Наргиле: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Ред 4:
Што се однесува до влијанието врз здравјето, пушењето преку наргиле го изложува организмот на отровни хемикалии кои не ги филтрира водата, а постои и ризик од инфективни болести кога наргилето се користи истовремено со други лица.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Akl|first1=EA|last2=Gaddam|first2=S|last3=Gunukula|first3=SK|last4=Honeine|first4=R|last5=Jaoude|first5=PA|last6=Irani|first6=J|title=The effects of waterpipe tobacco smoking on health outcomes: a systematic review |journal=International Journal of Epidemiology|date=June 2010|volume=39|issue=3|pages=834–57|pmid=20207606|doi=10.1093/ije/dyq002}}</ref>
Постојат две теории за тоа кога и како настанало наргилето. Едната теорија вели дека наргилето го измислил Ирфан Шаик од [[Могулско Царство|Могулското Царство]],<ref>{{cite news |last=Devichand |first=Mukul |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6238382.stm |title=UK &#124; Magazine &#124; Pipe dream |publisher=BBC News |date=2007-06-25 |accessdate=2013-09-03|quote=Despite being a recent addition to British culture, shisha has a long history. Many believe that it originated in India (known there as "hookah") about a thousand years ago, when more often the shisha pipe was used to smoke opium rather than tobacco.}}</ref><ref name=Wealth>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Hm1XAAAAMAAJ&q=hookah+isndia&dq=hookah+india |title=The Wealth of India |quote=The smoking of hookah and hubble-bubble started in India during the reign of the great Moghul emperor, Akbar |publisher=Council of Scientific & Industrial Research |accessdate=2007-08-01}}</ref> а другата дека постои од времето на [[СафавидскоСефевидско Царство|СафавидскатаСефевидската династија]] од [[Персија]],<ref>{{cite book |title=Charlemagne's tablecloth: a piquant history of feasting |author=Nichola Fletcher |publisher=Macmillan |date=1 Aug 2005 |page=10 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=vMfEyKvR59sC&pg=PA10&dq=Charlemagne's+Tablecloth+hookahs#v=onepage&q&f=false}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |journal=Cassell's magazine |author=Robert Machray |title=The Pipes of All Peoples |pages=210–215 |year=1902 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DMvfAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA214}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |title=The Harmsworth monthly pictorial magazine |author=Harmsworth Brothers |publisher=Harmsworth Brothers |year=1899 |page=372 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=HvIRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA372&dq=origin+of+hookah#v=onepage&q=origin%20of%20hookah&f=false}}</ref> од каде употребата на наргиле се проширила во [[Јужна Азија]].<ref name=common>{{cite book |title=Essential Concepts for Healthy Living Update |authors=Sandra Alters, Wendy Schiff|publisher=Jones & Bartlett Learning |date=28 Jan 2011 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=EciU_y1JroMC&pg=PA353&dq=hookah+origin+persia+india#v=onepage&q=hookah%20origin%20persia%20india&f=false}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title=Control of tobacco-related cancers and other diseases: proceedings of an international symposium, January 15–19, 1990, TIFR, Bombay |author=Prakash C. Gupta |publisher=Prakash C. Gupta |year=1992 |page=33 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=-Zqo67BjH7UC&pg=PA33&dq=hookah+origin++India#v=onepage&q=hookah%20origin%20%20India&f=false}}</ref> и дека оттаму потоа употребата на наргиле се проширила на исток, во Индија. Наргилето брзо стигнало во [[Египет]] каде за кусо време станало популарно, а подоцна, таму е усовршен механизмот на наргилето.
Наргилето е популарен инструмент за пушење во многу земји каде има мигранти од [[Левант]].<ref>{{cite journal |last=Brockman |first=LN |last2=Pumper |first2=MA |last3=Christakis |first3=DA |last4=Moreno |first4=MA |title=Hookah's new popularity among US college students: a pilot study of the characteristics of hookah smokers and their Facebook displays |journal=BMJ Open |date=December 2012 |volume= 2|series=2 |issue=6 |doi=10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001709 |pmid=23242241 |pages=e001709 |pmc=3533013}}</ref>
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