Ромео и Јулија: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Одбиена последната промена (од Kjuoefth) и ја поврати преработката 3821925 на Ehrlich91
Ред 9:
== Ликови ==
Дејствието во Ромео и Јулија се одвива во ВеnonaВерона, помеѓу три видни семејства.<ref>Gibbons (1980: 80); Levenson (2000: 139-140); Spencer (1967: 51-52). This section lists only the major and supporting characters. The play also has numerous supernumaries: further servants of Capulet (two of them named Antony and Potpan), musicians (three of them named Simon Catling, Hugh Rebeck and James Soundpost), watchmen, citizens of Verona, masquers, torchbearers and pages. Paris' page is a minor speaking role, as is Capulet's cousin, an old man. Levenson renders Abram as "Abraham". Rosaline is an important unseen character, and as such does not appear in any cast list.</ref>