Фабрика: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[непроверена преработка][проверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
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Ред 14:
[[Макс Вебер]] го разгледувал производство за време на древните времиња со методите на производство и современата економска ситуација неспоредливи со современите или дури и пред-модерниот развој на индустријата. Во антички времиња, најрано производство било во домаќинството, се развило во местото на живеење со производство во тоа време како почеток за да биде карактеристика на индустријата.
[[Категорија:Индустриска револуција]]
==Siting the factory==
Before the advent of [[Public transport|mass transportation]], factories' needs for ever-greater concentrations of laborers meant that they typically grew up in an urban setting or fostered their own [[urbanization]]. Industrial [[slum]]s developed, and reinforced their own development through the [[interaction]]s between factories, as when one factory's output or waste-product became the raw materials of another factory (preferably nearby). [[Canal]]s and [[Rail transport|railways]] grew as factories spread, each clustering around sources of cheap energy, available materials and/or mass markets. The exception proved the rule: even [[Greenfield land|greenfield]] factory sites such as [[Bournville]], founded in a rural setting, developed its own housing and profited from convenient communications systems.{{verify source|date=December 2010}}
[[Regulation]] curbed some of the worst excesses of [[industrialization]]'s factory-based society, a series of [[Factory Acts]] leading the way in Britain. [[Tram]]s, automobiles and [[Urban planning|town planning]] encouraged the separate development of industrial suburbs and residential suburbs, with laborers commuting between them.
Though factories dominated the Industrial Era, the growth in the [[Tertiary sector of the economy|service sector]] eventually began to dethrone them:{{verify source|date=December 2010}} the focus of labor in general shifted to central-city office towers or to semi-rural campus-style establishments, and many factories stood deserted in local [[Rust Belt|rust belts]].
The next blow to the traditional factories came from [[globalization]]. Manufacturing processes (or their logical successors, [[Assembly line|assembly]] plants) in the late 20th century re-focussed in many instances on [[Special Economic Zone]]s in developing countries or on [[maquiladora]]s just across the national boundaries of industrialized states. Further re-location to the least industrialized nations appears possible as the benefits of [[outsourcing|out-sourcing]] and the lessons of flexible location apply in the future.{{verify source|date=December 2010}}
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