Модул:Language: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[проверена преработка][проверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
Создадена страница со: require('Module:No globals') local m_data = mw.loadData("Module:Language/data") local langData = m_data.languages or m_data local p = {} local function...
Нема опис на уредувањето
Ознака: Отповикано
Ред 5:
local p = {}
local function checkForStringifNotEmpty(variablevalue)
if value == "" then
return variable ~= "" and variable ~= nil
return nil
return value
Ред 69 ⟶ 73:
if codes == nil or codes == "" then
errorText = 'no language or script code provided'
elseif codes:find("^%s*a%a%a?$") or codes:find("^%a%a%a?%-%a%a%a%a$") then
-- A three- or two-letter lowercase sequence at beginning of first parameter
languageCode =
codes:find("^%s*%a%a%a?") and (
or codes:match("^%s*(%a%a%a?)")
:gsub("(%a%a%a?)", string.lower, 1)
-- One uppercase and three lowercase letters at the end of the first parameter
scriptCode =
codes:find("%a%a%a%a%s*$") and (
or gsub(
elseif codes:find("^%s*a%a%a?%-%a%a%a?$") then
or codes:matchfind("^%s*%a%a%a%-%a%a%a$"):gsub("(%-%a%a%a?$")", string.lower, 1)then
languageCode = codes
-- Private-use subtag: x followed by one or more sequences of 1-8 lowercase
-- letters separated by hyphens. This only allows for one sequence, as it is
-- needed for proto-languages such as ine-x-proto (Proto-Indo-European).
elseif codes:find("^%s*%a%a%a?%-x%-%a%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?$") then
languageCode, scriptCode =
if not languageCode then
errorText = '<code>'..codes..'</code> is not a valid language or script code.'
Ред 87 ⟶ 113:
elseif codes:find("^%a%a%a?") then
elseif languageCode, codes:find("^%s*%a%a%a?%s*$")invalidCode or= codes:findmatch("^%s*(%a%a%a?)%-%a%a%a%a%s?(.*$)") then
-- A three- or two-letter lowercase sequence at beginning of first parameter
languageCode =
codes:find("^%s*%a%a%a?") and (
or codes:match("^%s*(%a%a%a?)")
:gsub("(%a%a%a?)", string.lower, 1)
-- One uppercase and three lowercase letters at the end of the first parameter
scriptCode =
codes:find("%a%a%a%a%s*$") and (
or gsub(
elseif codes:find("^%s*%a%a%a%-%a%a%a$") then
languageCode = codes:match("^%s*%l%l%l%-%l%l%l$") and codes:match("^%s*%l%l%l%-%l%l%l$")
or codes:match("^%s*%a%a%a%-%a%a%a$"):gsub("(%a%a%a?)", string.lower, 1)
elseif codes:find("^%s*%a%a%a?") then
languageCode, invalidCode = codes:match("^%s*(%a%a%a?)%-?(.*)")
languageCode = string.lower(languageCode)
errorText = '<code>'..invalidCode..'</code> is not a valid script code.'
elseif codes:find("%-?%a%a%a%a%s*$") then
invalidCode, scriptCode = codes:match("(.*)%-?(%a%a%a%a)%s*$")
scriptCode = gsub(
Ред 155 ⟶ 158:
local out = { textDirectionMarkers[2] }
if italicize then
table.insert(out, "<i lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</i>")
table.insert(out, "<span lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</span>")
table.insert(out, textDirectionMarkers[3])
Ред 170 ⟶ 173:
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1] and mw.text.trim(args[1])
local text = args[2] or error("Provide text in the second parameter")
Ред 187 ⟶ 190:
if data and data.name then
name = data.name
elseif mw.language.fetchLanguageName(languageCode, 'en') ~= "" then
-- On other languages' wikis, use mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(), or replace with that wiki's language code.
name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(languageCode, 'en')
-- On other languages' wikis, use mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(), or replace with that wiki's language code.
error("No name for the language " .. ("%q"):format(languageCode or nil) .. " could be found")
-- or replace 'en' with that wiki's language code.
elseif name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(languageCode, 'en') ~= "" then
if name == "" then
error("No nameName for the language code " .. ("%q"):format(languageCode or nil) .. " could be found")
name .. " could not be retrieved =with mw.language.fetchLanguageName(languageCode, 'en')"
.. "so it should be added to [[Module:Language/data]]")
if entry:sub(1, 1) == "*" then
Ред 234 ⟶ 241:
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1] orand nilmw.text.trim(args[1])
local word1 = ifNotEmpty(args[2] or nil)
local word2 = ifNotEmpty(args[3] or nil)
if not args[2] then
Ред 242 ⟶ 249:
local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, word2 or word1)
local italics = args.italics or args.i
Ред 248 ⟶ 255:
local entry, linkText
if checkForString(word2) and checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word2
elseif checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word1
Ред 276 ⟶ 283:
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1] orand nilmw.text.trim(args[1])
local word1 = ifNotEmpty(args[2] or nil)
local word2 = ifNotEmpty(args[3] or nil)
if not word1 then
Ред 287 ⟶ 294:
local entry, linkText
if checkForString(word2) and checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word2
elseif checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word1