Andrew Dalby
I'm a historian and linguist. I edit and create Wikipedia articles as a way of building up my knowledge of topics I plan to write about: it'll usually be food history, language history, and ancient and medieval people. If you like, or don't like, what I write, please use my talk page on English Wikipedia, en:User talk:Andrew Dalby. Welcome, also, to my home page, A Food Word Site.
Here's a list of my books and papers, followed by books by others that I have cited in Wikipedia articles.
Andrew Dalby
Ова е Вашата корисничка страница. Овде можете да впишете нешто за Вас и Вашата работа на Википедија. Исто така можете да ставите вавилон-табела и кориснички кутии со цел другите корисници да знаат кои јазици ги познавате/зборувате, кои се Вашите интереси, со што се занимавате и слично. This is your userpage. Here you can write something about you, about the languages you speak and about your work on Wikipedia. Ова е само совет, можете слободно да ја избришете оваа порака. This is just an advice, you can delete this message any time you like. |