ОписVLT image of the surroundings of VY Canis Majoris seen with SPHERE.jpg
English: The star VY Canis Majoris is a red hypergiant, one of the largest known stars in the Milky Way. It is 30–40 times the mass of the Sun and 300 000 times more luminous. In its current state, the star would encompass the orbit of Jupiter, having expanded tremendously as it enters the final stages of its life. New observations of the star using the SPHERE instrument on the VLT have clearly revealed how the brilliant light of VY Canis Majoris lights up the clouds of material surrounding it and have allowed the properties of the component dust grains to be determined better than ever before. In this very close-up view from SPHERE the star itself is hidden behind an obscuring disc. The crosses are artefacts due to features in the instrument.
Русский: VY Canis Majoris -- красный гипергигант, одна из самых больших звезд Млечного Пути. Она в 30–40 раз тяжелее Солнца, и в 300 000 раз ярче. Сейчас она размером с орбиту Юпитера и продолжает быстро расширяться. Начинается последняя стадия ее истории.
Новые наблюдения звезды с приемником SPHERE на телескопе VLT позволили получить ясную картину воздействия оптического излучения VY Большого Пса на облако вещества, окружающего звезду, и лучше, чем когда-либо ранее, определить параметры пылевых частиц в этом облаке.
На приведенном изображении ближайших окрестностей звезды, полученном с инструментом SPHERE, сама звезда закрыта маской и не видна. Крестики на снимке – инструментальный эффект.
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European Southern Observatory
Краток наслов
VLT image of the surroundings of VY Canis Majoris seen with SPHERE
Наслов на сликата
The star VY Canis Majoris is a red hypergiant, one of the largest known stars in the Milky Way. It is 30–40 times the mass of the Sun and 300 000 times more luminous. In its current state, the star would encompass the orbit of Jupiter, having expanded tremendously as it enters the final stages of its life. New observations of the star using the SPHERE instrument on the VLT have clearly revealed how the brilliant light of VY Canis Majoris lights up the clouds of material surrounding it and have allowed the properties of the component dust grains to be determined better than ever before. In this very close-up view from SPHERE the star itself is hidden behind an obscuring disc. The crosses are artefacts due to features in the instrument.
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License