Список на меѓуѕвездени и околуѕвездени молекули: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[проверена преработка][проверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
Ред 1.194:
== Надворешни врски ==
* {{cite web | last=Woon | first=David E. | date=October 1, 2010 | url=http://www.astrochymist.org/astrochymist_ism.html | title=Interstellar and Circumstellar Molecules | access-date=2010-10-04 }}
* {{cite web | publisher=Universität zu Köln | date=January 2019 | url=https://zeus.ph1.uni-koeln.de/cdms/molecules | title=Molecules in Space | access-date=2019-01-28}}
* {{cite web | last=Dworkin | first=Jason P. | date=February 1, 2007 | url=http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/691/cosmicice/interstellar.html | title=Interstellar Molecules | publisher=NASA's Cosmic Ice Lab | access-date = 2010-12-23 }}
* {{cite web | last=Wootten | first=Al | date=November 2005 | url=http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/allmols.html | title=The 129 reported interstellar and circumstellar molecules | publisher=National Radio Astronomy Observatory | access-date=2007-02-13 }}
* {{cite journal | author1=Lovas, F. J. | author2=Dragoset, R. A. | date=February 2004 | url=http://www.physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Micro/Html/contents.html | title=NIST Recommended Rest Frequencies for Observed Interstellar Molecular Microwave Transitions, 2002 Revision | journal=Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data | volume=33 | issue=1 | pages=177 | access-date=2007-02-13 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130201185607/http://www.nist.gov/pml/data/micro/index.cfm | archive-date=2013-02-01 | url-status=dead | bibcode=2004JPCRD..33..177L | doi=10.1063/1.1633275 }}
{{Molecules detected in outer space}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:List of interstellar and circumstellar molecules}}
[[Категорија:Меѓуѕвездена средина]]