Алида Олберс Вестер

Алида Олберс Вестер (1842-1912) — шведска ботаничарка позната за проучување на анатомијата на растенијата, особено структурата на перикарпот.[1][2][3][4]


  1. Wester, Alida Olbers (1899). „Bidrag Till Kannedomen om Alsineblommans Morfologi Och Anatomi“. Meddelanden Från Stockholms Högskolas Botaniska Institut. Посетено на 4 August 2018.
  2. Creese, Door Mary R. S.; Creese, Thomas M. (2004). Ladies in the Laboratory II: West European Women in Science, 1800-1900 : a Survey of Their Contributions to Research. Scarecrow Press. стр. 6. ISBN 9780810849792. Посетено на 4 August 2018. During the 1880s and 1890s she carried out research in plant anatomy and morphology at the Hogskola's Botanical Institute.
  3. Coulter, John Merle; Coulter, M. S.; Barnes, Charles Reid; Arthur, Joseph Charles (April 1892). „Notes and News“. Botanical Gazette: 133. Посетено на 4 August 2018. Alida Olbers has investigated the structure of the pericarp of the Labiatae.
  4. Lockyer, Sir Norman (25 June 1885). „Societies and Academies: Stockholm“. Nature. 32: 192. Посетено на 4 August 2018.