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Поздрав, brest, 15:11, недела, 19 мај 2024

Normative data уреди

Thank you very much for the kind appreciation and encouragement. Topics like these (library science, classification etc) are usually not very exciting for people and I never expected to get a reaction. Very glad. I made the LIBRIS page anyway, just so that we have it as information. I don't intend to use it here either, but will be having a look at the German version for each such article and replacing it with the current ones like GND. I am currently inquiring about ways to get our Macedonian national authority base, so as to get it in sync with these subjects. It is rather important because we get a lot of cases where disputes arise as to right or wrong way of naming things, and people citing various sources, some of which clearly didn't follow the norms. Insofar as I can see, they are in sync with WorldCat (OCLC), but I'm not sure about anything else. I'd like all of this to be conneted somehow, so I will make special queries about it. If you have any ideas about sorting this, they'll be very welcome. Thanks again --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 08:46, 24 октомври 2012 (CEST)Одговори

That sounds exciting. I never heard of the Macedonian national authority base. Where can I find information about this authority file? Does it include only "local" (Macedonian) names (like the authority file of the Swiss National Library) or is it international? The Nacionalna i Univerzitetska Biblioteka Skopje is a member auf the en:European Library, that's all I know. Cheers --Kolja21 (разговор) 20:16, 24 октомври 2012 (CEST)Одговори

Very sorry I got back to you so late. I was thinking and wondering about it, but you are right, it is a local one. I realised it when I saw that the identificators, and they begin with 'МАК'. If it was a universal one, I doubt that they would put those letters just because the database is in Macedonia. That would make no sense. I still maintain that we should find a way to employ it here, just like you did with the German ones; in our case it will be local, but it will still serve to add rigour and regularity to our encyclopaedia here. Any advise on that? --Б. Јанкулоски (разговор) 03:18, 29 октомври 2012 (CET)Одговори

Even if the database only contains MAK names it would be helpful. But is there a link to the MAK authority files? And who maintains the database? --Kolja21 (разговор) 05:16, 29 октомври 2012 (CET)Одговори