Капали чаршија (Истанбул): Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Ред 74:
* Turkish Culture Portal - [http://www.turkishculture.org/pages.php?ParentID=6&ID=98 ''Grand Bazaar in Istanbul'']
== Поврзано==
== Видете исто ==
* [[Список на трговски центри во Истанбул]]
== Надворешни врски ==
*{{cite book
* [http://www.kapalicarsi.org.tr/index.php Големата чаршија (на турски)]
| last=Mamboury
* [http://www.grandbazaaristanbul.org Официјална интернет страница]
| first= Ernest
* [http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313F88F742D0D711251AD9C4ADBD3E2D17A Министерство на културата]
| authorlink=Ernest Mamboury
* [http://newspot.byegm.gov.tr/arsiv/2001/nov-dec/n14.htm Newspot]
| title=The Tourists' Istanbul
* [http://www.jozan.net/2005/Grand-Bazaar.asp Carpet shops]
| publisher=Çituri Biraderler Basımevi
| location=Istanbul
| year=1953
*{{cite book
| last=Eyice
| first= Semavi
| authorlink=Semavi Eyice
| title=Istanbul. Petite Guide a travers les Monuments Byzantins et Turcs
| publisher=Istanbul Matbaası
| location=Istanbul
| year=1955
| language=French
*{{cite book
| last=Janin
| first= Raymond
| authorlink=Raymond Janin
| title=Constantinople Byzantine
| publisher=Institut Français d'Etudes Byzantines
| language=French
| edition=2
| location=Paris
| year=1964
*{{cite book
| last=Müller-Wiener
| authorlink=Wolfgang Müller-Wiener
| first= Wolfgang
| title=Bildlexikon zur Topographie Istanbuls: Byzantion, Konstantinupolis, Istanbul bis zum Beginn d. 17 Jh
| publisher=Wasmuth
| location=Tübingen
| year=1977
| isbn = 978-3-8030-1022-3
| language=German
*{{cite book
| last=Gülersoy
| first= Çelik
| authorlink=Çelik Gülersoy
| title=Story of the Grand Bazaar
| publisher=Istanbul Kitaplığı
| location=Istanbul
| year=1980
*{{cite book
| last=Mantran
| first= Robert
| title=La vita quotidiana a Constantinopoli ai tempi di Solimano il Magnifico e dei suoi successori (XVI e XVII secolo)
| publisher=Rizzoli
| location = Milan
| year=1998
| edition=3
| language=Italian
| ISBN=8817165581
*{{Cite book
| year=2009
| first=Katie
| last=Hallam
| title=The Traveler's Atlas: Europe
| place=London
| publisher=Barron's Educational Series
* Archnet Digital Library - [http://archnet.org/library/sites/one-site.tcl?site_id=7441 ''Covered Bazaar'']
* Let's Go Istanbul - [http://www.letsgoistanbul.com/covered.htm ''Istanbul Covered Bazaar'']
* Turkish Culture Portal - [http://www.turkishculture.org/pages.php?ParentID=6&ID=98 ''Grand Bazaar in Istanbul'']
== Надворешни врски ==
{{commons category|Grand Bazaar, Istanbul}}
* [http://www.kapalicarsi.org.tr Kapalıçarşı.org.tr: Official '''Grand Bazaar''' website in Turkish]
* [http://www.grandbazaaristanbul.org Grandbazaaristanbul.org: Official '''Grand Bazaar''' website in English]
* [http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313679A66406202CCB02E327A7616BC3132 Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture: Grand Bazaar]
* [http://havecamerawilltravel.com/istanbul-grand-bazaar Havecamerawilltravel.com: Photos of the Grand Bazaar]