Igor Janev (македонски: Игор Јанев , born 29 September 1964 in Belgrade) was the Special Adviser of the Minister of Foreign Affairs[1] of the Republic of Macedonia in 2002 Slobodan Čašule. [2] [3] [4]. He is currently a member of the Macedonian ruling political party VMRO-DPMNE[5][6][7] [8][9] and the International Law professor[10] [11] and the scientist.[12][13][14][15][16]His political ally wasTodor Petrov President of the World Macedonian Congress and of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada.[17]Janev was the Assistant to the President of the Republic of Macedonia. [18] in 2002-2003.[19]

References уреди

  1. Истакнати професионалци од Македонија - Игор Јанев (Prominent professionals from Macedonia-Igor Janev) [1]
  2. Истакнати научници од Македонија во светот-Игор Јанев (Prominent Sciеntist from Macedonia in world- Igor Janev)[2]
  3. Макфакс:Der Standart: Македонија и Грција на чекор до решение за спорот за името (Makfax: Macedonia and Greece close to the solution on the name issue)[3]
  4. DerStandard Mazedonien: Kompromiss in Namensstreit mit Griechenland greifbar (Macedonia: compromise with Greece is almost riched)[4]
  5. Професор Др Игор Јанев со писмена поддршка на професор Јове Кекеновски за претседателски кандидат (prof. dr. Igor Janev supporting Jove Kekenovski in campaign for the President)[5]
  6. Falanga: Exclusive Interview with Jove Kekenovski[6]
  7. MINA: Prof. Janev: 100% Chance to Enter UN as Macedonia [7]
  8. MIA: Robin O'Neil: Time has come to put an end to name issue[8]
  9. Пред Генералното собрание на ОН се чека потписот на Иванов (Action in the UNGA can start with the signature of Ivanov)[9]
  10. Игор Јанев, професор по меѓународно право (Igor Janev, professor of International Law)[10]
  11. Independent:Former Mediator Robin O'Neal: Name Issue Has to be Settled in UN General Assembly [11]
  12. Independent:Experts: Macedonia's Name Cannot be Isolated from Its Identity [12]
  13. Google Scholar on Igor Janev contributions[13]
  14. SCIndex on Igor Janev contributions[14]
  15. Books by Igor Janev at "Amazon" [15]
  16. His full biography see in article "Name in the UN", Macedonian magazine "Macedonian Nation" (in Macedonian) [16]
  17. Statement by the United Macedonians Organization (in Macedonian) [17]
  18. Responsibility of the United Nations for Macedonia's Accession to the UN, "Romanian Journal of political Science", see full ver. of art. [18]
  19. President of the Republic of Macedonia was Boris Trajkovski

Footnotes уреди

See also уреди


Category:1964 births Category:Living people Category:People from Skopje Category:Macedonian diplomats (разговор) 22:16, 5 јануари 2015 (CET)Одговори

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За Труд. Проф. д-р Игор Јанев (разговор) 23:19, 11 февруари 2016 (CET)Одговори

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НЕКА НИ Е ВЕЧНА МАКЕДОНИЈА! Проф. д-р Игор Јанев (разговор) 23:33, 11 февруари 2016 (CET)Одговори