Старец (руски: Старик) ― драмско дело од Максим Горки од 1915 година.[1] Ревидирано 1922, 1924 година, исто така е преведено од Мари Закревски и Берет Х. Кларк како Судија (1925).[2]

Наводи уреди

  1. Soviet Literature - Issues 9-12 1946 ·- Page 76 "In contrast to The Philistines, Gorky's play The Old Man, written in 1915, has practically no stage history and is generally little known . This is a philosophical drama in which humanism is opposed to " the joy of tormenting " ,"
  2. Theatre arts magazine 1925 - Volume 9 - Page 347 THEATRE ARTS BOOKSHELF A NEW PLAY BY GORKY M The Judge, by Maxim Gorky, Authorized Translation by Marie Zakrevsky and Barrett H. Clark . Robert M. McBride and Company : New York

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