматски ќе го внесе Вашето корисничко име и датумот. Ако ви треба помош, видете Портал/Помош, или поставете го прашањето на оваа страница и ставете {{помош}} пред прашањето. Повторно, добредојде!


Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia! We hope that you like this encyclopaedia and that you have decided to be part of it. Here are few articles that may help you if you want to edit here:

We hope that you will enjoy editing here and that you will become a Wikipedian! Please, sign your name when you write your messages on the talk pages by using four tildes (~~~~); this automatically will add your name and the date when the message has been written. If you need any further help, see the Portal/Help, or ask question on this talk page and put the template {{помош}} before the question. Again, welcome! --Brest-bot (разговор) 11:38, 22 февруари 2009 (UTC)

Hello and welcome from me too! I am very glad about your idea for creating articles about Greece. I believe it will help bridge the gaps between our nations in these politically strained times. About your idea I can suggest you two things. First, you can always ask me (or some other user) to translate a particular article (or text) and make a suitable page here (you may point out articles from en wiki or write articles yourself on some temporary page). My second suggestion is that we create a WikiProject, like WikiProject Greece on the English wiki, that would here be called „ВикиПроект Грција“. With this project, we can set up a scheme and plan the content that is to be covered and find participants who would volunteer to translate into Macedonian language articles. Tell me what you think about these two proposals and I will see that I, and other administrators can help you in your ideas. As for any other linguistic or technical questions, feel free to ask for my assistance at any time, and I will be more than happy to help you. All the best. --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 08:39, 15 јуни 2009 (UTC)



Hello from me. A small suggestion for you. If you make articles on English here, than put this tag {{Превод|јазик=англиски}} at the top of the article so we can easily found it. It is a tag that announces that the article or the section need to be translated on Macedonian from English. Regards--Никола Стојаноски 09:56, 15 јуни 2009 (UTC)