Разговор:Старогрчка книжевност

Последен коментар: пред 1 година од 2607:FEA8:4F9D:5C00:B0DC:B4CF:300C:B24A на темата You have to learn

You have to learn уреди

Where is Macedonia over there? Greeks coming from turkey around 7 century before Jesus Christ. Macedonian first known letter is from 5000 years before Christ. Greeks coming on Balkan. They accepted Macedonian language. Macedonians and Greeks living together more than 2700 years changing many things. For example mother of Alexander de Great was Greek and his father Macedonian. That time Macedonians and Greeks spoke similar language. But when Slovenians came to Macedonia in 7 century they change the language to Slovenian. Thanks. 2607:FEA8:4F9D:5C00:B0DC:B4CF:300C:B24A (разговор) 21:25, 11 февруари 2023 (CET)Одговори

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