Овој корисник е член на претседателството на Њујоршката Академија на Науките
Корисник е носител на дипломатскиот пасош
I have contributed in the philosophical explanation of the "Theory of Everything", explaining "Why" rather than "How" Everything exist. His explanation that "Everything" is and was systemically inseparable from its opposite pole of interaction, i.e. "Nothingness", and that this basic relation, as quantum is irreducible, became popular worldwide known as solving problem of methodological “paradox of the basic element”. I proposed the solution to the paradox of the infinite division of elements, by replacing ”element” with fundamental quantum level irreducible relation, as most fundamental methodological category. By resolving “paradox of the basic element” on an ontological level by showing that not the element, but rather the irreducible relation is the basic “entity” (of the system), the "Everything" was reduced to an absurd, since this pole (of relation or interaction) is systemically in relation with its opposite necessary pole of "Nothingness", and these poles were/are inseparable and irreducible, in exactly the same way as category of quantum in Physics. Therefore, when we start logic examination with at least "Nothingness" (as operational negation of Everything or Something), this category is systemically always accompanied with "Everything", so the question "Why there is Something, rather then Nothing" is reduced to an absurdum/absurd. If "Nothingness" is lowest category that we expect to "exist", than its always has to be accompanied with "Somethingness" or "Everything" as necessary requirement. In conclusion, "Nothingness" may not be possible alone, so "Everything" must exist, as irreducible truth.
My favorite Scientific Article is:
"Meta - Dialectical Method In Explaining Everything - The Basic Questions of Existence of Everything" [1], published in the Journal of Philosophy (SCIREA).
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