

Инфокутијава се додава во статија со копирање на долунаведениот код. Сите полиња се незадолжителни, а неискористените параметри можат да стојат празни, или пак да се изостават.

| name                    = 
| image                   = 
| imagesize               = 
| caption                 = 
| birthname               = 
| othername               = 
| species                 = 
| breed                   = 
| gender                  = 
| birthdate               = 
| birthplace              = 
| deathdate               = 
| deathplace              = 
| restingplace            = 
| restingplacecoordinates = 
| relativeage             = 
| nationality             = 
| occupation              = 
| employer                = 
| role                    = 
| yearsactive             = 
| known                   = 
| tricks                  = 
| awards                  = 
| title                   = 
| term                    = 
| predecessor             = 
| successor               = 
| owner                   = 
| parents                 = 
| children                = 
| weight                  = 
| height                  = 
| appearance              = 
| namedafter              = 
| website                 = 


Параметар Опис
name The given name of the animal. Use the common name, typically name of article, if multiple names are used. If omitted or blank it defaults to the name of the article.
bgcolour Colour of the top banner. Default is silver.
image Image file name. Use only the file name such as abc.jpg, xyz.png, 123.gif, etc. Do not use syntax such as [[Image:abc.jpg]] or [[Image:abc.jpg|200px]].
imagesize For example, 150px
caption Photograph caption. Try to include date of photo and the photographer.
birthname Name at birth if it has changed since birth.
othername Other appellation(s) that the animal has been known by.
species The scientific (aka "Latin") species name of the animal.
breed The breed of the animal.
gender The gender of the animal.
birthdate Date of birth. Consider using {{birth date and age}} if the animal is living, otherwise use {{birth date}}.
birthplace Place of birth: town, city, state, country.
deathdate Date of death. Consider using {{death date and age}}.
deathplace Place of death: town, city, state, country.
restingplace Name of cemetery; place of ash-scattering, etc.
restingplacecoordinates Coordinates of cemetery; place of ash-scattering, etc. using {{coord}} with display=inline,title. For graves, please be as precise as possible.
relativeage The relative age of the animal in human terms (current age if still alive, age at death if not).
nationality The country the animal is from.
occupation The occupation(s) animal is known for, e.g. pet, mouser, actor.
employer The employer of the animal.
role If the animal is/was an actor, insert any famous roles the animal is know for.
yearsactive The years that the animal was active in its career. Use the format:

year of first professional performance–year of final professional appearance

Note: If still active, use "present" in place of the end year.
known A brief description of why the animal is notable.
tricks Notable tricks the animal has been trained to perform.
award Any awards won.
title Any title the animal has held.
term The years the animal held the title listed above.
predecessor The name of the animal who previously held the title listed above.
successor The name of the animal who subsequently held the title listed above.
owner The animal's owner.
parents The names of the animal's notable parent(s) (<br />).
children The names of especially notable children of the animal(<br />).
weight The weight of the animal (should also include the date).
height The height of the animal (should also include the date).
appearance The appearance of the animal.
namedafter Who or what the animal was named after.
website The animal's official website. Use only the link such as http://www.example.com/. Do not use syntax such as [http://www.example.com/].