уредиЗдраво, не може да дојдеш од нигде никаде и да почнеш да ставаш милион табели за верници по државите, кои патем во голем број или се повторуваа, или беа неправилно поставени, или беа погрешно напишани или содржеа навод од пописот спроведен во Македонија. Скоро сите уредувања ти ги отповикав и те повикувам да престанеш да внесуваш на овој начин. Во спротивно ќе бидеш блокиран од моја страна. --Ehrlich91 (разговор) 11:30, 29 јуни 2019 (CEST)
Community Insights Survey
уредиShare your experience in this survey
Hi Vase10000,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Википедија and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
уредиShare your experience in this survey
Hi Vase10000,
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
уредиShare your experience in this survey
Hi Vase10000,
There are only a few weeks left to take the Community Insights Survey! We are 30% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! With this poll, the Wikimedia Foundation gathers feedback on how well we support your work on wiki. It only takes 15-25 minutes to complete, and it has a direct impact on the support we provide.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.