Играчки процес
Играчки процес или начин на игра — конкретен начин по кој играчите заемодејствуваат со игра, најчесто со видеоигри.[1][2] Играчкиот процес е шема определена преку правилата на играта, поврзаноста помеѓу играчот и играта, предизвиците и нивното надминување, заплетот и врската на играчот со неа.[3][4][5][6][7][8] Играчкиот процес на видеоигрите се разликува од графиките и аудиоелементите.[9][10]

уредиВо 1980-тите, кога видеоигрите почнале да стануваат популарни, луѓето почнале да го користат изразот „играчки процес“. Тогаш се користело само за видеоигри, но сега се користи и за други видови игри. Играчкиот процес во основа значи колку е забавно да се игра една видеоигра, не сметајќи како таа изгледа или звучи. Играчката механика е правилата на играта што ја прават самата игра забавна. Некои луѓе што зборуваат за игри, особено академици, сакаат да се сосредоточуваат на играчката механика наместо на играта бидејќи играта може да биде премногу нејасна.[11]
уреди- ↑ Lindley, Craig (June 24–26, 2004). „Narrative, Game Play, and Alternative Time Structures for Virtual Environments“. Во Göbel, Stefan (уред.). Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment: Proceedings of TIDSE 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3105. Darmstadt, Germany: Springer. стр. 183–194. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27797-2_25. ISBN 978-3-540-22283-5.
.. gameplay gestalt, understood as a pattern of interaction with the game system." ("A gestalt may be understood as a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts."); ".. In general, it [game play gestalt] is a particular way of thinking about the game state from the perspective of a player, together with a pattern of repetitive perceptual, cognitive, and motor operations. A particular gameplay gestalt could be unique to a person, a game, or even a playing occasion. Unique game play gestalts can also be identified across games, game genres, and players.
- ↑ Salen, Katie; Zimmerman, Eric (2004). Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. стр. 3. ISBN 978-0-262-24045-1.
Game play is the formalized interaction that occurs when players follow the rules of a game and experience its system through play.
- ↑ Lindley, Craig; Nacke, Lennart; Sennersten, Charlotte (November 3–5, 2008). Dissecting Play – Investigating the Cognitive and Emotional Motivations and Affects of Computer Gameplay. Proceedings of CGAMES 08. Wolverhampton, UK: University of Wolverhampton. ISBN 978-0-9549016-6-0. Архивирано од изворникот на 2015-09-23. Посетено на 2010-10-04.
The experience of gameplay is one of interacting with a game design in the performance of cognitive tasks, with a variety of emotions arising from or associated with different elements of motivation, task performance and completion
- ↑ Egenfeldt-Nielson, Simon; Smith, Jonas Heide; Tosca, Susana Pajares (февруари 19, 2008). Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-97721-0. Архивирано од изворникот февруари 23, 2017. Посетено на септември 23, 2016.
In line with the common use of the term, we will define gameplay as: the game dynamics emerging from the interplay between rules and game geography.
- ↑ Adams, Ernest; Rollings, Andrew (2003). Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on game design. New Riders Publishing. ISBN 978-1-59273-001-8.
One or more casually linked series of challenges in a simulated environment"; "Gameplay is the result of a large number of contributing elements. .. gameplay is not a singular entity. It is a combination of many elements, a synergy that emerges from the inclusion of certain factors. .. The gameplay emerges from the interaction among these elements, ..
- ↑ Adams, Ernest (септември 23, 2006). Fundamentals of Game Design. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-168747-9. Архивирано од изворникот февруари 23, 2017. Посетено на септември 23, 2016.
.. defined gameplay as consisting of the challenges and actions that a game offers: challenges for the player to overcome and actions that let her overcome them. .. [T]he essence of gameplay remains the relationship between the challenges and the actions available to surmount them.
- ↑ Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11, Revised. изд.). Oxford University Press, US. August 11, 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-954841-5.
gameplay (in a computer game) the plot and the way the game is played, as distinct from the graphics and sound effects
- ↑ Oxland, Kevin (2004). Gameplay and design. Addison Wesley. ISBN 978-0-321-20467-7.
.. gameplay is the components that make up a rewarding, absorbing, challenging experience that compels player to return for more .. [Gameplay] does not come from a great visual character, not does it come from state-of-art technology and beautifully rendered art.
- ↑ Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11, Revised. изд.). Oxford University Press, US. August 11, 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-954841-5.
gameplay (in a computer game) the plot and the way the game is played, as distinct from the graphics and sound effects
- ↑ Oxland, Kevin (2004). Gameplay and design. Addison Wesley. ISBN 978-0-321-20467-7.
.. gameplay is the components that make up a rewarding, absorbing, challenging experience that compels player to return for more .. [Gameplay] does not come from a great visual character, not does it come from state-of-art technology and beautifully rendered art.
- ↑ Kierkegaard, Alex (2012). Videogame Culture: Volume 1.
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