Податотека:Flag of Syria (1930–1958, 1961–1963).svg

Изворна податотека (SVG податотека, номинално 1.200 × 600 пиксели, големина: 499 бајти)

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English: The Syrian Independence flag, the flag of Syria from 1930-58 and 1961-63. Taken up in 2011 by the Syrian opposition.

An English language translation of the "Constitution of the State of Syria, Promulgated by a Decree of The High Commissioner of the French Republic, No. 3111 of May 14th, 1930" is printed in The League of Nations Official Journal, Vol. 11, September, 1930, p. 1112-1122. Article 4 (p. 1113) describes the flag:
"The Syrian flag shall be composed as follows, the length shall be double the height. It shall contain three bands of equal dimensions, the upper band being green, the middle band white, and the lower band black. The white portion shall bear three red stars in line, having five points each."

A letter from Rear-Admiral Deville, commander of the Levant Naval Division in Beirut, dated 22 August 1930, stated that
"The ensign of the State of Syria is a green-white-black tricolor flag with three red stars, proportion 1:2, placed horizontally in a row."
Датум 1930–1958/1961–1963
Извор сопствено дело. Based on this source: Flags of the World - Historical Flags Since 1932 (Syria) and [1]
Автор See File history below for details.
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Public domain
This work was created in Syria and is now in the public domain there because its term of copyright has expired pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 12/2001, Syria's first ever copyright law (details). In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. Syrian works are currently in the public domain in the United States if their copyright had expired in Syria on the date of restoration (June 11, 2004) and the work was published before this date.

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  • Article 22 - "The author shall be entitled to his copyrights for his lifetime and fifty years thereafter. If the work is a combined effort of more than one author, then the copyrights are entitled for the lifetime and fifty years after the death of the last author party of the work."
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Други верзии
Поврзано: en:Flag of Syria.
 Поврзано — категоријата: Flags of Syria by type of image.
Употребени бои:
     црвена rendered as RGB 206 017 038
     бела rendered as RGB 255 255 255
     црна rendered as RGB 000 000 000
     зелена rendered as RGB 000 122 061
SVG разработка
SVG-кодот е исправен.
Оваа векторска слика е изработена со Inkscape.

Detailed color approximations

Red White Green Black
RGB 206/17/38 255/255/255 0/122/61 0/0/0
Hexadecimal #ce1126 #FFFFFF #007a3d #000000
CMYK 12/100/98/3 0/0/0/0 89/27/100/15 75/68/67/90

Interpretation of the colors

Scheme Textile colour
Red The Hashemite dynasty, bloody struggle for freedom, three stars represent the provinces of Syria at that time — first: Damascus, Aleppo, Deir el-Zor, second: Jabal Druze, third: Jabal 'Alawiyin (Alawite State).
White The Umayyad dynasty, bright and peaceful future.
Green The Rashidun Caliphate, a fertile homeland.
Black The Abbasid dynasty, a dark past.


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علم سوريا الخضر

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600 пиксел

1.200 пиксел

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тековна11:00, 25 февруари 2022Минијатура на верзијата од 11:00, 25 февруари 20221.200 × 600 (499 бајти)آاکبریانReverted to version as of 08:45, 16 February 2022 (UTC)
10:59, 25 февруари 2022Минијатура на верзијата од 10:59, 25 февруари 20221.280 × 854 (1 КБ)آاکبریان
09:45, 16 февруари 2022Минијатура на верзијата од 09:45, 16 февруари 20221.200 × 600 (499 бајти)آاکبریانReverted to version as of 15:31, 21 October 2019 (UTC)
09:44, 16 февруари 2022Нема минијатура0 × 0 (820 бајти)آاکبریانReverted to version as of 05:47, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
16:31, 21 октомври 2019Минијатура на верзијата од 16:31, 21 октомври 20191.200 × 600 (499 бајти)FDRMRZUSAIncreased nominal dimensions. Centered "3 stars" group in the white band: now X=224.480; Y=228.000. Previous file(900x450): X=168.363 (+000.003); Y=171.500 (+000.500). Optimized svg code with code cleanup (and reduction). Successfully checked before upload by: "Jarry1250's tools" (Wikimedia Laboratory). No other changes.
02:30, 16 октомври 2019Минијатура на верзијата од 02:30, 16 октомври 2019900 × 450 (570 бајти)Thespoondragonperiod sources show the stars significantly smaller
07:20, 26 декември 2018Минијатура на верзијата од 07:20, 26 декември 2018900 × 450 (470 бајти)Tcfc2349fixed
18:48, 6 март 2013Минијатура на верзијата од 18:48, 6 март 2013900 × 450 (489 бајти)AlAboud83Reverted to version as of 09:41, 21 January 2010
18:35, 6 март 2013Нема минијатура0 × 0 (820 бајти)AlAboud83Reverted to version as of 05:47, 27 March 2008
10:41, 21 јануари 2010Минијатура на верзијата од 10:41, 21 јануари 2010900 × 450 (489 бајти)PermjakSVG code
(најнови | најстари) Погледајте (понови 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

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