Одржлив развој: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[непроверена преработка][непроверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
с Бот Додава: ca:Desenvolupament sostenible
с Бот Менува: hi:सतत विकास; козметички промени
Ред 3:
'''Одржлив развој''' е збир на методи за да се креира и одржи [[развој]] кој цели да ја отстрани [[сиромаштија]]та, креира изедначени стандарди за живеење, задоволување на основните потреби на сите луѓе и да воспостават одржливи политички практики, истовремено преземајќи ги сите неопходни мерки да се избегнат неповратните штети на природниот капитал долгорочно <noinclude>за краткорочни придобивки преку усогласување на развојните проекти со обновливата способност на природната средина.<ref>Carter, Neil. The Politics of the Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.</ref></noinclude> Полето на одржливиот развој може да се подели концептуално во четири дела: амбиентална одржливост (одржливост на [[животна средина|животната средина]]), економска одржливост, социјална одржливост и политичка одржливост.
== Дефиниција ==
== Амбиентална одржливост ==
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Ред 30:
== Критика на називот ==
== Пример на развојни проекти ==
* [http://www.oasisdesign.net/design/examples/maruata/index.htm Ecological System Designs for the Indigenous Community of Maruata, Michoacan, Mexico]
* [http://www.MountEverestFoundation.org Mount Everest Foundation]
== Видете исто така ==
* [[Одржливост]]
== Референци ==
== Надворешни врски и ресурси ==
* [http://www.ddurable.com Sustainable Development, international press information] - Ddurable.com International Information website about Sustainable development, all their is to know about what is going on, latest news and many usefull links.
* [http://www.seeingthepossibilities.com/ Seeing the Possibilities]
* [http://buildsustainably.org/ Green Building Checklists]
* Green Building Council - http://www.cascadiagbc.org
* International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES) - http://www.ceser.res.in/ijees.html
* [http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/about_us/aboutus.htm UN Sustainable Development] - The UN Division of Sustainable
* [http://www.sd-commission.org.uk UK Sustainable Development Commission] - The UK Government's independent watchdogs on sustainable development
* [http://www.uspartnership.org] - U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development, dedicated to making the U.S. public literate about our global sustainability challenges and engaged in the solutions. Links to sustainable development information in higher education, business, K-12, youth, faith, arts and community sectors.
* [http://www.planeta.com/ecotravel/sustain.html Sustainable Development Index] - Review of sustainable development portals and suggestions for making these issues reader-friendly
* [http://www.portofentry.com Port of Entry]
* [http://www.advent-calendar.info Advent Calendar on Sustainable Development] 24 Case Studies on sustainable development
* [http://www.iblf.org International Business Leaders Forum] - a not-for-profit organisation which works with businesses to improve their contribution to sustainability
* [[International Organization for Sustainable Development]] - Specialized international organization that also offers distance degree programs in Sustainable Development
* [http://www.devdir.org/ directory of development organizations], dedicated to good governance, sustainable development and poverty reduction.
* [http://www.wbcsd.org World Business Council for Sustainable Development] - Major business organization dedicated to sustainable development
* [http://www.dho.nl/index.php?mid=2 The Dutch Network for Sustainable Development in Higher Education]
* [http://www.tellus.org Tellus Institute] - Organization that uses [[scenario analysis]] to inform Sustainable Development practices
* [http://www.appropedia.org Appropedia] - a wiki focused on sustainable international development and poverty reduction
* [http://www.holbeckurbanvillage.co.uk] - a sustainable development taking place south of Leeds city centre in the UK, aimed at growing sustainable communities through the re-use of architecturally important buildings from the Industrial Revolution.
* [http://www.wsed.at/wsed/index.php?id=217&L=1 World Sustainable Energy Days].
Ред 85:
[[gu:અક્ષય વિકાસ]]
[[he:פיתוח בר קיימא]]
[[hi:अक्षयसतत विकास]]
[[hu:Fenntartható fejlődés]]
[[id:Pembangunan berkelanjutan]]