Atm. there are 9.390 files (July 14, 2024: 9.261).
- Free files (Категорија:Сите слободни податотеки): 3.046 (July 14, 2024: 58 files)
- Non-free files (Категорија:Сите неслободни податотеки): 4.426 (July 14, 2024: 2 files)
The reason the numbers may not match the total is if some files are in neither of the categories (meaning the file either do not have a license template or the license template do not add files to one of the categories. Files could also be in both categories for example a photo of a statue. The statue is non-free but the photographer placed the photo under a free license.
First task fix GFDL:
- Предлошка:ГЛСД
- Предлошка:ГЛСД-корисник
- Предлошка:ГЛСД-автор (special template for files with permission)
- Предлошка:ГЛСД - повардарска епархија (special template for files with permission from specific website - churches)
- Предлошка:ГЛСД - ФФМ (special template for files with permission from specific website - football)
- Предлошка:ГЛСД-with-disclaimers
Ideas and things to work on
уредиCopy from another wiki. Not yet created here.
- User:MGA73/NoLicense - https://quarry.wmcloud.org/query/85329
- User:MGA73/OrphanNon-free - https://quarry.wmcloud.org/query/85353
- User:MGA73/Non-FreeOldVersions - https://quarry.wmcloud.org/query/85354
- User:MGA73/Non-FreeOversized - https://quarry.wmcloud.org/query/85365
- User:MGA73/Non-FreeOutsideArticles - https://quarry.wmcloud.org/query/85366
- User:MGA73/Non-FreeNoRationale - https://petscan.wmflabs.org/?psid=28873795