Модул:Cycling race: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[проверена преработка][проверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
Fixing bug when you use P3157 instead of P2043 for distances
Ред 2:
flag_table = {}
wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
if wiki == "www" then available, translations = pcall( require, "Module:Cycling race-WD" )
wiki = "fr"
else available, translations = pcall( require, "Module:Cycling race/lang" )
onwikidata = true
onwikidata = false
-- Classes declared as global --
-- Class of a cycling race. Class is: 1.UWT, 2.UWT, 1.HC, ... add new classes, no problem
class = { "Q22231106", "Q22231107", "Q22231108", "Q22231109", "Q22231110", "Q22231111", "Q22231112",
"Q22231113", "Q22231114", "Q22231115", "Q22231116", "Q22231117", "Q22231118", "Q22231119", "Q23015458", "Q23005601", "Q23005603" }
class_2x = {"Q22231107", "Q23005603", "Q22231115", "Q22231109", "Q22231112", "Q22231113", "Q22231117"} --multi stage races
class_sort={["Q22231106"]='01', ["Q22231107"]='01', ["Q23005601"]='01', ["Q23005603"]='01', ["Q22231115"]='01', -- 1.UWT, 2.UWT, 1.WWT, 2.WWT, 2.Ncup
["Q22231114"]='02', ["Q22231109"]='03', ["Q22231108"]='04', ["Q22231112"]='05', ["Q22231110"]='06', -- 1.Ncup, 2.HC, 1.HC, 2.1, 1.1
["Q22231113"]='07', ["Q22231117"]='07', ["Q22231111"]='08', ["Q22231116"]='08', ["Q22231119"]='09', --2.2, 2.2U, 1.2, 1.2U, CN
["Q22231118"]='13', ["Q23015458"]='15' }
stages = {'Q18131152', 'Q20646667', 'Q20646670', 'Q20680270', 'Q20646668', 'Q20679712', 'Q2348250', 'Q2266066', 'Q485321'}
-- UCI Europe Tour,..., UCI ProTour, UCI World Calendar, UCI WorldTour, UCI Women’s WorldTour, UCI Women's Road World Rankings
UCI_Circuits = {'Q1194340', 'Q1063423', 'Q1063430', 'Q268357', 'Q1039648', 'Q1329578', 'Q12270097', 'Q635366', 'Q21075974', 'Q1693153'}
available, translations = pcall( require, "Module:Cycling race/lang" )
if available == true and type( translations.list ) == "function" then available_list = true else available_list = false end
if available == true and type( translations.lang_priority ) == "table" then available_lang_priority = true else available_lang_priority = false end
local textalign = "left"
function victories_translate(wiki,x)
local floattable = "left"
l10nDef["fr"] = {"Date", "Course", "Pays", "Classe", "Vainqueur"}
local floatinfobox = "right"
l10nDef["en"] = {"Date", "Race", "Country", "Class", "Winner"}
if wiki == "ar" or wiki == "fa" or wiki == "ur" then
l10nDef["da"] = {"Dato", "Løb", "Land", "Klasse", "Vinder"}
textalign = "right"
l10nDef["es"] = {"Fecha", "Carrera", "País", "Clase", "Ganador"}
floattable = "right"
l10nDef["ja"] = {"開催日", "レース", "国", "国", "勝者"}
floatinfobox = "left"
l10nDef["mk"] = {"Датум", "Трка", "Земја", "Класа", "Победник"}
l10nDef["no"] = {"Dato", "Løp", "Land", "Klasse", "Vinner"}
function race_reference_translate(wiki, x)
l10nDef["ru"] = {"Дата", "Гонка", "Страна", "Класс", "Победитель"}
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["fr"] = {"Source : ", "Sources : "}
l10nDef["en"] = {"Source: ", "Sources: "}
l10nDef["de"] = {"Quelle: ","Quellen: "}
l10nDef["da"] = {"Kilde: ","Kilder: "}
l10nDef["es"] = {"Fuente: ","Fuentes: "}
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["fr"] end -- default
return l10n[x]
function race_reference(entity)
-- Allow to display the reference below the classifications --
local bases={
{"ProCyclingStats", "P2327", "http://www.procyclingstats.com/race.php?id="},
{"Cycling Quotient", "P2648", "http://www.cqranking.com/men/asp/gen/race.asp?raceid="},
{"Cycling Archives", "P2330", "http://www.siteducyclisme.net/ritfiche.php?ritid="},
{"Cycling Quotient", "P2708", "http://www.cqranking.com/women/asp/gen/race.asp?raceid="}
local linklist =''
local a,b
for i, base in pairs(bases) do
a, b =pcall(fooA, 'value', entity, base[2], 1) -- --
if a==true and b~=nil then
if linklist=='' then
linklist_singular=race_reference_translate(wiki, 1)..'['..base[3]..b.." "..base[1]..']'
linklist_plural=race_reference_translate(wiki, 2)..'['..base[3]..b.." "..base[1]..']'
linklist_plural=linklist_plural..", "..'['..base[3]..b.." "..base[1]..']'
return linklist
function Calendar_translate(wiki, x)
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = { "تقويم الاتحاد الدولي للدراجات", "التاريخ", "#", "السباق", "البلد", "الصنف", "الفائز", "الثاني", "الثالث", "متصدر الترتيب العام", "طواف العالم للدراجات للنساء", "", "طواف العالم للدراجات" , "طواف أوروبا للدراجات" , "طواف آسيا للدراجات" , "طواف أمريكا للدراجات" , "طواف أفريقيا للدراجات" , "طواف أوقيانوسيا للدراجات", "بطولات وطنية", "سباق الطريق", "سباق فردي ضد الساعة" }
l10nDef["fr"] = {"Calendrier UCI", "Date", "n°","Course", "Pays", "Classe", "Vainqueur", "Deuxième", "Troisième", "Leader du classement général","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","Championnats nationaux","Course en ligne","Contre-la-montre"}
l10nDef["en"] = {"UCI Calendar", "Date", "#","Race", "Country", "Class", "Winner", "Second", "Third", "Overall leader","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Road race","Individual time trial"}
l10nDef["de"] = {"UCI Kalender", "Datum", "Nr.","Rennen", "Staat", "Klasse", "Sieger", "Zweiter", "Dritter", "Gesamt­führender","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","Nationale Straßen-Radsportmeister","Straßenrennen","Einzelzeitfahren"}
l10nDef["da"] = {"","Dato", "#","Løb", "Land", "Klasse", "Vinder","Toer", "Treer", "Førende rytter","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","Nationalt mesterskab","Landevej","Enkeltstart"}
l10nDef["es"] = {"Calendario UCI", "Fecha", "#","Carrera", "País", "Clase", "Ganador","Segundo", "Tercero", "Líder","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","Campeonato nacional","Carrera de ruta","Contrarreloj individual"}
l10nDef["ja"] = {"", "開催日", "#","レース", "国", "国", "勝者","準優勝", "3位", "全体リーダー","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Road race","Individual time trial"}
l10nDef["lv"] = {"", "Datums", "#","Sacensības", "Valsts", "Kategorija", "Uzvarētājs","Otrais", "Trešais", "Kopvērtējuma līderis","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Road race","Individual time trial"}
l10nDef["mk"] = {"", "Датум","#", "Трка", "Земја", "Класа", "Победник", "Второпласиран", "Третопласиран", "Cевкупен лидер","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Road race","Individual time trial"}
l10nDef["no"] = {"", "Dato", "#","Ritt", "Land", "Klasse", "Vinner","Andreplass", "Tredjeplass", "Sammenlagt­leder","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Landevei","Tempo"}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"", "Дата", "#","Гонка", "Страна", "Класс", "Победитель","Второй", "Третий", "Лидер генеральной классификации","UCI Women's World Tour","","UCI World Tour","UCI Europe Tour","UCI Asia Tour","UCI America Tour","UCI Africa Tour","UCI Oceania Tour","National championship","Road race","Individual time trial"}
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["fr"] end -- default
if x==1000 then --code
return title
return l10n[x]
function p.calendarcustom(frame)
----- function to display calendar óf any competition -----
----- based on victories function -----
----- author: psemdel -----
local countryflagonlytemp, numberingtemp, displayclasstemp,onlywinnertemp
local displayteamtemp, displayleadertemp
local headertemp={}
local data_typetemp={}
local ll=1
if frame.args[1] ~= nil then
calendarID= string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", "")
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
if frame.args[2] ~= nil then
if tonumber(frame.args[2]) ==1 then
numberingtemp =true
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
numberingtemp =false
if frame.args[3] ~= nil then
if tonumber(frame.args[3]) ==1 then
countryflagonlytemp =false
countryflagonlytemp =true
-- country --
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
if frame.args[4] ~= nil then
if tonumber(frame.args[4]) ==1 then
displayclasstemp =true
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
displayclasstemp =false
displayclasstemp =false
if frame.args[5] ~= nil then
if tonumber(frame.args[5]) ==1 then
onlywinnertemp =false
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
onlywinnertemp =true
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
if frame.args[6] ~= nil then
if tonumber(frame.args[6]) ==1 then
data_typetemp[ll] = ''
displayleadertemp =false
displayleadertemp =false
if frame.args[7] ~= nil then
if tonumber(frame.args[7]) ==1 then
displayteamtemp =true
displayteamtemp =false
displayteamtemp =false
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( calendarID )
local titletemp=entity:getLabel()
local s = {
header_function = Calendar_translate, -- translations are in function victories_translate
header_1 = 1000, -- translation 1 in function victories_translate is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = headertemp,-- translations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in function victories_translate are printed in this order
title=titletemp, -- in the lower part of the table header. The second value 3 in {4, 3} tells where the icon will go.
country_column = 2,
flag_column = 2,
data_sort_type = data_typetemp, -- see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Sorting
item = calendarID,
property = 'P527',
no_country = {},
country = true,
error_message = 0,
country = true,
only_winner = onlywinnertemp,
numbering = numberingtemp,
error_message = 0,
displayed_class =nil,
return tableA(s, calendar_main(s))
function p.calendar(frame)
----- function to display UCI calendar of one year ----
----- based on WWTcalendar function -----
----- author: Mr. Ibrahem -----
local calendarID = ""
if wiki == "ar" then
frame = frame:getParent()
UCI = {}
UCI["WT"] = { -- Q635366
['2018'] = 'Q42317185',['2017'] = 'Q21857932',['2016'] = 'Q20970765',
['2015'] = 'Q18192726',['2014'] = 'Q14979277',['2013'] = 'Q1031504',
['2012'] = 'Q849059', ['2011'] = 'Q849092'
UCI["europe"] = { -- Q1194340
['2018'] = 'Q44497477',['2017'] = 'Q27915850',['2016'] = 'Q21029681',
['2015'] = 'Q18342122',['2014'] = 'Q15041668',['2013'] = 'Q1280387',
['2012'] = 'Q961709',['2010–11'] = 'Q751208',['2009–10'] = 'Q212197',
['2008–09'] = 'Q1811548',['2007–08'] = 'Q1788011',['2006–07'] = 'Q1780660',
['2005–06'] = 'Q1455600',['2005'] = 'Q1431816'
UCI["asia"] = { -- Q1063423
['2018'] = 'Q42204070',['2017'] = 'Q27679728',['2016'] = 'Q21622227',
['2015'] = 'Q18341318',['2013–14'] = 'Q15041671',['2012–13'] = 'Q1606048',
['2011–12'] = 'Q2117797',['2010–11'] = 'Q633349',['2009–10'] = 'Q630798',
['2008–09'] = 'Q565160',['2007–08'] = 'Q1506934',['2006–07'] = 'Q966011',
['2005–06'] = 'Q459817',['2005'] = 'Q469479',
UCI["america"] = { -- Q1063430
['2018'] = 'Q42199340',['2017'] = 'Q27704415',['2016'] = 'Q21621040',['2015'] = 'Q18413668',
['2013–14'] = 'Q15041669',['2012–13'] = 'Q129177',['2011–12'] = 'Q1239608',['2010–11'] = 'Q1849269',
['2009–10'] = 'Q1303982',['2008–09'] = 'Q1536927',['2007–08'] = 'Q31716',['2006–07'] = 'Q31714',
['2005–06'] = 'Q1429246',['2005'] = 'Q1431880',
UCI["africa"] = { -- Q268357
['2018'] = 'Q42202027', ['2017'] = 'Q27679848', ['2016'] = 'Q21622217',
['2015'] = 'Q18342124', ['2013–14'] = 'Q15041670',
['2012–13'] = 'Q327399', ['2011–12'] = 'Q2296721',['2010–11'] = 'Q1386870',
['2009–10'] = 'Q2067266', ['2008–09'] = 'Q1812465',['2007–08'] = 'Q676684',
['2006–07'] = 'Q1436886', ['2005–06'] = 'Q1758917',['2005'] = 'Q1759404',
UCI["oceania"] = { -- Q1039648
['2018'] = 'Q42205000', ['2017'] = 'Q27887426', ['2016'] = 'Q21559636',
['2015'] = 'Q18413671', ['2014'] = 'Q15246814', ['2013'] = 'Q129134',
['2011–12'] = 'Q1591132', ['2011'] = 'Q2298207', ['2009–10'] = 'Q665283',
['2008–09'] = 'Q964517', ['2007–08'] = 'Q1788621', ['2006–07'] = 'Q1473640',
['2005–06'] = 'Q1429165', ['2005'] = 'Q937636',
UCI["WWT"] = {
['2018'] = 'Q41787783', ['2017'] = 'Q27431192', ['2016'] = 'Q21034783',
UCI["women"] = {
['2018'] = 'Q47005682', ['2017'] = 'Q27765666', ['2016'] = 'Q22696468',
['2015'] = 'Q18348936', ['2014'] = 'Q15831496', ['2013'] = 'Q6425932',
['2012'] = 'Q2466796', ['2011'] = 'Q2466792', ['2010'] = 'Q2933831',
['2009'] = 'Q2933830', ['2008'] = 'Q2933828', ['2007'] = 'Q3650627',
['2006'] = 'Q16154659',
header_1_tab = {["WT"]=13 ,["europe"]=14 ,["asia"]=15,["america"]=16 ,["africa"]=17 ,["oceania"]=18, ["WWT"]=11, ["women"]=1}
header_1_number = 12
display_code_tab ={["WT"]=1 ,["europe"]=2 ,["asia"]=2,["america"]=2 ,["africa"]=2 ,["oceania"]=2, ["WWT"]=1, ["women"]=2}
--Can depends on the wiki
header_2_tab_code1= {2, 3,5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10}
header_2_tab_code2= {2, 5, 4, 6, 7}
data_sort_type_code1={'', 'unsortable', '', '', '','',''}
data_sort_type_code2={'', 'unsortable', '', '', '','',''}
only_winner_code1 = false
only_winner_code2 = true
numbering_code1= true
for key, v in pairs(UCI) do
if calendarID == "" and frame.args[key] then
--mw.log("find arg " .. key)
year = frame.args[key]
year = string.gsub( year , "%c", "")
if v[year] then
calendarID = v[year]
header_1_number = header_1_tab[key]
if wiki == "ar" and calendarID == "" then
return ""
if display_code==1 then
header_2temp= header_2_tab_code1
header_2temp= header_2_tab_code2
local s = {
header_function = Calendar_translate, -- translations are in function victories_translate
header_1 = header_1_number, -- translation 12 in function victories_translate is empty
header_2 = header_2temp,-- translations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in function victories_translate are printed in this order
-- in the lower part of the table header. The second value 3 in {4, 3} tells where the icon will go.
country_column = 2,
flag_column = 2,
data_sort_type ={'', 'unsortable', '', '', '','',''}, -- -- see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Sorting
item = calendarID,
property = 'P527',
no_country = {},
country = true,
only_winner = only_winnertemp,
numbering = numberingtemp,
error_message = 0,
displayed_class = {
"Q23005603", --
"Q22231110", -- 1.1
"Q22231109", -- 2.HC
"Q22231111", -- 1.2
"Q22231108", -- 1.HC
"Q22231106", -- 1.UWT
"Q22231107", -- 2.UWT
"Q22231113", -- 2.2
"Q22231112", -- 2.1
"Q22231113", -- 2.2
"Q22231109", -- 2.HC
"Q22231118", -- CC
return tableA(s, calendar_main(s))
function calendar_main(s)--Display the UCI women calendar of one year, function similar to listofwinners
local calendarID=s.item
local h = {}
local country = s.country
local countryflagonly= s.countryflagonly
local sortkey, sortkey_class
local tBody = ''
local tableBody, sortindex = {}, {}
local a1, b1, c1
local timeofrace
local displayed_class
local displayteam
local numbering
if displayed_class==nil then
----- Test if everything is fine -----
_, _, s.item = string.find(s.item, "(%w+)")
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( s.item )
pcall(function() test = entity.claims[s.property][1].mainsnak.snaktype end)
if test == 'somevalue' or test == 'novalue' then s.error_message = 2 return '' end
if pcall(function() test = entity.claims[s.property][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
then else s.error_message = 1 return ''
for _, value in pairs(s.no_country) do -- get data if country should be printed in this wiki
if value == wiki then country = false end
--------- Definition local functions ------
function fn_date(h,entity_race) --write all the end of the race
local i
--first look for end date
for _,property in ipairs({"P582"}) do
-- give time dates, when property 'point in time', 'start time' or 'end time' is used
d1, e1, f1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, property, 1)
if d1 == true and h['endtime'] == '' then i = 1
while d1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
d1, e1, f1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, property, i)
local _, _, y, m, d = string.find(e1, "(%d+)%p(%d+)%p(%d+)")
if m ~= '00' and d =='00' then h['time'] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("M", '+'..y.."-"..m.."-31")
elseif m == '00' and d =='00' then h['endtime'] = ''
else h['endtime'] = func_date (e1, 'small')
for _,property in ipairs({"P585","P580"}) do
-- give time dates, when property 'point in time', 'start time' or 'end time' is used
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, property, 1)
if a1 == true and h['time'] == '' then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, property, i)
local _, _, y, m, d = string.find(b1, "(%d+)%p(%d+)%p(%d+)")
if m ~= '00' and d =='00'
sortkey = y..m..'32' h['time'] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("M", '+'..y.."-"..m.."-31")
if wiki == "ar" then sortkey = y..m..'32' h['time'] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("F", '+'..y.."-"..m.."-31") end
elseif m == '00' and d =='00' then sortkey = y..'12'..'32' h['time'] = ''
else sortkey = y..m..d
if h['endtime']=='' then --if no end date then show the month
h['time'] = func_date (b1, 'small')
else --otherwise only day
h['time'] = func_date (b1, 'onlyday')--d
timeofrace = b1
if h['endtime']=='' then
return '<td data-sort-value="'..sortkey.. '" style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.5em">'..h['time'].. '</td>'
return '<td data-sort-value="'..sortkey.. '" style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.5em">'..h['time'].."-"..h['endtime'].. '</td>'
local function fn2_country()
a,b = timeStartEnd(h['raceID'], "P17", 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
h['countryID'] = 'Q'..b
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h['countryName'] = translations.list('Q'..b) h['countryID'] = 'Q'..b end
if h['countryName'] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h['countryName'] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
--no stage in UCI calendar
local function fn_country(h)
local str
if available_list==true and country == true then
if countryflagonly==true then
h['countryName'] = '' --go to the case only flag
if h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..h['countryName'].. '>'..flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. ' '.. h['countryName'].. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] == '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..h['countryName'].. '>'.. ' '.. h['countryName'].. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] == '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..'0'.. '>'..flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..h['countryName'].. '>'.. ' '.. '</td>'
else str = ''
return str
local function fn_race(h)
local str, a, b, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3
local label_x = ''
local entity_x1
local Sitelink_x, Sitelink_x0, Sitelink_x1, Sitelink_x2 = '', '', ''
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
local entity_type, entity_num = '', 0
local level = -1
local link
local multi_stage = false
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1)
--no stage race
if a == true then
-- test for 'no stage item' - item
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1) -- first value for P31
a2, b2 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 2) -- second value for P31
if a1 == true and a2 == true then -- for two values
if "Q"..b1 == "Q22231119" or "Q"..b1 == "Q23015458" or "Q"..b1=="Q22231118" then entity_num = 2 entity_type = 'championship' end
if "Q"..b2 == "Q22231119" or "Q"..b2 == "Q23015458" or "Q"..b2=="Q22231118" then entity_num = 1 entity_type = 'championship' end
if entity_type == '' then
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..b1 == class[i] then
for ii=1,#class_2x do
if "Q"..b1 == class_2x[ii] then multi_stage = "Q"..b1 break end
entity_num = 2 entity_type = 'no stage item' break
if "Q"..b2 == class[i] then
for ii=1,#class_2x do
if "Q"..b2 == class_2x[ii] then multi_stage = "Q"..b2 break end
entity_num = 1 entity_type = 'no stage item' break
-- else A
if entity_type == '' and a1 == true and a2 == false then -- for one value
entity_type = 'else A'
-- else B
if entity_type == 'else A' then
local entity_l
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity_race, 'P1448', 1) -- show the "official name"
if a1 == true then
local lang_WD, text_WD
for _,v in pairs(entity_race.claims["P1448"]) do
lang_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language
text_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text
if lang_WD == wiki or lang_WD == 'en' or lang_WD == 'fr' then label_x =text_WD break end
if label_x == '' then
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1)
if a1 == true then
entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
label_x = entity_l:getLabel( ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'en' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'de' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
if entity_l~= nil then Sitelink_x1 = entity_l:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_race~= nil then Sitelink_x0 = entity_race:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if Sitelink_x0 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x0 level = 0
elseif Sitelink_x1 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x1 level = 1
if entity_type == 'no stage item' then
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', entity_num)
if a1 == true then
entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
label_x = entity_l:getLabel( ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'en' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'de' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
if entity_l~= nil then Sitelink_x1 = entity_l:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_race~= nil then Sitelink_x0 = entity_race:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if Sitelink_x0 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x0 level = 0
elseif Sitelink_x1 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x1 level = 1
if entity_type == 'championship' then
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', entity_num)
if a1 == true then
entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
a2, b2 = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity_l, 'P2561', 1) -- show the "name"
if a2 == true then
local lang_WD, text_WD
for _,v in pairs(entity_l.claims["P2561"]) do
lang_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language
text_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text
if wiki == lang_WD then label_x =text_WD break end
if label_x == '' then
label_x = entity_l:getLabel( ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'en' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'de' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_l, 'P361', 1)
if a1 == true then
entity_x = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
if entity_x ~= nil then
Sitelink_x = entity_x:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki')
if Sitelink_x~=nil then link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'.. label_x.. ']]' else link = label_x end
if wiki == 'ar' then
Sitelink_x = entity_x:getSitelink('arwiki')
if Sitelink_x~=nil then link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'.. label_x.. ']]'
else link = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Ill-WD2', args = {id='Q'..b1,target='en',label=label_x} }
if level == -1 and link == nil then
local Sitelink = ''
local entity_k = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
Sitelink = entity_k:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki')
if Sitelink ~= '' and Sitelink ~= nil then
link = '[['..Sitelink..'|'..label_x..']]'
mw.log(multi_stage, entity_type)
if level >= 0 and link == nil and Sitelink_x ~= '' then
--change for calendar, no need for "general classification,..."
if onwikidata == true then link = '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x..'|'..label_x..']]'
link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'..label_x..']]'
if link == nil then link = label_x end
if available_list==true and country == true then str = '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..link.. '</td>'
if h['countryID'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'.. flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. ' '.. link.. '</td>'
else str = '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 2.3em">'..link.. '</td>'
return str
end --end fn
local function fn_classtester(h)
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
local display=false
local a, b, c, d
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1) -- first value for P31
c, d = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 2) -- second value for P31
if a == true and c == true then -- for two values
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..b == displayed_class[i] then display=true break end
if "Q"..d == displayed_class[i] then display=true break end
elseif a == true then
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..b == displayed_class[i] then display=true break end
elseif c==true then
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..d == displayed_class[i] then display=true break end
return display
local function fn_class(h)
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
local entity_type, entity_num = '', 0
local class_text = ''
local link = ''
local Sitelink
sortkey_class = ''
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1)
if a == true then
local a, b, c, d, e, f
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1) -- first value for P31
c, d = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 2) -- second value for P31
if a == true and c == true then -- for two values
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..d == class[i] then class_text = mw.wikibase.label('Q'..d) sortkey_class = class_sort['Q'..d] break end
link = class_text
if link ~= '' then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P361', 1) -- first value for P361
if a == true then entity_circuit = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject('Q'..b) end
if link ~= '' then
e, f = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_circuit, 'P31', 1)
if e == true then
for i=1,#UCI_Circuits do -- abcd
if "Q"..f == UCI_Circuits[i] then
if onwikidata == true then
Sitelink = entity_circuit:getSitelink('frwiki')
if Sitelink~= nil then link = '[[:fr:'..Sitelink..'|'..link..']]' end
Sitelink = entity_circuit:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki')
if Sitelink~=nil then link = '[['..Sitelink..'|'..link..']]' end
return '<td data-sort-value="'..sortkey_class.. '" style="text-align:center;padding:0 0.5em">'..link.. '</td>'
end--end fn class
local function fn_rider(h,entity_race,order,displayteam)
local qual
local winner= ''
local winner_flag=''
local propertyID
if order==1 or order==nil then
elseif order==2 then
elseif order==3 then
elseif order==4 then
a, b = pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', 1, 'P642', 1)
if a == true then
winner = '' winner_flag = ''
for k, v in ipairs(entity_race.claims["P1346"]) do
for kk, vv in ipairs(v.qualifiers['P642']) do
if vv.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == propertyID then -- overall winner general classification
winner = 'Q'.. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
if winner ~= '' then
local a, b = timeStartEnd(winner, "P27", 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
if a == true then
winner_flag = flag('Q'..b, timeofrace).. ' '
if winner ~= '' then
local winner_team = false
local entity_winner = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( winner )
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_winner, 'P31', 1) -- looking if winner is a person
if a == true and b ~= 5 then winner_team = true end
if winner_team == false then
if displayteam==false or displayteam==nil then
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..winner_flag.. WPlink(winner).. '</td>'
local team
a, b = timeStartEnd(winner, 'P54', 'numeric-id', timeofrace) --winner 'Q4505812'
if a == true and b~=nil then
--teamOftheWinner = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b )
-- g.team[rank] = national_team:getLabel() or g.country[rank].. s
team = WPlink('Q'..b, 'team', timeofrace)
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..winner_flag.. WPlink(winner).." ("..team..")".. '</td>'
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..winner_flag.. WPlink(winner).. '</td>'
winner_flag = ''
local a, b = timeStartEnd(winner, "P17", 'numeric-id', timeofrace) -- flag of team
if a == true then
winner_flag = flag('Q'..b, timeofrace).. ' '
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..winner_flag ..WPlink(winner, 'team', timeofrace).. '</td>'
else return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..''.. '</td>'
----- Begin of the main part of the code
if calendarID ~= nil then
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(calendarID)
local WDlink_on
local WPcontent = {}
local num = 0
local kk=0
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P527', 1) == true then
for k, v1 in pairs(entity.claims['P527']) do
--For all races in the UCI calendar--
h['time'] = '' h['countryID'] = '' h['countryName'] = '' h['endtime'] = ''
h['raceID'] = 'Q'.. v1.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
h['item1ID'] = h['raceID'] h['item2ID'] = '' h['item3ID'] = ''
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
---- Create a row ----
tBody = '<tr style= "line-height: 1.8em; padding: 5px;">'
if fn_classtester(h)==true then
tBody = tBody..fn_date(h,entity_race)
if numbering==true then
tBody = tBody..'<td style="text-align:center;padding:0 0.5em">'..tostring(kk).. '</td>'
tBody = tBody..fn_country(h)
tBody = tBody..fn_race(h)
if displayclass==true then
tBody = tBody..fn_class(h)
if s.only_winner==false then
tBody = tBody..fn_rider(h,entity_race,1,displayteam)
tBody = tBody..fn_rider(h,entity_race,2,displayteam)
tBody = tBody..fn_rider(h,entity_race,3,displayteam)
tBody = tBody..fn_rider(h,entity_race,1,displayteam)
if s.leadercolumn==true then
tBody = tBody..fn_rider(h,entity_race,4,displayteam)
tBody = tBody.. '</tr>'
---- Add the row to the table
table.insert(sortindex, sortkey)
table.insert(tableBody, tBody)
end -- for k, v1
return table.concat (tableBody)
end -- no calendar
function p.nationalchampionships(frame)
local calendarID = ""
local mode = ""
if wiki == "ar" then
frame = frame:getParent()
UCI = {}
UCI["women"] = {
['2018'] = 'Q47088675', ['2017'] = 'Q28005879', ['2016'] = 'Q22021840',
['2015'] = 'Q19296998', ['2014'] = 'Q15621925', ['2013'] = 'Q3339162',
['2012'] = 'Q1333003', ['2011'] = 'Q1143844', ['2010'] = 'Q1568490',
['2009'] = 'Q263224', ['2008'] = 'Q826505', ['2007'] = 'Q43286248',
['2006'] = 'Q43286261', ['2005'] = 'Q1335357', ['2004'] = 'Q43286272',
['2003'] = 'Q43286289', ['2002'] = 'Q43286297', ['2001'] = 'Q43286309'
UCI["men"] =UCI["women"]
for key, v in pairs(UCI) do
if calendarID == "" and frame.args[key] then
--mw.log("find arg " .. key)
year = frame.args[key]
year = string.gsub( year , "%c", "")
if v[year] then
calendarID = v[year]
local s = {
header_function = Calendar_translate, -- translations are in function victories_translate
header_1 = 19, -- translation 1 in function victories_translate is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {5, 20, 21},-- translations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in function victories_translate are printed in this order
-- in the lower part of the table header. The second value 3 in {4, 3} tells where the icon will go.
country_column = 1,
flag_column = 1,
data_sort_type ={'', '', ''}, -- -- see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Sorting
item = calendarID,
property = 'P527',
no_country = {},
error_message = 0,
return tableA(s, nationalchampionships_main(s))
function nationalchampionships_main(s)--Display the UCI women calendar of one year, function similar to listofwinners
local calendarID=s.item
local h = {}
local sortkey, sortkey_class
local tBody = ''
local tableBody, sortindex = {}, {}
local a1, b1, c1
local timeofrace
local displayteam
local country=true --otherwise makes no sence
----- Test if everything is fine -----
_, _, s.item = string.find(s.item, "(%w+)")
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(s.item )
pcall(function() test = entity.claims[s.property][1].mainsnak.snaktype end)
if test == 'somevalue' or test == 'novalue' then s.error_message = 2 return '' end
if pcall(function() test = entity.claims[s.property][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
then else s.error_message = 1 return ''
for _, value in pairs(s.no_country) do -- get data if country should be printed in this wiki
if value == wiki then country = false end
--------- Definition local functions ------
function fn_date(h,entity_race) --only to get timeofrace
local i
for _,property in ipairs({"P585","P580"}) do
-- give time dates, when property 'point in time', 'start time' or 'end time' is used
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, property, 1)
if a1 == true then
timeofrace = b1
local function fn2_country()
local entity=mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(h['raceID'])
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P17', 1)
--a,b = pcall(timeStartEnd(h['raceID'], "P17", 'numeric-id', timeofrace))
h['countryID'] =''
if a==true then
h['countryID'] = 'Q'..b
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h['countryName'] = translations.list('Q'..b) h['countryID'] = 'Q'..b end
if h['countryName'] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h['countryName'] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
--no stage in UCI calendar
local function fn_country(h)
local str
if available_list==true and country == true then
if h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..h['countryName'].. '>'..flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. ' '.. h['countryName'].. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] == '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..h['countryName'].. '>'.. ' '.. h['countryName'].. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] == '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..'0'.. '>'..flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em data-sort-value="'..h['countryName'].. '>'.. ' '.. '</td>'
else str = '<td>'..''..'</td>'
return str
local function fn_rider(h,entity_race,displayteam)
local qual
local winner= ''
local winner_flag=''
local propertyID=20882667
a, b = pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', 1, 'P642', 1)
if a == true then
winner = '' winner_flag = ''
for k, v in ipairs(entity_race.claims["P1346"]) do
for kk, vv in ipairs(v.qualifiers['P642']) do
if vv.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == propertyID then -- overall winner general classification
winner = 'Q'.. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
--no need for winner flag, it is clear
if winner ~= '' then
local winner_team = false
local entity_winner = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( winner )
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_winner, 'P31', 1) -- looking if winner is a person
if a == true and b ~= 5 then winner_team = true end
if winner_team == false then
if displayteam==false or displayteam==nil then
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'.. WPlink(winner).. '</td>'
local team
a, b = timeStartEnd(winner, 'P54', 'numeric-id', timeofrace) --winner 'Q4505812'
if a == true and b~=nil then
--teamOftheWinner = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b )
-- g.team[rank] = national_team:getLabel() or g.country[rank].. s
team = WPlink('Q'..b, 'team', timeofrace)
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'.. WPlink(winner).." ("..team..")".. '</td>'
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'.. WPlink(winner).. '</td>'
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..WPlink(winner, 'team', timeofrace).. '</td>'
else return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..''.. '</td>'
if calendarID ~= nil then
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(calendarID)
local WDlink_on
local WPcontent = {}
local num = 0
local kk=0
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P527', 1) == true then
--for each country
for k, v1 in pairs(entity.claims['P527']) do
--For all races in the UCI calendar--
championshipID = 'Q'.. v1.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
local entity_championship = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( championshipID )
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_championship, 'P527', 1) == true then
--look for the correct races
h['countryID'] = '' h['countryName'] = ''
for j, w1 in pairs(entity_championship.claims['P527']) do
tempID = 'Q'.. w1.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
temp = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( tempID )
templabel= temp:getLabel('fr')
if templabel~=nil then
templabelmod=mw.ustring.gsub( templabel, '-', 'x' )
testMenRoadrace=string.find( templabel, 'Course en ligne masculine aux' )
testMenITT=string.find( templabelmod, 'Contrexlaxmontre masculin aux' )
testWomenRoadrace=string.find( templabel, 'Course en ligne féminine aux' )
testWomenITT=string.find( templabelmod, 'Contrexlaxmontre féminin aux' )
if s.mode=="women" then
if testWomenRoadrace ~= nil then
h['time'] = ''
fn_date(h,entityRoadrace) --get the date only
if testWomenITT ~= nil then
h['time'] = ''
fn_date(h,entityITT) --get the date only
if testMenRoadrace ~= nil then
h['time'] = ''
fn_date(h,entityRoadrace) --get the date only
if testMenITT ~= nil then
h['time'] = ''
fn_date(h,entityITT) --get the date only
if fn_country(h)==nil then
tBody='<td></td>'..tRoadrace..tITT --
end --this championship
tBody = tBody.. '</tr>'
---- Add the row to the table
table.insert(sortindex, sortkey)
table.insert(tableBody, tBody)
return table.concat (tableBody)
end -- no calendar
function victories_translate(wiki, x)
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {"التصنيف العام", "سجل الفوز", "التاريخ", "السباق", "البلد", "الصنف", "الفائز"}
l10nDef["fr"] = {"Classement général", "Victoires", "Date", "Course", "Pays", "Classe", "Vainqueur"}
l10nDef["en"] = {"General classification", "Victories", "Date", "Race", "Country", "Class", "Winner"}
l10nDef["de"] = {"Gesamtwertung", "Siege", "Datum", "Rennen", "Staat", "Klasse", "Sieger"}
l10nDef["da"] = {"Samlede stilling", "Sejre", "Dato", "Løb", "Land", "Klasse", "Vinder"}
l10nDef["es"] = {"Clasificación general", "Victorias", "Fecha", "Carrera", "País", "Clase", "Ganador"}
l10nDef["ja"] = {"General classification", "Victories", "開催日", "レース", "国", "国", "勝者"}
l10nDef["lv"] = {"Kopvērtējums", "Uzvaras", "Datums", "Sacensības", "Valsts", "Kategorija", "Uzvarētājs"}
l10nDef["mk"] = {"General classification", "Victories", "Датум", "Трка", "Земја", "Класа", "Победник"}
l10nDef["no"] = {"Sammenlagt", "Seire", "Dato", "Ritt", "Land", "Klasse", "Vinner"}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"Генеральная классификация", "Победы", "Дата", "Гонка", "Страна", "Класс", "Победитель"}
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
Ред 23 ⟶ 1.119:
function stageinfobox_translatefunc_error_message(wiki,x)
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["en"] = {'Property <1> is missing in item "<2>" (<3>)'}
l10nDef["ar"] = {'الخاصية <1> غير موجودة في العنصر "<2>" (<3>)'}
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["en"] end -- default
return l10n[x]
function p.victories(frame)
local s = {
header_function = victories_translate, -- translations are in function victories_translate
header_1 = 2, -- translation 1 in function victories_translate is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7},-- translations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in function victories_translate are printed in this order
-- in the lower part of the table header. The second value 3 in {4, 3} tells where the icon will go.
data_type = {'date', 'race', 'country', 'class', 'rider'},
country_column = 3,
flag_column = 2,
data_sort_type = {'', 'unsortable', '', '', ''}, -- see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Sorting
item = frame.args[1],
property = 'P2522',
no_country = {},
error_message = 0
return tableA(s, victory_main(s, Qnumber))
function victory_main(s, Qnumber)
local s = s
local h = {} -- time, raceID, countryID, countryName
local test
_, _, s.item = string.find(s.item, "(%w+)")
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( s.item )
pcall(function() test = entity.claims[s.property][1].mainsnak.snaktype end)
if test == 'somevalue' or test == 'novalue' then s.error_message = 2 return '' end
if pcall(function() test = entity.claims[s.property][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
then else s.error_message = 1 return ''
local country = true
for _, value in pairs(s.no_country) do -- get data if country should be printed in this wiki
if value == wiki then country = false end
local sortkey, sortkey_class
local tBody = ''
local tableBody, sortindex = {}, {}
local a1, b1, c1
local timeofrace
for l, m in pairs(entity.claims[s.property]) do -- look into all statements
h['time'] = '' h['countryID'] = '' h['countryName'] = ''
h['raceID'] = 'Q'.. m.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
h['item1ID'] = h['raceID'] h['item2ID'] = '' h['item3ID'] = ''
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
local function fn2_country()
local raceID
local a, b = timeStartEnd(h['raceID'], "P17", 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
if a == true then
h['countryID'] = 'Q'..b
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h['countryName'] = translations.list('Q'..b) h['countryID'] = 'Q'..b end
if h['countryName'] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h['countryName'] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
else --go from stage item to race item
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P361', 1)
if a == true then h['item2ID'] = 'Q'..b end
if a == false then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1)
if a == true then h['item3ID'] = 'Q'..b end
if a == true then
local a, b = timeStartEnd('Q'..b, "P17", 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
if a == true then h['countryID'] = 'Q'..b
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h['countryName'] = translations.list('Q'..b) end
if h['countryName'] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h['countryName'] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
local function fn_date(h)
local i
for _,property in ipairs({"P585","P582", "P580"}) do
-- give time dates, when property 'point in time', 'start time' or 'end time' is used
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, property, 1)
if a1 == true and h['time'] == '' then i = 1
while a1 == true and c1 == 'deprecated' do
i = i + 1
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, property, i)
local _, _, y, m, d = string.find(b1, "(%d+)%p(%d+)%p(%d+)")
if m ~= '00' and d =='00'
sortkey = y..m..'32' h['time'] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("M", '+'..y.."-"..m.."-31")
if wiki == "ar" then sortkey = y..m..'32' h['time'] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("F", '+'..y.."-"..m.."-31") end
elseif m == '00' and d =='00' then sortkey = y..'12'..'32' h['time'] = ''
else sortkey = y..m..d h['time'] = func_date (b1, 'small')
timeofrace = b1
return '<td data-sort-value="'..sortkey.. '" style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.5em">'.. h['time'].. '</td>'
local function fn_race(h)
local str, a, b, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3
local label_x = ''
local entity_x1
local Sitelink_x, Sitelink_x0, Sitelink_x1, Sitelink_x2 = '', '', ''
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
local entity_type, entity_num = '', 0
local level = -1
local link
local multi_stage = false
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1)
if a == true then
-- test for stage item
for i=1,#stages do
if "Q"..b == stages[i] then entity_type = 'stage item' end -- stage article
-- test for 'no stage item' - item
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1) -- first value for P31
a2, b2 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 2) -- second value for P31
if a1 == true and a2 == true then -- for two values
if "Q"..b1 == "Q22231119" or "Q"..b1 == "Q23015458" or "Q"..b1=="Q22231118" then entity_num = 2 entity_type = 'championship' end
if "Q"..b2 == "Q22231119" or "Q"..b2 == "Q23015458" or "Q"..b2=="Q22231118" then entity_num = 1 entity_type = 'championship' end
if entity_type == '' then
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..b1 == class[i] then
for ii=1,#class_2x do
if "Q"..b1 == class_2x[ii] then multi_stage = "Q"..b1 break end
entity_num = 2 entity_type = 'no stage item' break
if "Q"..b2 == class[i] then
for ii=1,#class_2x do
if "Q"..b2 == class_2x[ii] then multi_stage = "Q"..b2 break end
entity_num = 1 entity_type = 'no stage item' break
-- else A
if entity_type == '' and a1 == true and a2 == false then -- for one value
entity_type = 'else A'
-- else B
if entity_type == 'else A' then
local entity_l
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity_race, 'P1448', 1) -- show the "official name"
if a1 == true then
local lang_WD, text_WD
for _,v in pairs(entity_race.claims["P1448"]) do
lang_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language
text_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text
if lang_WD == wiki or lang_WD == 'en' or lang_WD == 'fr' then label_x =text_WD break end
if label_x == '' then
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1)
if a1 == true then
entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
label_x = entity_l:getLabel( ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'en' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'de' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
if entity_l~= nil then Sitelink_x1 = entity_l:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_race~= nil then Sitelink_x0 = entity_race:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if Sitelink_x0 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x0 level = 0
elseif Sitelink_x1 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x1 level = 1
if entity_type == 'no stage item' then
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', entity_num)
if a1 == true then
entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
label_x = entity_l:getLabel( ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'en' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'de' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
if entity_l~= nil then Sitelink_x1 = entity_l:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_race~= nil then Sitelink_x0 = entity_race:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if Sitelink_x0 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x0 level = 0
elseif Sitelink_x1 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x1 level = 1
if entity_type == 'championship' then
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', entity_num)
if a1 == true then
entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
a2, b2 = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity_l, 'P2561', 1) -- show the "name"
if a2 == true then
local lang_WD, text_WD
for _,v in pairs(entity_l.claims["P2561"]) do
lang_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language
text_WD = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text
if wiki == lang_WD then label_x =text_WD break end
if label_x == '' then
label_x = entity_l:getLabel( ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'en' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'de' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_l, 'P361', 1)
if a1 == true then
entity_x = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
if entity_x ~= nil then
Sitelink_x = entity_x:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki')
if Sitelink_x~=nil then link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'.. label_x.. ']]' else link = label_x end
if wiki == 'ar' then
Sitelink_x = entity_x:getSitelink('arwiki')
if Sitelink_x~=nil then link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'.. label_x.. ']]'
else link = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Ill-WD2', args = {id='Q'..b1,target='en',label=label_x} }
if entity_type == 'stage item' then
local entity_l
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P361', 1)
if a1 == true then
entity_x1 = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
a2, b2 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_x1, 'P31', 1)
if a2 == true then
local is_class = false
for i=1,#class do
if "Q"..b2 == class[i] then is_class = true break end
if is_class == false then entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b2 )
a3, b3 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', "Q"..b2, 'P31', 2)
if a3 == true then entity_l = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b3 ) end
label_x = entity_l:getLabel( ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'en' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'de' ) or
entity_l:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
entity_stage = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q18131152' )
entity_prolog = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q485321' )
local comma = ", "
if wiki == 'ar' then comma = " ، " end
if wiki == 'fr' then
for _,v in ipairs({"^Trois", "^Quatre", "^Boucles"}) do -- ^ match only at the beginning
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(label_x , v)
if i ~= nil then comma = " des " end
for _,v in ipairs({"^Triptyque", "^Tour", "^Grand Prix", "^Circuit", "^Mémorial", "^Trophée"}) do
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(label_x , v)
if i ~= nil then comma = " du " end
for _,v in ipairs({"^Ronde", "^Semaine", "^Classica", "^Flèche", "^Course", "^Classique"}) do
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(label_x , v)
if i ~= nil then comma = " de la " end
for _,v in ipairs({"^Étoile"}) do
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(label_x , v)
if i ~= nil then comma = " de l'" end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'value', entity_race, 'P1545', 1)
if a == false then b = '?' end
if b ~= '0' then
local l10nDef = {["fr"]="étape", ["en"]="stage", ["ar"]="مرحلة", ["br"]="Tennad", ["ca"]="etapa", ["cs"]="etapa", ["de"]="Etappe", ["da"]="etape", ["eo"]="Etapo",
["es"]="etapa", ["eu"]="Etapa", ["fi"]="Etappi", ["fo"]="teinur", ["hu"]="Szakasz", ["it"]="Tappa", ["ja"]="ステージ", ["la"]="Statio", ["lb"]="etapp",
["lv"]="Posms", ["mk"]="Етапа", ["nl"]="Etappe", ["no"]="etappe", ["pl"]="Etap", ["pt"]="Etapa", ["ro"]="Etapa", ["ru"]="Этап", ["sk"]="Etapa",
["sv"]="Etapp" }
local stage_label = l10nDef[wiki]
if stage_label == nil
stage_label = entity_stage:getLabel(wiki) or entity_stage:getLabel('fr')
if wiki == "ar" then stage_label = entity_stage:getLabel(wiki) or entity_stage:getLabel('en') end
local substage = ' '
local i,j = string.find(b, "%a+")
local k,l = string.find(b, "%d+")
local value1, value2
value2 = string.sub(b, k, l)
if i ~= nil then value1 = string.sub(b, i, j) end
if value1 ~= nil then substage = value1..' ' b = value2 end
if entity_l~= nil then Sitelink_x2 = entity_l:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_x1~=nil then Sitelink_x1 = entity_x1:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_race~=nil then Sitelink_x0 = entity_race:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if Sitelink_x0 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x0 level = 0
elseif Sitelink_x1 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x1 level = 1
elseif Sitelink_x2 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x2 level = 2
if wiki=="de" or wiki=="da" or wiki=="fo" or wiki=="no" then --label_x = label_x.. ', '.. b.. '. '.. stage_label
if level == 1 or level == 2 then link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'.. label_x.. ']]' ..', '.. b.. '. '.. substage.. stage_label end
if level == 0 then link = '[['..Sitelink_x.. '|'.. label_x.. ', '.. b.. '. '.. substage.. stage_label.. ']]' end
if level == -1 then link = label_x.. ', '.. b.. '. '.. substage.. stage_label end
elseif wiki=='en' or wiki=='br' then label_x = label_x.. ', '.. stage_label.. ' '.. b
elseif wiki=='ar' then
label_x = label_x .. '، ' .. stage_label .. ' '.. b
if entity_l~= nil then Sitelink_x2 = (entity_l:getSitelink('arwiki') or entity_l:getSitelink('enwiki')) end
if entity_x1~=nil then Sitelink_x1 = (entity_x1:getSitelink('arwiki') or entity_x1:getSitelink('enwiki')) end
if entity_race~=nil then Sitelink_x0 = (entity_race:getSitelink('arwiki') or entity_race:getSitelink('enwiki')) end
elseif wiki == 'fr' then
if level == 1 or level == 2 then
if b == '1' then link = b.. '<sup>re</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x..'#1re.C2.A0.C3.A9tape'..'|'.. label_x.. ']]'
else link = b.. '<sup>e</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x..'#'.. b.. 'e.C2.A0.C3.A9tape'..'|'.. label_x..']]'
if level == 0 then
if b == '1' then link = '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x.. '|'.. b.. '<sup>re</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x.. ']]'
else link = '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x.. '|'.. b.. '<sup>e</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x..']]'
if level == -1 then
if b == '1' then link = b.. '<sup>re</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x
else link = b.. '<sup>e</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x
elseif wiki == "lb" then
if level == 1 or level == 2 then
if b == '1' then link = b.. '<sup>re</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. '[[:'..wiki..':'..Sitelink_x..'#1re.C2.A0.C3.A9tape'..'|'.. label_x.. ']]'
else link = b.. '<sup>e</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. '[[:'..wiki..':'..Sitelink_x..'#'.. b.. 'e.C2.A0.C3.A9tape'..'|'.. label_x..']]'
if level == 0 then
if b == '1' then link = '[[:'..wiki..':'..Sitelink_x.. '|'.. b.. '<sup>re</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x.. ']]'
else link = '[[:'..wiki..':'..Sitelink_x.. '|'.. b.. '<sup>e</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x..']]'
if level == -1 then
if b == '1' then link = b.. '<sup>re</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x
else link = b.. '<sup>e</sup>'.. substage.. stage_label.. comma.. label_x
elseif wiki=="ca" then label_x = b.. 'a '.. stage_label.. ' del '.. label_x
elseif wiki=="es" then label_x = b.. "<sup>a</sup> ".. stage_label.. ', '.. label_x
else label_x = stage_label.. ' '.. b..', '.. label_x
else -- Prolog
if entity_l~= nil then Sitelink_x2 = entity_l:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_x1~=nil then Sitelink_x1 = entity_x1:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if entity_race~=nil then Sitelink_x0 = entity_race:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki') end
if Sitelink_x0 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x0 level = 0
elseif Sitelink_x1 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x1 level = 1
elseif Sitelink_x2 ~= nil then Sitelink_x = Sitelink_x2 level = 2
local l10nDef = { ["fr"]="Prologue", ["ar"]="المقدمة", ["en"]="Prologue", ["br"]="Prolog", ["ca"]="Pròleg", ["cs"]="Prolog", ["de"]="Prolog", ["da"]="Prolog", ["eo"]="Prologo",
["es"]="Prólogo", ["eu"]="Aitzinetapa", ["fi"]="Prologi", ["fo"]="Forteinur", ["hu"]="Prolog", ["it"]="Prologo", ["ja"]="プロローグ", ["la"]="Incipit prologus", ["lb"]="Prolog", ["lv"]="Prologs",
["mk"]="Пролог", ["nl"]="Proloog", ["no"]="Prolog", ["pl"]="Prologu", ["pt"]="Prólogo", ["ro"]="Prolog", ["ru"]="Пролог", ["sk"]="Prológ", ["sv"]="Prolog" }
local prolog_label
prolog_label = l10nDef[wiki]
if prolog_label == nil then
prolog_label = entity_prolog:getLabel() or entity_prolog:getLabel('en') or entity_prolog:getLabel('fr') or
prolog_label = mw.ustring.gsub(prolog_label, "^(%a)",function (x) return mw.ustring.upper(x) end)
if wiki=="de" or wiki=="da" or wiki=="fo" or wiki=="no" then
-- label_x = label_x.. ', '.. prolog_label
if level >= 0 then link = '[['..Sitelink_x.. '|'.. label_x.. ']]'.. ', '.. prolog_label end
elseif wiki == 'en' then label_x = label_x.. ', '.. prolog_label
elseif wiki == 'ar' then label_x = label_x.. '، '.. prolog_label
elseif wiki == 'fr' then
if level > 0 then link = prolog_label.. comma.. '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x..'#'..prolog_label.. '|'.. label_x.. ']]' end
if level == 0 then link = '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x..'#'..prolog_label.. '|'.. prolog_label.. comma.. label_x.. ']]' end
if level == -1 then link = prolog_label.. comma.. label_x end
elseif wiki == 'lb' then
if level > 0 then link = prolog_label.. comma.. '[[:'..wiki..':'..Sitelink_x..'#'..prolog_label.. '|'.. label_x.. ']]' end
if level == 0 then link = '[[:'..wiki..':'..Sitelink_x..'#'..prolog_label.. '|'.. prolog_label.. comma.. label_x.. ']]' end
if level == -1 then link = prolog_label.. comma.. label_x end
else label_x = prolog_label.. ', '.. label_x
if level == -1 and link == nil then
local Sitelink = ''
local entity_k = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
Sitelink = entity_k:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki')
if Sitelink ~= '' and Sitelink ~= nil then
link = '[['..Sitelink..'|'..label_x..']]'
mw.log(multi_stage, entity_type)
if level >= 0 and link == nil and Sitelink_x ~= '' then
if multi_stage ~= false then
if onwikidata == true then link = victories_translate(wiki,1).. ', '.. '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x..'|'..label_x..']]'
if wiki == 'fr' then link = victories_translate(wiki,1).. ', '.. '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'..label_x..']]'
else link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'..label_x..']]'.. ', '.. victories_translate(wiki,1) end
if onwikidata == true then link = '[[:fr:'..Sitelink_x..'|'..label_x..']]'
link = '[['..Sitelink_x..'|'..label_x..']]'
if link == nil then link = label_x end
if available_list==true and country == true then str = '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..link.. '</td>'
if h['countryID'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'.. flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. ' '.. link.. '</td>'
else str = '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 2.3em">'..link.. '</td>'
return str
local function fn_country(h)
local str
if available_list==true and country == true then
if h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em">'..flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. ' '.. h['countryName'].. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] == '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em">'.. ' '.. h['countryName'].. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] == '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em">'..flag(h['countryID'], timeofrace).. '</td>'
elseif h['countryID'] ~= '' and h['countryName'] ~= '' then str = '<td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.5em">'.. ' '.. '</td>'
else str = ''
return str
local function fn_class(h)
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( h['raceID'] )
local entity_type, entity_num = '', 0
local class_text = ''
local link = ''
local Sitelink
sortkey_class = ''
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1)
if a == true then
-- test for stage item
for i=1,#stages do
if "Q"..b == stages[i] then entity_type = 'stage item' end
if entity_type == 'stage item' then
local a1, b1
a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P361', 1)
if a1 == true then
local a, b, c, d
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b1 )
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P31', 1) -- first value for P31
c, d = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P31', 2) -- second value for P31
if a == true and c == true then -- for two values
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..d == class[i] then class_text = mw.wikibase.label('Q'..d) sortkey_class = class_sort['Q'..d] break end
end -- for i
end -- if a
link = class_text
if link ~= '' then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P361', 1) -- first value for P361
if a == true then
entity_II = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject('Q'..b)
c, d = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_II, 'P361', 1) -- first value for P361
if c == true then entity_circuit = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject('Q'..d) end
else -- not a stage item
local a, b, c, d, e, f
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 1) -- first value for P31
c, d = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P31', 2) -- second value for P31
if a == true and c == true then -- for two values
for i=1,#class do -- #class = number of elements in class
if "Q"..d == class[i] then class_text = mw.wikibase.label('Q'..d) sortkey_class = class_sort['Q'..d] break end
if "Q"..b == class[i] then class_text = mw.wikibase.label('Q'..b) sortkey_class = class_sort['Q'..b] break end
link = class_text
if link ~= '' then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P361', 1) -- first value for P361
if a == true then entity_circuit = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject('Q'..b) end
if link ~= '' then
e, f = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_circuit, 'P31', 1)
if e == true then
for i=1,#UCI_Circuits do -- abcd
if "Q"..f == UCI_Circuits[i] then
if onwikidata == true then
Sitelink = entity_circuit:getSitelink('frwiki')
if Sitelink~= nil then link = '[[:fr:'..Sitelink..'|'..link..']]' end
Sitelink = entity_circuit:getSitelink(wiki..'wiki')
if Sitelink~=nil then link = '[['..Sitelink..'|'..link..']]' end
return '<td data-sort-value="'..sortkey_class.. '" style="text-align:center;padding:0 0.5em">'..link.. '</td>'
local function fn_rider(h)
local qual
local winner= ''
local winner_flag=''
a, b = pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', 1, 'P642', 1)
if a == true then
winner = '' winner_flag = ''
for k, v in ipairs(entity_race.claims["P1346"]) do
for kk, vv in ipairs(v.qualifiers['P642']) do
if vv.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == 20882667 then -- overall winner general classification
winner = 'Q'.. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
if vv.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == 20882747 then -- stagewinner
if winner == '' then winner = 'Q'.. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end
winner_flag = ''
local a, b = timeStartEnd(winner, "P27", 'numeric-id', timeofrace)
if a == true then
winner_flag = flag('Q'..b, timeofrace).. ' '
if winner ~= '' then
local winner_team = false
local entity_winner = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( winner )
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_winner, 'P31', 1) -- looking if winner is a person
if a == true and b ~= 5 then winner_team = true end
if winner_team == false then return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..winner_flag.. WPlink(winner).. '</td>'
winner_flag = ''
local a, b = timeStartEnd(winner, "P17", 'numeric-id', timeofrace) -- flag of team
if a == true then
winner_flag = flag('Q'..b, timeofrace).. ' '
return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..winner_flag ..WPlink(winner, 'team', timeofrace).. '</td>'
else return '<td style="text-align:'.. textalign ..';padding:0 0.5em">'..''.. '</td>'
tBody = '<tr style= "line-height: 1.8em; padding: 5px;">' -- start the table row
for k,v in ipairs({fn_date(h), fn_race(h), fn_country(h), fn_class(h), fn_rider(h)}) do
tBody = tBody.. v
tBody = tBody.. '</tr>' -- end the table row
local number = table.getn(tableBody)
--Insertion sort
if number == 0 then
table.insert(sortindex, sortkey)
table.insert(tableBody, tBody)
elseif sortkey >= sortindex[number] then
table.insert(sortindex, sortkey)
table.insert(tableBody, tBody)
for i=number,2,-1 do
if sortkey >= sortindex[i] then
table.insert(sortindex, i+1, sortkey)
table.insert(tableBody, i+1, tBody)
return table.concat (tableBody)
function tableA(s, tableBody)
local s = s
local tableBody = tableBody
local available_list = available_list
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( s.item )
local error_message = ''
if wiki == "ar" and s.item == "" or not s.item then return "" end
if s.error_message == 1 then
error_message = func_error_message(wiki, 1)
error_message = mw.ustring.gsub(error_message, "<1>", s.property)
error_message = mw.ustring.gsub(error_message, "<2>", mw.wikibase.label( s.item ))
error_message = mw.ustring.gsub(error_message, "<3>", s.item)
error_message = ' [[File:Exclam icon.svg|12px|'.. error_message .. ']]'
local tableHeader2_size = table.getn(s.header_2)
local tableStart = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="sortable"><tr><th colspan="' .. tostring(tableHeader2_size + 1) .. '"' ..
' style="padding:2px 2px; text-align:center; background-color:#FFDF80; line-height: 1.8em;">'
local tableHeader1 = '<span style="float:left">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'.. s.item.. '#'.. s.property..']]'.. error_message .. '</span>' ..
s.header_function (wiki, s.header_1, s.title) .. '</th></tr>'
local tableHeader2 = '<tr>'
local country = true
for _, value in pairs(s.no_country) do -- get data if country should be printed in this wiki
if value == wiki then country = false end
for i,k in ipairs(s.header_2) do
if i == s.country_column then
if available_list==true and country == true then
tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 20px 2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'.. s.header_function (wiki, k) .. '</th>' end
if i ~= s.country_column then
if s.data_sort_type[i] == 'unsortable' then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th class="unsortable" style="text-align:center;padding:2px 20px 2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">' .. s.header_function (wiki, k) .. '</th>'
else tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 20px 2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">' .. s.header_function (wiki, k) .. '</th>'
tableHeader2 = tableHeader2 .. '</tr>'
local tableEnd = '</table>'
return '<table style="border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"><tr><td>' .. tableStart .. tableHeader1 .. tableHeader2 .. tableBody .. tableEnd .. '</td></tr></table>'
function stageinfobox_translate(x)
-- This function permits to translate fields of the infobox for stages. Take the line below, give a Wikipedia (ex : mk), and translate all fields. By default, English values are taken.
local l10nDef = { }
Ред 32 ⟶ 1.784:
"Équipe", "Équipe aux points",
"Image", "Légende", "Carte", "Vue en coupe", "Documentation", "Cima Coppi", "Cima Pantani", "Azzurri d'Italia", "Fuga Pinarello"}
l10nDef["ar"] = {"تفاصيل السباق", "سباق", "نوع", "تاريخ", "تاريخ", "مسافة", "بلد", "بلدان", "نقطة البداية", "نقطة النهاية", "الدراجين في البداية",
"الدراجين في النهاية", "متوسط السرعة", "الكلفة", "نتائج المرحلة", "الفائز", "الثاني", "الثالث", "متمرس",
"التصنيف العام بعد المرحلة", "القائد", "الثاني", "الثالث",
"التصنيفات الثانوية بعد المرحلة", "النقاط", "الجبل", "سباقات السرعة", "شاب", "تصنيف القتال", "ممتزجة", "سباقات السرعة", "الانتظام",
"فريق", "فريق حسب النقاط", "صورة", "أسطورة", "بطاقة", "عرض الاقسام", "توثيق"
, "سيما كوبي", "سيما بانتاني", "أزوري دي إيطاليا", "فوجا بيناريلو"}
l10nDef["en"] = {"Race details", "Race", "Type", "Date", "Dates", "Distance", "Country", "Countries", "Journey origin", "Lieu d'arrivée", "Starting riders",
"Arriving riders", "Average speed", "Cost", "Stage results", "Winner", "Second", "Third", "Combative",
"General classification after stage", "Leader", "Second", "Third",
"Secondary classifications after stage", "Points", "Mountain", "Sprints", "Young", "Combativity", "Combinated", "MetasIntermediate volantessprints", "Regularity",
"Team", "Team by points",
"Image", "Legend", "Card", "Sectional view", "Documentation", "Cima Coppi", "Cima Pantani", "Azzurri d'Italia", "Fuga Pinarello"}
Ред 75 ⟶ 1.833:
"Fichier", "Legend", "Kaart", "Profil", "Dokumentatioun", "Cima Coppi", "Cima Pantani", "Azzurri d'Italia", "Fuga Pinarello"}
l10nDef["no"] = {"Etappedetaljer", "Etappe", "Type", "Dato", "Datoer", "Distanse", "Land", "Land", "Startby", "Målby", "Startende ryttere",
"Fullførende ryttere", "Snittfart", "Omkostninger", "Etapperesultat", "Vinner", "ToerAndre", "TreerTredje", "Mest offensive rytterOffensiv",
"Sammenlagtstilling etter etappen", "Sammenlagtleder", "ToerAndre", "TreerTredje",
"Klassifisering etter etappen", "PoengtrøyePoeng", "KlatretrøyeKlatring", "SprinttrøyeSpurt", "UngdomstrøyeUngdom", "Mest offensive rytterOffensiv", "KombinasjonstrøyeKombinasjon", "Étapes volantes", "RégularitéRegularitet",
"LagkonkurranseLag", "Lagkonkurranse etterLag (poeng)",
"Bilde", "Bildetekst", "Kart", "Profil", "Dokumentasjon", "Cima Coppi", "Cima Pantani", "Azzurri d'Italia", "Fuga Pinarello"}
l10nDef["pt"] = {"Detalhes da corrida", "Corrida", "Tipo", "Data", "Datas", "Distância", "País", "Países", "Origem da viagem", "Local de chegada", "Partida dos ciclistas",
Ред 95 ⟶ 1.853:
"Финишировало гонщиков", "Средняя скорость", "Затраты", "Результаты этапа", "Победитель", "Второй", "Третий", "Боец",
"Генеральная классификация после этапа", "Лидер", "Второй", "Третий",
"Классификации после этапа", "Очки", "Горная", "Спринтерская", "Молодёжная", "БорцовскаяБойцовская", "Комбинированная", "MetasПромежуточные volantesфиниши", "Регулярность",
"КомандаКомандная по времени", "КомандаКомандная по очкам",
"Изображение", "Описание", "Карта", "Сектора", "Документация", "Cima Coppi", "Cima Pantani", "Azzurri d'Italia", "Fuga Pinarello"}
Ред 109 ⟶ 1.867:
local starttime, endtime = '', '+2500'
local a1, b1
if wiki == 'www' then wiki = 'fr' end
-- 1. Item of race, e.g. Tour de France = 'Q33881'
Ред 130 ⟶ 1.887:
{'Q33861', 'points', '+1967', '+1968', 'Q26919974', 'Q641083'}, -- Jersey red.svg
{'Q33861', 'points', '+1969', '+2009', 'Q26945272', 'Q641083'}, -- Jersey violet.svg
{'Q33861', 'points', '+2010', '+25002016', 'Q26919974', 'Q641083'}, -- Jersey red.svg
{'Q33861', 'points', '+2017', '+2500', 'Q26945272', 'Q641083'}, -- Jersey violet.svg
{'Q33861', 'montagne', '+1974', '+2011', 'Q24645209', 'Q641060'}, -- Jersey green.svg
{'Q33861', 'montagne', '+2012', '+2500', 'Q24687409', 'Q641060'}, -- Jersey blue.svg
Ред 156 ⟶ 1.914:
{'Q33937', 'montagne', '+2006', '+2008', 'Q27670174', 'Q3278226'}, -- Jersey orange.svg
{'Q33937', 'montagne', '+2009', '+2009', 'Q27670126', 'Q27670163'}, -- Jersey granate.svg
{'Q33937', 'montagne', '+2010', '+2500', 'Q25265959', 'Q27670167'}}, -- Jersey bluedots.svg
{'Q2091354', 'leader', '+2011', '+2500', 'Q24257871', 'Q30020298'}, -- Tour of Norway, Jersey yellow.svg
{'Q2091354', 'points', '+2011', '+2500', 'Q24645209', 'Q30020298'}, -- Jersey green.svg
{'Q2091354', 'montagne', '+2011', '+2015', 'Q25265958', 'Q30020298'}, -- Jersey polkadot.svg
{'Q2091354', 'montagne', '+2016', '+2500', 'Q27670174', 'Q30020298'}, -- Jersey orange.svg
{'Q2091354', 'jeune', '+2011', '+2500', 'Q24645383', 'Q30020298'}, -- Jersey white.svg
{'Q2091354', 'winner_fighting', '+2017', '+2500', 'Q29957114', 'Q30020298'}, -- MaillotCyan.PNG
{'Q128713', 'leader', '+2013', '+2500', 'Q24257871', 'Q30020299'}, -- Tour des Fjords, Jersey yellow.svg
{'Q128713', 'points', '+2013', '+2014', 'Q24645209', 'Q30020299'}, -- Jersey green.svg
{'Q128713', 'points', '+2015', '+2500', 'Q24687409', 'Q30020299'}, -- Jersey blue.svg
{'Q128713', 'montagne', '+2013', '+2500', 'Q25265958', 'Q30020299'}, -- Jersey polkadot.svg
{'Q128713', 'jeune', '+2013', '+2500', 'Q24645383', 'Q30020299'}, -- Jersey white.svg
{'Q128713', 'winner_fighting', '+2015', '+2015', 'Q30035038', 'Q30020299'}, -- Jersey green.svg
{'Q128713', 'winner_fighting', '+2016', '+2500', 'Q30035039', 'Q30020299'}, -- Jersey orange.svg
{'Q128961', 'leader', '+2013', '+2500', 'Q24687408', 'Q30020300'}, -- Arctic Race of Norway, Jersey blue.svg
{'Q128961', 'points', '+2013', '+2500', 'Q24645209', 'Q30020300'}, -- Jersey green.svg
{'Q128961', 'montagne', '+2013', '+2014', 'Q27670178', 'Q30020300'}, -- Jersey red.svg
{'Q128961', 'montagne', '+2015', '+2500', 'Q27670174', 'Q30020300'}, -- Jersey orange.svg
{'Q128961', 'jeune', '+2013', '+2500', 'Q24645383', 'Q30020300'}, -- Jersey white.svg
{'Q128961', 'winner_fighting', '+2014', '+2500', 'Q27644113', 'Q30020300'}, -- Jersey red number.svg
{'Q17619325', 'leader', '+2014', '+2014', 'Q24257871', 'Q30020302'}, -- Ladies Tour of Norway, Jersey yellow.svg
{'Q17619325', 'leader', '+2015', '+2016', 'Q26945272', 'Q30020302'}, -- Jersey violet.svg
{'Q17619325', 'leader', '+2017', '+2500', 'Q24257871', 'Q30020302'}, -- Jersey yellow.svg
{'Q17619325', 'points', '+2014', '+2500', 'Q24645209', 'Q30020302'}, -- Jersey green.svg
{'Q17619325', 'montagne', '+2014', '+2500', 'Q25265958', 'Q30020302'}, -- Jersey polkadot.svg
{'Q17619325', 'jeune', '+2014', '+2500', 'Q24645383', 'Q30020302'}, -- Jersey white.svg
{'Q17619325', 'winner_fighting', '+2016', '+2500', 'Q30035039', 'Q30020302'}} -- Jersey orange.svg
--timeofrace = '+1968-07-01T00:00:00Z'
Ред 190 ⟶ 1.975:
local vvv= ''
local tab
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
local entityId = frame.args[1]
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
Ред 290 ⟶ 2.074:
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P585', i)
t_g.time = func_date (b1, wiki, 'long')
timeofrace = b1
Ред 316 ⟶ 2.100:
-- This function permits to display an unity (the kilometer) for a distance, with exceptions for macedionan, russian and japanese
-- that have other symbols
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'amount', entity, 'P3157', 1)
Ред 328 ⟶ 2.112:
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q828224" then
t_g.length_unit = 'km'
if wiki == "ar" then t_g.length_unit = 'كم' end
if wiki == "mk" then t_g.length_unit = 'км' end
if wiki == "ru" then t_g.length_unit = 'км' end
Ред 344 ⟶ 2.129:
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q828224" then
t_g.length_unit = 'km'
if wiki == "ar" then t_g.length_unit = 'كم' end
if wiki == "mk" then t_g.length_unit = 'км' end
if wiki == "ru" then t_g.length_unit = 'км' end
Ред 361 ⟶ 2.147:
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q180154" then
t_g.speed_unit = 'km/h'
if wiki == "ar" then t_g.speed_unit = 'كم/س' end
if wiki == "da" then t_g.speed_unit = 'km/t' end
if wiki == "fo" then t_g.speed_unit = 'km/t' end
Ред 367 ⟶ 2.154:
if wiki == "mk" then t_g.speed_unit = 'км/ч' end
if wiki == "ru" then t_g.speed_unit = 'км/ч' end
if wiki == "ja" then t_g.speed_unit = 'キロメートル毎時' end
end -- if a1
Ред 436 ⟶ 2.223:
for _, vv in pairs(entity.claims["P1346"][k].qualifiers['P54']) do
id_team = national_team(wiki, 'Q'..id, timeofrace, entity, 'P1346', k) -- timeofrace -> startOfSeason ?????
if id_team == nil then id_team = '' end
Ред 596 ⟶ 2.383:
local miles
local miles_h
if t_g.length ~= "" then
if wiki == 'en' then -- To show distance in kilometers and miles
miles = math.modf(10*t_g.length/1.609344)/10
miles = lang:formatNum(tonumber(miles)) -- formats t_g.miles in the way it is done in the local Wiki
t_g.length, _ = string.gsub(t_g.length, "[+]", "") -- delets "+" sign
t_g.length = lang:formatNum(tonumber(t_g.length)) -- formats t_g.length in the way it is done in the local Wiki
Ред 602 ⟶ 2.395:
if t_g.speed ~= "" then
if wiki == 'en' then -- To show speed in kilometers per hour and miles per hour
miles_h = math.modf(1000*t_g.speed/1.609344)/1000
miles_h = lang:formatNum(tonumber(miles_h)) -- formats t_g.miles in the way it is done in the local Wiki
t_g.speed, _ = string.gsub(t_g.speed, "[+]", "")
t_g.speed = lang:formatNum(tonumber(t_g.speed))
Ред 622 ⟶ 2.419:
if i ~= nil and j ~= nil then
t_g.previous = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. span1 .. label_previous .. string.sub(k, j)
else if wiki == "ar" then t_g.previous = span1string.sub(k, 1, i) .. span2 .. label_previous .. string.sub(k, j) end
t_g.previous = span1 .. label_previous end
if wiki == 'www'"ar" then t_g.previous = span1span2 .. label_previous end
t_g.previous = span1 .. label_previous
if wiki == "ar" then t_g.previous = span2 .. label_previous end
else t_g.previous = ''
Ред 640 ⟶ 2.443:
if i ~= nil and j ~= nil then
t_g.next = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. label_next.. span2 .. string.sub(k, j)
else if wiki == "ar" then t_g.next = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. label_next.. span2span1 .. string.sub(k, j) end
t_g.next = label_next.. span2 end
if wiki == 'www'"ar" then t_g.next = label_next .. span2span1 end
t_g.next = label_next.. span2
if wiki == "ar" then t_g.next = label_next .. span1 end
else t_g.next = ''
Ред 657 ⟶ 2.466:
if a2 == true then
t_g.course = t_g.course .. ', '.. WPlink('Q'..b2,'pure')
if wiki == "ar" then t_g.course = t_g.course .. '، '.. WPlink('Q'..b2,'pure') end
--t_g.race = 'Q'..b2
Ред 694 ⟶ 2.504:
if t_s.classement_annex.show == true and (wiki == 'no' or wiki == '..') then width= '340px' end
tab = "<table border='0' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' style='float:right"..floatinfobox.."; max-width:"..width.."; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200);"
tab = tab .. "margin:0 0 0.5em 0.5em; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255); color:black; padding:5px; clear:left; "
tab = tab .. "text-align:left" .. textalign .. "; font-size:85%; line-height:1.6em;'>"
tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='border-bottom:5px solid white; font-size:175%; background:#FFE7A0; text-align:center'>"
tab = tab .. "<table style='width:100%'><tr><td>" .. t_g.name .."</td><td>" .. t_g.icon .. "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"
Ред 703 ⟶ 2.513:
if t_g.picture ~= "" and t_g.caption ~= "" then tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:center; font-size:80%'>"..t_g.caption.."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.course~="" or t_g.is_a~="" or t_g.time~="" or t_g.length~="" or t_g.startplace~="" or t_g.endplace~="" then
tab=tab.."<tr><td colspan='2' style='background-color:#FFE7A0; text-align:center'>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,1).."'''</td></tr>" end
if t_g.course ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,2).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.course .. "</td></tr>" end
if t_g.is_a ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,3).."'''</td><td>" ..stage_icon(t_g.is_a).. WPlink(t_g.is_a,'pure').. "</td></tr>" end
if t_g.time~="" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,4).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.time.."</td></tr>" end
if wiki ~= 'en' then -- As default show only kilometers, but if 'en.wiki' show kilometers and miles
if t_g.length ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,6).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.length.." "..t_g.length_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.startplacelength ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,96).."'''</td><td>" .. WPlink(t_g.startplace,'pure')length.." "..t_g.length_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.endplace ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,10).."'''</td><td>" .. WPlink(t_g.endplace,'pure').. "</td></tr>" end
if t_g.length ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(6).."'''</td><td>"..t_g.length.." "..t_g.length_unit.." ("..miles.." mi)".."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.startplace ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(9).."'''</td><td>" .. WPlink(t_g.startplace,'pure').. "</td></tr>" end
if t_g.endplace ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(10).."'''</td><td>" .. WPlink(t_g.endplace,'pure').. "</td></tr>" end
if t_g.country ~= nil then for i=1,#t_g.country do t_g.country[i] = flag(t_g.country[i], timeofrace).." ".. WPlink( t_g.country[i],'pure') end end
if t_g.country[1] ~= nil then tab = tab.."<tr><td style= 'vertical-align:top'>'''"
if #t_g.country == 1 then tab = tab..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,7).."'''</td><td>" else tab = tab..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,8).."'''</td><td>" end
for i=1,#t_g.country-1 do tab = tab .. t_g.country[i].."<br>" end tab = tab .. t_g.country[#t_g.country].."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.nr_participants_start ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,11).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.nr_participants_start .. "</td></tr>" end
if t_g.nr_participants_end ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,12).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.nr_participants_end .. "</td></tr>" end
if wiki ~= 'en' then --As default show only kilometers/hour, but if 'en.wiki' show kilometers/hour and miles/hour
if t_g.speed ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(wiki,13).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.speed .. " "..t_g.speed_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.speed ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(13).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.speed .. " "..t_g.speed_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.speed ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..stageinfobox_translate(13).."'''</td><td>" .. t_g.speed .. " "..t_g.speed_unit.." ("..miles_h.." mi/h)".."</td></tr>" end
for _, value_order in ipairs(t_s.order) do
Ред 723 ⟶ 2.541:
tab=tab.."<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width:100%'>"
tab=tab.."<tr><td colspan='3' style='border-bottom:5px solid #fff2cc; background-color:#FFE7A0; text-align:center'>'''"..
for key, value in ipairs(t_s[value_order].order) do
Ред 730 ⟶ 2.548:
if a1~='' then t_s[value_order][value][4] = a1 end
if t_s[value_order][value][9] ~= '' then
t_s[value_order][value][9] = '('.. lang:formatNum(t_s[value_order][value][9])..unit(wiki,5)..')'
if wiki == 'fo' then t_s[value_order][value][9] = string.gsub(t_s[value_order][value][9], "%.", ",") end
if t_s[value_order][value][8] ~= '' then
if t_s[value_order][value][8] > 1 then t_s[value_order][value][8] = t_s[value_order][value][8]..unit(wiki,7)
else t_s[value_order][value][8] = t_s[value_order][value][8]..unit(wiki,6) end end
local title, k =mw.ustring.gsub(stageinfobox_translate(wiki,t_s[value_order][value][2]), " ", "&nbsp;")
if k > 0 then title=mw.ustring.gsub(title, "&nbsp;", "<br>", 1) end --&#32;
if t_s[value_order][value][5]=="" and t_s[value_order][value][9] =="" then
tab=tab.."<tr style='vertical-align:top;'><td nowrap style='width:1%;background-color:#fff2cc;text-align:left" .. textalign .. ";padding:0 2px 0 2px;white-space:nowrap'>'''"
else tab=tab.."<tr style='vertical-align:top;'><td nowrap rowspan='2' style='width:1%;background-color:#fff2cc;text-align:left" .. textalign .. ";padding:0 2px 0 2px;white-space:nowrap'>'''"
if value_order~='classement_annex' and t_s[value_order][value][2]~=40 and t_s[value_order][value][2]~=41 then -- Cima Coppi, Cima Pantani with a line break
if t_s[value_order][value][4] == "" then
if (value_order=='results') and (value=='winner_fighting' or value=='winner_fighting2' or value=='cima_coppi' or value=='cima_pantanii') then
else tab=tab..number(t_s[value_order][value][3], key, wiki) end
Ред 760 ⟶ 2.578:
if t_s[value_order][value][10] == 'deprecated' then
tab=tab.."</span>".. "'''</td><td style='padding:0 0.5em 0 0.5em'>".. '<s>' .. transform(t_s[value_order][value][1],'f', timeofrace) .. '</s>'
else tab=tab.."</span>".. "'''</td><td style='padding:0 0.5em 0 0.5em'>".. transform(t_s[value_order][value][1],'f', timeofrace) end
tab=tab.."</td><td nowrap style='text-align:right;font-size:85%;white-space:nowrap'>"
if t_s[value_order][value][6]~='' then tab=tab.. calculate_time(wiki,t_s[value_order][value][6]) end
if t_s[value_order][value][7]~='' then tab=tab..'+ '.. calculate_time(wiki,t_s[value_order][value][7]) end
Ред 771 ⟶ 2.589:
tab=tab.."<tr><td colspan='2'>"
tab = tab.. "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width:100%'>"
tab = tab.. "<tr><td style='width:100%;text-align:left" .. textalign .. ";padding-left:2px'>("..transform(t_s[value_order][value][5],'t', timeofrace)..
")</td><td nowrap style='font-size:85%;vertical-align:top;white-space:nowrap'>"..t_s[value_order][value][9] .. "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"
if t_s[value_order][value][5]~="" or t_s[value_order][value][9] ~="" then -- team row
tab=tab.."<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:left" .. textalign .. ";padding-left:2px'>"
if t_s[value_order][value][5] ~= '' then tab=tab..'('..transform(t_s[value_order][value][5],'t', timeofrace)..')' end
tab = tab.. '<span style="float:right;font-size:85%;">'.. t_s[value_order][value][9].."</span></td></tr>"
Ред 787 ⟶ 2.605:
if t_g.map ~= "" then tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>".." [[File:".. t_g.map .."|center|300px]]".."</td></tr>" end
if t_g.sectional_view ~= "" then tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>".." [[File:".. t_g.sectional_view .."|center|300px]]".."</td></tr>" end
tab = tab.."<tr><td>"..t_g.previous.."</td><td style='text-align:right'>" .. t_g.next .. "</td></tr>"
prevNextLine = "<tr><td>"..t_g.previous.."</td><td style='text-align:right'>" .. t_g.next .. "</td></tr>"
if wiki == "ar" then prevNextLine = "<tr><td width='50%' style='text-align:right'>"..t_g.previous.."</td><td width='50%' style='text-align:left'>" .. t_g.next .. "</td></tr>" end
tab = tab .. prevNextLine
local s = "d:Wikidata:WikiProject Cycling/Documentation/stageinfobox"
tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:right; border-top:3px solid #FFDF80; font-size:75%'>".. --infobox_bottom(1)
"[[" .. s .. "|" .. stageinfobox_translate(wiki,39).. "]] [[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:".. frame.args[1] .. "]]"
tab = tab .. "</span></td></tr>"
tab= tab.."</table>"
return tab
Ред 822 ⟶ 2.644:
else return WPlink( q_number, 'team', timeofrace ) end
if command == "c" then return WPlink( q_number, "Q22348500" ) end -- find "class"-items
if command == "t" then return WPlink( q_number, 'team', timeofrace ) end
Ред 830 ⟶ 2.652:
function p.listofteams(frame)
--local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( frame.args[1] = 'Q19753550')
local mt = {}
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( frame.args[1] )
local tempID, k, u, v, v1, w, new, teamcategory, entity2, len, len2
local mt = {}
local tempID, k, u, v, v1, w, new, teamcategory, entity2, len, len2
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
local startOfSeason = '' --'+2016-01-01T00:00:00Z'
pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P580"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end)
if startOfSeason == '' then
if pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P585"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end) then
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink(wiki .. 'wiki') or entity:getSitelink('enwiki') or entity:getSitelink('frwiki') or entity:getSitelink('dewiki') or ''
if Sitelink == '' then return '> Wikidata is missing data about the start time (P580) and end time (P582) of the season'
else startOfSeason = '+'..string.match(Sitelink, '%d%d%d%d' ) ..'-01-01T00:00:00Z'
v = ''
v mt[1] = ''{}
mt[1][1], mt[1][2], mt[1][3] = '', 0, ''
mt[1] = {}
local mu = {}
mt[1][1], mt[1][2], mt[1][3] = '', 0, ''
local mua, = {}b
local a,cache b= {}
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1923', 1) == true then
if for pcall(fooAk, 'numeric-id',v1 in pairs(entity, .claims['P1923', 1]) == true thendo
if v1.mainsnak and v1.mainsnak.datavalue and v1.mainsnak.datavalue.value and v1.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] then
for k, v1 in pairs(entity.claims['P1923']) do
new = true
teamcategory, tempID, len = '', '', 0
tempID = 'Q'.. v1.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
entity2 = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( tempID )
cache[tempID] = entity2
a, b = timeStartEndpcall(tempID, "P31"fooA, 'numeric-id', startOfSeasonentity2, 'P31', 1)
if a == true then teamcategory = 'Q'..b else new = false end
for w in pairs(mt) do
len = table.getn(mt[w])
if mt[w][1] == teamcategory then new=false mt[w][2]=mt[w][2]+1 len=len+1 mt[w][len]=tempID len2=len-2 end
if new == true then
local size = table.getn(mt)
mt[size+1] = {}
mt[size+1][1] = teamcategory
mt[size+1][2] = 1
mt[size+1][3] = tempID
end -- if pcall(fooA
local list = { -- c:d:e c = singular team type, d = plural team type, e = print order of the team types
["Q6154783"] = "4:5:1", -- WorldTeam
["Q20638319"] = "6:7:2", -- ProTeam
["Q382927"] = "8:9:3", -- UCI Professional Continental Team
["Q1756006"] = "10:11:4", -- UCI Continental Team
["Q23726798"] = "12:13:6", -- national cycling team
["Q20738667"] = "12:13:6", -- national cycling team U23
["Q20639848"] = "14:15:7", -- club cycling team
["Q20639847"] = "16:17:8", -- professional cycling team
["Q20652655"] = "18:19:9", -- amateur cycling team
["Q20653563"] = "20:21:10", -- Groupe Sportif I
["Q20653564"] = "22:23:11", -- Groupe Sportif II
["Q20653566"] = "24:25:12", -- Groupe Sportif III
["Q2466826"] = "28:29:5" -- UCI Women’s Team
local a, b, c, d, e, ii, jj
for i=1, table.getn(mt) do
mu[i] = {}
mu[i]['index']= 100 mu[i]['val'] = ''
if mt[i][1] ~= '' then
if list[mt[i][1]] ~= nil then
_, _, c, d, e = string.find(list[mt[i][1]], "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
mu[i]['index'] = tonumber( e )
if mt[i][2] == 1 then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">'..headoftableIII(wiki,tonumber( c ))..'</span>'
else mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">'..headoftableIII(wiki,tonumber( d )).. '</span>'
else -- fall back headings (ProTeam, ...) in case no value in function headoftableIII
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold;text-transform: capitalize;">' .. WPlink(mt[i][1])..'</span>'
end -- if pcall(fooA
if mt[i][2] > 3 then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. ' <small>('..mt[i][2]..')</small>' end
local list = { -- c:d:e c = singular team type, d = plural team type, e = print order of the team types
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'].. '<ol>'
["Q6154783"] = "4:5:1", -- WorldTeam
for w in pairs(mt[i]) do
["Q20638319"] = "6:7:2", -- ProTeam
if w > 2 then
["Q382927"] = "8:9:3", -- UCI Professional Continental Team
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<li style="text-indent:-1.5em;width:20em;display:inline-block;">'
["Q1756006"] = "10:11:4", -- UCI Continental Team
a, b = timeStartEnd(mt[i][w], "P17", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
["Q23726798"] = "12:13:6", -- national cycling team
if a == true then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'].. flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason).. ' ' end
["Q20738667"] = "12:13:6", -- national cycling team U23
if mt[i][1] ~= 'Q23726798' and mt[i][1] ~= 'Q20738667' then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'].. WPlink(mt[i][w],'team', startOfSeason).. '</li>'
["Q28492441"] = "12:13:6", -- équipe cycliste nationale de marque
["Q20639848"] = "14:15:7", -- club cycling team
national_team = mw.wikibase.getEntity( mt[i][w] )
["Q20639847"] = "16:17:8", -- professional cycling team
-- calculate s for national team item
["Q20652655"] = "18:19:9", -- amateur cycling team
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', national_team, 'P31', 1) -- test if country
["Q20653563"] = "20:21:10", -- Groupe Sportif I
if a == true and b == 20738667 then -- Q20738667 = national cycling team U23
["Q20653564"] = "22:23:11", -- Groupe Sportif II
if wiki == 'fr' or wiki == 'www' then s = ' espoirs' else s = ' U23' end
["Q20653566"] = "24:25:12", -- Groupe Sportif III
if wiki == 'mk' then s = ' под 23 години' end
["Q2466826"] = "28:29:5", -- UCI Women’s Team
elseif a == true and b == 23726798 then s = '' end -- Q23726798 = national cycling team
["Q26849121"] = "30:31:13" -- Women's amateur cycling team
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', national_team, 'P17', 1) -- test if country
local a, b, c, d, e, ii, jj
if a == true then
for i=1, table.getn(mt) do
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
mu[i] = {}
nationality = nation:getLabel() or nation:getLabel('en') or nation:getLabel('fr') or nation:getLabel('de')
mu[i]['index']= 100 mu[i]['val'] = ''
if mt[i][1] ~= '' then
if national_team:getSitelink()list[mt[i][1]] =~= nil then
_, _, c, d, e = string.find(list[mt[i][1]], "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
team = nationality.. s
mu[i]['index'] = tonumber( e )
if mt[i][2] == 1 then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">'..headoftableIII(tonumber( c ))..'</span>'
else mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold">'..headoftableIII(tonumber( d )).. '</span>'
else -- fall back headings (ProTeam, ...) in case no value in function headoftableIII
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<span style="font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold;text-transform: capitalize;">' .. WPlink(mt[i][1])..'</span>'
-- Set parameter to show team counter in front of each category
local showcounter = 2
if mt[i][2] >= showcounter then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. ' <small>('..mt[i][2]..')</small>' end
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'].. '<ol>'
for w in pairs(mt[i]) do
if w > 2 then
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '<li style="text-indent:0em;width:20em;display:inline-block;">'
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', cache[mt[i][w]], 'P17', 1)
if a == true then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'].. flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason).. ' ' end
if mt[i][1] ~= 'Q23726798' and mt[i][1] ~= 'Q20738667' then mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'].. WPlink_entity(cache[mt[i][w]],'team', startOfSeason).. '</li>'
teamnational_team = WPlink(cache[mt[i][w], 'team',] startOfSeason)
ii,-- jjcalculate =s for national mw.ustring.find(team, "|")item
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', national_team, 'P31', 1) -- test if country
if ii ~= nil and jj ~= nil then
if a == true and b == 20738667 then -- Q20738667 = national cycling team U23
if wiki == 'fr' then s = ' espoirs' else s = ' U23' end
team = mw.ustring.sub(team,1,ii).. nationality..s.. ']]'
if wiki == 'mk' then s = ' под 23 години' end
if wiki == 'ar' then s = ' تحت 23' end
elseif a == true and b == 23726798 then s = '' end -- Q23726798 = national cycling team
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', national_team, 'P17', 1) -- test if country
if a == true then
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
nationality = nation:getLabel() or nation:getLabel('en') or nation:getLabel('fr') or nation:getLabel('de')
if nationality and national_team:getSitelink() == nil then
team = nationality.. s
team = WPlink_entity(cache[mt[i][w]], 'team', startOfSeason)
ii, jj = mw.ustring.find(team, "|")
if ii ~= nil and jj ~= nil then
team = mw.ustring.sub(team,1,ii).. nationality..s.. ']]'
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. team ..'</li>'
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. team ..'</li>'
mu[i]['val'] = mu[i]['val'] .. '</ol>'
mu[i]['val']end =--if mumt[i]['val'1] ..~= '</ol>'
end --if mt[i][1] ~= ''
table.sort(mu, function(a,b) return a.index<b.index end)
for i=1, table.getn(mu) do
if mu[i].val ~= nil then v = v .. mu[i].val end
v = v .. '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="line-height:0em;width:20em;margin:0.5em 0em;border-top:2px solid #FFDF80;"><tr><th>'..
'<span style="float:left">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'.. frame.args[1].. '#P1923]]</span></th></tr></table>'
return '<table style="max-width:95%; padding:0.5em; margin-right:1em; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"><tr><td>' .. v .. '</td></tr></table>'
function WPlinkrider(Qnumber, ...)
table.sort(mu, function(a,b) return a.index<b.index end)
local link=''
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( Qnumber )
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
local Sitelink2 = Sitelink
local Label = entity:getLabel() or ''
local Label_fr = entity:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
local a, b
local official_name = ""
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then
if Sitelink ~= nil then
if arg[1]~=nil then --check for official name
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 2) -- test if more then two official names
if a == true then
a, b = timeStartEnd_entity(entity, 'P1448', 'text', arg[1]) --officialName(entity)
if a == true then official_name = b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 1)
if a == true then official_name = b end
if official_name=='' then
Sitelink2 = official_name --official_name
link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2, "%b()", "")..' ') .. "]]"
if wiki == "de" then -- ru riders get label as alias, to shorten the name
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P27', 1)
if a == true and (b==159 or b==184 or b==212 or b==232) then link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. Label .. "]]" end
elseif Label ~= '' then
if wiki == 'ar' then
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title.exists
then link = Label
else link = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Ill-WD2', args = {id=Qnumber,en='true'} }--"[[" .. Label.. "]]"
if black_list(wiki, Label) == true then
link = Label -- function black_list: articles that are printed as text, not wikilinks
else -- detect if there is a different local article with the same name
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title.exists then link = Label else link = "[[" .. Label.. "]]" end
else link = Label end
else return "unknown ID in function WPlink" end
if link == '' then
link = entity:getLabel('fr') or entity:getLabel('en') or entity:getLabel('de') or ''
if wiki == "ar" then link = entity:getLabel() or entity:getLabel('en') or entity:getLabel('fr') or entity:getLabel('de') or '' end
if link ~= '' then link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "%b()", "")
else link = "(label missing)" end
return link
function WPlink_entity(entity, ...)
for i=1, table.getn(mu) do
local link=''
if mu[i].val ~= nil then v = v .. mu[i].val end
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
local Sitelink2 = Sitelink
local Label = entity:getLabel() or ''
local Label_fr = entity:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
local a, b
local official_name = ""
if arg[1] == 'team' then -- add '(team of the winner)'
a, b = timeStartEnd_entity(entity, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
local a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P361', 1)
if a1== true then
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b1 )
local a2, b2 = timeStartEnd_entity(entity, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2])
if a2== true then a = a2 b = b2 end
Sitelink2 = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
if a == true then official_name = b end
if available_lang_priority == false then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 2) -- test if more then two official names
if a == true then
a, b = timeStartEnd_entity(entity, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
if a == true then official_name = b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 1)
if a == true then official_name = b end
if Sitelink ~= nil then
if official_name == nil then
link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink,"%b()","").. ' ').. "]]"
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
link = link .. '[['.. Sitelink.. "|".. official_name.. ']]'
if link == '' and Sitelink2 ~= nil then -- code goes from season item to team item
if official_name == nil then
link = "[[".. Sitelink2.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2,"%b()","").. ' ').. "]]"
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink2, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink2, 1, i-1) end
link = link .. '[['.. Sitelink2.."|".. official_name.. ']]'
if Sitelink == nil and Sitelink2 == nil then
if official_name ~='' then link = official_name else link = entity:getLabel() end
if link == nil then link = "(label missing)" end
end -- end arg[1]
return link
function timeStartEnd_entity(entity, property, mode, timeofrace)
v = v .. '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="line-height:0em;width:20em;margin:0.5em 0em;border-top:2px solid #FFDF80;"><th>'..
-- mode = 'numeric-id', property = 'P54', Qid = 'Q123'
'<span style="float:left">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'.. frame.args[1].. '#P1923]]</span></th></table>'
--local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(Qid)
local a, b = pcall(fooA, mode, entity, property, 1)
return '<table style="max-width:95%; padding:0.5em; margin-right:1em; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"><tr><td>'..
local starttime, endtime
v.. '</td></tr></table>'
local available_lang_priority = available_lang_priority
if a == true then
local timeStartEnd = {}
local num = 1
local v
for _, v in pairs(entity.claims[property]) do
if pcall(function () local test = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode] end) then -- test if not 'unnown value'
if pcall(function () starttime = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then
starttime = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time
local _,_,year,m,d = string.find(starttime,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if m == '00' and d == '00' then starttime = '+'..year..'-01-01T00:00:00Z' end
if pcall(function () endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then
endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
local _,_,year,m,d = string.find(endtime,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if m == '00' and d == '00' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if m == '01' and d == '01' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if v.qualifiers then
if (not v.qualifiers["P580"] or starttime <= timeofrace)
(not v.qualifiers["P582"] or endtime >= timeofrace)
if available_lang_priority == true and property == "P1448" then
local test = false
pcall(function () if type( v.qualifiers["P1448"])=='table' then test=true end end)
if test == false then
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
local lang_module, lang_WD
local language= ''
local zaehler
for i,j in ipairs(translations.lang_priority) do
lang_module = j
for number in pairs(v.qualifiers["P1448"]) do
lang_WD = v.qualifiers["P1448"][number].datavalue.value.language
if lang_WD == lang_module then zaehler = number break end
end -- for number in pairs
if lang_WD == lang_module then language = lang_WD break end
end -- for i,j
if language~='' then -- a WD translation matching translations.lang_priority exist
local t = v.qualifiers["P1448"][zaehler].datavalue.value.text
timeStartEnd[num] = t
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]-- no matching between lang module and "official name" qualifier
end -- if language~=''
end -- test if official name qualifier exist
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
end -- if property == "P1448"
num = num + 1
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
num = num + 1
return a, timeStartEnd[1]
else return false, '' end
function getSquadTableColumn(x)
local l10nDef = { } -- note (in the table), note (below the table)
l10nDef["frar"] = {"Cyclisteالمتسابق", "Dateتاريخ de naissanceالولادة", "Équipeالفريق précédenteالسابق", "noteملاحظة", "noteملاحظة", "Paysالبلد", "قائمة الفريق"}
l10nDef["enfr"] = {"RiderCycliste", "Date ofde birthnaissance", "PreviousÉquipe teamprécédente", "note", "note", "CountryPays", "Effectif"}
l10nDef["bren"] = {"RederRider", "DeiziadDate genelof birth", "Previous team", "note", "note", "BroCountry", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["cabr"] = {"CiclistaReder", "DataDeiziad de naixementgenel", "EquipPrevious previteam", "Notanote", "Notanote", "PaisBro", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["csca"] = {"CyklistaCiclista", "DatumData narozeníde naixement", "PreviousEquip teamprevi", "noteNota", "noteNota", "StátPais", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["dacs"] = {"RytterCyklista", "FødselsdagDatum narození", "SenestePrevious holdteam", "note", "note", "LandStát", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["deda"] = {"NameRytter", "GeburtsdatumFødselsdag", "VorherigesSeneste Teamhold", "Anm.note", "Anmerkungnote", "Land", "Trup"}
l10nDef["eode"] = {"Antaŭnomo NomoName", "NaskiĝtagoGeburtsdatum", "PreviousVorheriges teamTeam", "noteAnm.", "noteAnmerkung", "LandoLand", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["eseo"] = {"CorredorAntaŭnomo Nomo", "FechaNaskiĝtago", de"Previous nacimientoteam", "Equipo previonote", "Notanote", "NotaLando", "PaisTeam roster"}
l10nDef["eues"] = {"IzenaCorredor", "Jaiotze-dataFecha de nacimiento", "PreviousEquipo teamprevio", "noteNota", "noteNota", "HerrialdePais", "Integrantes del Equipo"}
l10nDef["fieu"] = {"AjajaIzena", "SyntymäaikaJaiotze-data", "EdellinenAurreko joukkuetaldea", "huomioOharra", "huomioOharra", "MaaHerrialdea", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["fofi"] = {"SúkklariAjaja", "FøðingardagurSyntymäaika", "UndanfarnaEdellinen liðjoukkue", "notehuomio", "notehuomio", "LandMaa", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["hufo"] = {"NévSúkklari", "SzületésnapFøðingardagur", "ElőzőUndanfarna csapatlið", "jegyzetnote", "jegyzetnote", "OrszágLand", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["ithu"] = {"CiclistaNév", "DataSzületésnap", di"Előző nascitacsapat", "Previous teamjegyzet", "Notajegyzet", "NotaOrszág", "PaeseTeam roster"}
l10nDef["jait"] = {"選手名Ciclista", "生年月日Data di nascita", "前所属Previous team", "脚注Nota", "脚注Nota", "Paese", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["lbja"] = {"Coureur選手名", "Gebuertsdatum生年月日", "Equipe前所属", virdrun"脚注", "Nott脚注", "Nott", "StaatTeam roster"}
l10nDef["lvlb"] = {"BraucējsCoureur", "Dzimšanas datumsGebuertsdatum", "IepriekšējāEquipe komandavirdrun", "piezīmeNott", "piezīmeNott", "ValstsStaat", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["mklv"] = {"ВелосипедистBraucējs", "ДатумDzimšanas на раѓањеdatums", "ПретходнаIepriekšējā екипаkomanda", "Фуснотаpiezīme", "Фуснотаpiezīme", "ДржаваValsts", "Komandas sastāvs"}
l10nDef["nlmk"] = {"NaamВелосипедист", "GeboortedatumДатум на раѓање", "VorigeПретходна ploegекипа", "nootФуснота", "nootФуснота", "NationaliteitДржава", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["nonl"] = {"RytterNaam", "FødselsdatoGeboortedatum", "TidligereVorige lagploeg", "notenoot", "notenoot", "StatNationaliteit", "Renners"}
l10nDef["plno"] = {"Imię iRytter", nazwisko"Fødselsdato", "DataTidligere urodzenialag", "Previous teamnote", "Przypisnote", "PrzypisLand", "PaństwoTeam roster"}
l10nDef["ptpl"] = {"CiclistaImię i nazwisko", "Data de nascimentourodzenia", "EquipePoprzednia anteriorgrupa", "NotaPrzypis", "NotaPrzypis", "PaisPaństwo", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["ropt"] = {"CiclistCiclista", "Data nașteriide nascimento", "PreviousEquipe teamanterior", "noteNota", "noteNota", "ȚarăPais", "Integrantes da equipe"}
l10nDef["ruro"] = {"ГонщикCiclist", "ДатаData рожденияnașterii", "ПредыдущаяPrevious командаteam", "Примечаниеnote", "Примечаниеnote", "СтранаȚară", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["svru"] = {"NamnГонщик", "FödelsedatumДата рождения", "PreviousПредыдущая teamкоманда", "Примечание", "notПримечание", "notСтрана", "LandСостав"}
l10nDef["zhsv"] = {"車手Namn", "出生日期Födelsedatum", "Previous team", "脚注not", "脚注not", "国家Land", "Team roster"}
l10nDef["zh"] = {"車手", "出生日期", "Previous team", "脚注", "脚注", "国家", "Team roster"}
local wiki,l10n =mw.site.server l10nDef[wiki]
if wiki=='//www.wikidata.org'not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["fren"] end -- default
else l10n=l10nDef[string.sub(wiki,string.find(wiki,"%a+"))] end
return l10n[x]
Ред 1.004 ⟶ 3.018:
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"نقطة البداية", "نقطة النهاية", "الفرق", "عدد المتسابقين في البداية", "عدد المتسابقين في النهاية", "متوسط السرعة", "الكلفة", "المنصة", "الفائز", "الثاني",
"الثالث", "حسب النقاط", "تسلق الجبل", "سباقات السرعة", "أفضل شاب", "تصنيف القتال", "مجموعة", "الفريق", "صورة", "تعليق", "خريطة", "مميز 1", "مميز 2", "توثيق", "سباقات السرعة", "انتظام", "نقاط الفريق", "فوجا بيناريلو", "أزوري دي إيطاليا"}
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"Lieu de départ", "Lieu d'arrivée", "Équipes", "Partants", "Arrivants", "Vitesse moyenne", "Coût", "Résultats", "Vainqueur", "Deuxième", "Troisième",
"Classement par points", "Meilleur grimpeur", "Meilleur sprinteur", "Meilleur jeune", "Super-combatif", "Meilleur au combiné", "Meilleure équipe",
"Image", "Légende", "Carte", "Special 1", "Special 2", "Documentation", "Étapes volantes", "Régularité", "Meilleure équipe aux points",
"Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
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"Third", "Points", "Mountains", "Sprints", "Youth", "Combativity", "Combination", "Team", "Picture", "Caption", "Map", "Special 1", "Special 2",
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"スタート", "ゴール", "チーム", "参加人数", "完走人数", "平均速度", "Cost", "結果", "優勝", "準優勝",
"3位", "ポイント賞", "山岳賞", "スプリント賞", "新人賞", "敢闘賞", "チーム総合時間賞", "チーム", "画像", "キャプション", "地図", "Special 1", "Special 2",
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"Renkadur a-boentoù", "Kraper gwellañ", "Sprinter gwellañ", "Yaouank gwellañ", "Stourmer meur", "Gwellañ el liesrenkadur", "Skipailh gwellañ",
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"Sortida", "Arribada", "Equips", "Inscrits", "Finalitzen", "Velocitat mitjana", "Cost", "Palmarès", "Vencedor", "Segon", "Tercer", "Punts", "Muntanya",
"Esprints", "Joves", "Combativitat", "Combinada", "Equip", "Picture", "Caption", "Map", "Special 1", "Special 2", "Documentació", "Metas volantes",
"Regularidad", "Team points", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
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"Týmy", "Běžci", "Příjezdy", "Rychlostní průměr", "Náklady", "Konečné pořadí", "Celkový vítěz", "2. místo", "3. místo", "Vítěz bodovací soutěže",
"Nejlepší vrchař", "Nejlepší sprinter", "Nejlepší mladý jezdec", "Nejaktivnější jezdec", "Nejlepší kombinovaná", "Nejlepší družstvo", "Picture",
"Caption", "Map", "Special 1", "Special 2", "Dokumentace", "Metas volantes", "Regularidad", "Team points", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
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"Pointtrøje", "Bjergtrøje", "Sprinttrøje", "Ungdomstrøje", "Mest angrebsivrige", "Kombinationstrøje", "Holdkonkurrence", "Billede", "Billedtekst",
"Kort", "Special 1", "Special 2", "Dokumentation", "Indlagt spurt", "Regularitet", "Holdkonkurrence efter point", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
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"GesamtwertungSieger", "Zweiter", "Dritter", "Punktewertung", "Bergwertung", "Sprintwertung", "Nachwuchswertung", "Kämpferischster Fahrer", "Kombinationswertung",
"Teamwertung", "Bild", "Beschriftung", "Karte", "Special 1", "Special 2", "Dokumentation", "Metas volantes", "Regularidad", "Teamwertung (Punkte)",
"Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
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"Klasifiko laux poentoj", "Plej bona grimpanto", "Plej bona sprinto", "Plej bona juno", "Superbatalema", "Plej bona por kombino", "Plej bona teamo",
"Picture", "Caption", "Map", "Special 1", "Special 2", "Dokumentado", "Metas volantes", "Regularidad", "Team points", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
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"Ganador", "Segundo", "Tercero", "Puntos", "Montaña", "Metas volantes", "Jóvenes", "Combatividad", "Combinada", "Equipo", "Imagen", "Leyenda", "Mapa",
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"Batez besteko abiadura", "Kostua", "Azken sailkapena", "Irabazlea", "Bigarrena", "Hirugarrena", "Puntuak", "Mendiak", "Esprintak", "Gazteak",
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"Победник", "Второпласиран", "Третопласиран", "Бодовен", "Планински", "Спринтерски", "Младински", "Борбеност", "Комбиниран", "Екипен", "слика", "опис",
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"KlatreKlatring", "SprintSpurt", "Ungdom", "Mest offensive", "Kombinasjon", "Lagkonkurranse", "Bilde", "Bildetekst", "Kart", "SpecialSpesial 1", "SpecialSpesial 2", "Dokumentasjon",
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"Trzecie miejsce", "Punktowa", "Górska", "Sprinterska", "Młodzieżowa", "Najaktywniejszych", "Kombinowana", "Drużynowa", "Picture", "Caption", "Map",
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"Vencedor", "Segundo", "Terceiro", "Prêmio por pontos", "Prêmio de montanha", "Sprints", "Juventude", "Disputa", "Combinação", "Equipes", "Imagem",
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"Special 2", "Documentație", "Metas volantes", "Regularidad", "Team points", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
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"Место старта", "Пункт назначения", "Команды", "Вышло на старт гонщиков", "Финишировало гонщиков", "Средняя скорость", "Призовые", "Призёры", "Победитель",
"Второй", "Третий", "Очковая", "Горная", "Спринтерская", "Молодёжная", "Бойцовская", "Комбинированная", "Командная", "Вид", "Описание", "Карта", "Сектор 1",
"Сектор 2", "Документация", "MetasПромежуточные volantesфиниши", "Регулярность", "Командные очки", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
l10nDef["//sv.wikipedia.org"] = {"Race details", "Course", "Competition", "Competitions", "Stages", "Date", "Dates", "Distance", "Country", "Countries",
"Journey origin", "Journey destination", "Teams", "Starting riders", "Arriving riders", "Average speed", "Cost", "Palmares", "Winner", "Second",
"Third", "Points", "Mountains", "Sprints", "Youth", "Combativity", "Combination", "Team", "Picture", "Caption", "Map", "Special 1", "Special 2",
"Documentation", "Metas volantes", "Regularidad", "Team points", "Fuga Pinarello", "Azzurri d'Italia"}
l10nDef["//www.wikidata.org"] = l10nDef["//en.wikipedia.org"]
local l10n = l10nDef[mw.site.serverwiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["//en.wikipedia.org"] end -- default
return l10n[x]
function unit(wiki,x)
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {"", " س ", " دقيقة ", " ث", ' كم/س', " نقطة", " نقطة"}
l10nDef["fr"] = {"en", " h ", " min ", " s", ' km/h', " pt", " pts"}
l10nDef["br"] = {"", "e ", "' ", '"', ' km/h', " pt", " pts"}
l10nDef["da"] = {"", "t ", "' ", '"', ' km/t', " point", " point"}
l10nDef["de"] = {"", " h ", " min ", " s", ' km/h', " P.", " P."}
l10nDef["esen"] = {"", " h ", " min' ", '" s"', ' km/h', " pt", " pts"}
l10nDef["eues"] = {"", " oh ", " min ", " s", ' km/h', " pt&nbsp;&nbsp;", " pts"}
l10nDef["eu"] = {"", " h ", " min ", " s", ' km/h', " pt", " pt"}
l10nDef["fo"] = {"", "t ", "' ", '"', ' km/t', " pt", " pts"}
l10nDef["fi"] = {"", ".", ".", "", ' km/h', " pt", " pts"}
Ред 1.121 ⟶ 3.140:
l10nDef["mk"] = {"", "ч ", "' ", "", ' км/ч', " pt", " pts"}
l10nDef["nl"] = {"", "u", "'", '"', ' km/u', " pt", " pts"}
l10nDef["no"] = {"", "t ", "' ", '"', ' km/t', " ptpoeng", " ptspoeng"}
l10nDef["pt"] = {"", "h", "m", "s", ' km/h', " pt", " pts"}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"", "ч ", "' ", "", ' км/ч', " очко", " очков"}
l10nDef["www"] = {"", "h ", "' ", '"', ' km/h', " pt", " pts"} -- wikidata
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["wwwen"] end -- default for lv,cs,en,ca,ro,pt,pl,sv
return l10n[x]
function number(gender, b, wiki)
local str
if b=="" then return "" end
str = b .. ". "
if wiki == "ca" then
if b==1 then str = b.."r" end
if b==2 then str = b.."n" end
if b==3 then str = b.."r" end
if b==4 then str = b.."t" end
if b>4 then str = b.."è" end
if wiki=="es" then str = b..".º" end
if wiki=="fr" orthen wiki=="www" then
if b==1 then
if gender == 'm' then str="1<sup>er</sup>"
elseif gender == 'f' or gender == 'n' then str="1<sup>re</sup>"
else str="1<sup>e</sup>" end
else str=b.."<sup>e</sup>" end
if wiki=="nl" then str=b.."e" end
if wiki=="ru" then str=b.."-й" end
if wiki=="eo" then str=b.."-a" end
return str
function calculate_time(wiki, t)
local time = tonumber(t)
local h, m, s = 0, 0, 0
local str = ''
if time == nil then return '' end
if time < 60 then s = time
elseif time < 3600 then m = math.modf(time/60) s = time - m*60
else h = math.modf(time/3600) m = math.modf((time - h*3600)/60) s = time - h*3600 - m*60
if h>0 then str = str..mw.ustring.format ('%i'..unit(wiki,2), h) end
if m>=0 and h>0 then str = str.. mw.ustring.format('%02i'..unit(wiki,3), m) end
if m>0 and h==0 then str = str.. mw.ustring.format('%i'..unit(wiki,3), m) end
if s>=0 and (h>0 or m>0) then str = str.. mw.ustring.format('%02i'..unit(wiki,4), s) end
if s>=0 and h==0 and m==0 then str = str.. mw.ustring.format('%i'..unit(wiki,4), s) end
return str --time..': '..h..' '..m..' '..s
function p.pointsclassification(frame)
local s = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
header_1 = 10, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 7}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
property = 'P3494', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = true'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.teamsclassificationbytime(frame)
local s = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
header_1 = 14, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {3, 2, 4}, -- translations 3, 2, 4 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = frame.args[1],
property = 'P3497', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = true, -- it is a team classification table, its not a rider classification table
background = false'strong' -- there is no background color for the first row, but the first row is formated strong
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.teamsclassificationbypoints(frame)
local s = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
header_1 = 15, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {3, 2, 7}, -- translations 3, 2, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = frame.args[1],
property = 'P3496', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = true, -- it is a team classification table, its not a rider classification table
background = false'strong' -- there is no background color for the first row, but the first row is formated strong
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.stageclassification(frame)
if frame.args[2]~= nil then
local s = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
header_1 = 8, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 4 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = frame.args[1],
local s = {
property = 'P2417', -- property to use for this table
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
header_1 = 8, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
background = false -- there is no background color for the first row
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 4 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = frame.args[1],
return new_classification(frame, s)
property = 'P2417', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = false, -- there is no background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.generalclassification(frame)
if frame.args[2]~= nil then
local s = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
header_1 = 9, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 4 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = frame.args[1],
local s = {
property = 'P2321', -- property to use for this table
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
header_1 = 9, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
background = true -- there is a background color for the first row
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 4 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = frame.args[1],
return new_classification(frame, s)
property = 'P2321', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = 'color', -- there is a background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.teamtimetrialclassification(frame)
if frame.args[2]~= nil then
local s = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
header_1 = 8, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {3, 2, 4, 5, 6}, -- translations 3, 2, 4, 5, 6 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = frame.args[1],
property = 'P2417', -- property to use for this table
local s = {
team_classification = true, -- it is a team classification table, its not a rider classification table
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftaböleII
background = false -- there is no background color for the first row
header_1 = 8, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {3, 2, 4, 5, 6}, -- translations 3, 2, 4, 5, 6 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
return new_classification(frame, s)
item = frame.args[1],
property = 'P2417', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = true, -- it is a team classification table, its not a rider classification table
background = false, -- there is no background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function new_classificationp.mountainsclassification(frame, s)
local wikis = wiki{
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
local country = true
header_1 = 11, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 7}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
property = 'P4320', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.sprintsclassification(frame)
if wiki == 'da' then country = false end -- those wikis do not want to show the country clumn as standard
local s = s{
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
local h = {
header_1 = 12, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
rider={1, "", "", "", '', ""}, -- rank, rider ID, riderGender, nationality ID, flag ID, team ID
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 7}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
jersey={""}, -- lots of jerseyID
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
value={'', '', '', ''} -- points, time, time_gap, speed
property = 'P4322', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
local available_list = available_list
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( s.item )
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.bestyoungclassificationbypoints(frame)
--[=[ It is possible to give the classification tables in the article commands to change the standard behaviour. They could look like this:
local s = {
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|newline=false|country=true}}
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|country= false|newline=false}}
header_1 = 13, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline =true|country=true}}
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 7}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline= true}}
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline = false|country=false}}
property = 'P4323', -- property to use for this table
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|newline=true|country=true}}
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.bestyoungclassification(frame)
One additional parameter is "newline" with the values "true" or "false". "newline" says, if there is a line brake after the table. Standard is
local s = {
no line break after the tables stageclassification and teamtimetrialclassification.
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
The second parameter is "country" with the values "true" or "false". "country" tells the module to print the country column or not.
header_1 = 13, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
Most wikis have as standard to print the country columns, some wikis prefer as standard not to show the country column. A few lines above,
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
the command "if wiki == 'da' then country = false end" tells that daWiki do not want to see the country colums as standard. You can add your wiki
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
here in, if you do not want to see them as standard. With the new parameter editors are able to tell the module in the article what to do.
property = 'P4323', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
local function jerseyp.u23classification(hframe)
local jerseys = {
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
local jersey_name
header_1 = 18, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
local jersey_string = ' '
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
if type(h) == 'table' and h[1] ~= '' then
property = 'P4323', -- property to use for this table (same as best young classification)
for i,k in ipairs(h) do
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
local entity_jersey = mw.wikibase.getEntity(h[i])
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
jersey = 'File:'.. entity_jersey.claims['P18'][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value
return new_classification(frame, s)
jersey_name = entity_jersey:getLabel() or entity_jersey:getLabel( 'en' ) or entity_jersey:getLabel( 'fr' )
jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px|'..jersey_name..']]'
return jersey_string
else return ''
end -- function end
function p.combinationclassification(frame)
local startOfSeason = '' --'+2016-01-01T00:00:00Z'
local s = {
pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P580"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end)
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
if startOfSeason == '' then
header_1 = 16, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
if pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P585"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end) then
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 7}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
item = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", ""),
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink('enwiki') or entity:getSitelink('frwiki') or entity:getSitelink('dewiki') or ''
property = 'P4324', -- property to use for this table
if Sitelink == '' then return '> Wikidata is missing data about the start time (P580) and end time (P582) of the season'
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
else startOfSeason = '+'..string.match(Sitelink, '%d%d%d%d' ) ..'-01-01T00:00:00Z'
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
return new_classification(frame, s)
function p.combativeclassification(frame)
local v = ''
local pluss = ''{
header_function = headoftableII, -- translations are in function headoftableII
local localFrame
header_1 = 17, -- translation 10 in function headoftableII is printed in the upper part of the table header
if string.match(frame:getParent():getTitle(), '%P+') == mw.site.namespaces.Template.name
header_2 = {1, 2, 3, 7}, -- translations 1, 2, 3, 7 in function headoftableII are printed in this order in the lower part of the table header
then localFrame = frame:getParent() else localFrame = frame end
if localFrame.args[1] ~= nil then localFrame.args[1] item = string.gsub(localFrameframe.args[1], "%c", "") end,
property = 'P4321', -- property to use for this table
team_classification = false, -- it is not a team classification table, its a rider classification table
if localFrame.args.country ~= nil then -- switch country column on or off in the article
background = 'color' -- there is a background color for the first row
if localFrame.args.country == 'true' then country = true end
if localFrame.args.country == 'false' then country = false end
return new_classification(frame, s)
function new_classification(frame, s)
local tableHeader2_size = table.getn(s.header_2)
local country = true
if wiki == 'da' then country = false end -- those wikis do not want to show the country column as standard
if wiki == 'es' then country = false end -- those wikis do not want to show the country column as standard
local s = s
local h = {
rider={1, "", "", "", '', ""}, -- rank, rider ID, riderGender, nationality ID, flag ID, team ID
jersey={""}, -- lots of jerseyID
value={'', '', '', ''} -- points, time, time_gap, speed
local available_list = available_list
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( s.item )
--[=[ It is possible to give the classification tables in the article commands to change the standard behaviour. They could look like this:
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|newline=false|country=true}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|country= false|newline=false}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline =true|country=true}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline= true}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbypoints|Q18574623|newline = false|country=false}}
{{Cycling race/teamsclassificationbytime|Q18574623|newline=true|country=true}}
One additional parameter is "newline" with the values "true" or "false". "newline" says, if there is a line brake after the table. Standard is
no line break after the tables stageclassification and teamtimetrialclassification.
The second parameter is "country" with the values "true" or "false". "country" tells the module to print the country column or not.
Most wikis have as standard to print the country columns, some wikis prefer as standard not to show the country column. A few lines above,
the command "if wiki == 'da' then country = false end" tells that daWiki do not want to see the country colums as standard. You can add your wiki
here in, if you do not want to see them as standard. With the new parameter editors are able to tell the module in the article what to do.
local function jersey(h)
local tableStart = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><th colspan="'.. tostring(tableHeader2_size + 1) .. '"'..
local jersey
' style="padding:2px 2px; text-align:center; background-color:#FFDF80">'
local jersey_name
local jersey_string = ' '
jerseys = {
['Q24257871'] = {file = 'Jersey yellow.svg',
name_ar = 'قميص أصفر لمتصدر الترتيب العام',
name_fr = 'maillot jaune de leader du classement général',
name_es = 'maillot amarillo de líder de la clasificación general',
name_ru = 'жёлтая майка лидера генеральной классификации'
['Q24645209'] = {file = 'Jersey green.svg',
name_ar = 'قميص أخضر لمتصدر ترتيب النقاط',
name_fr = 'maillot vert de leader du classement par points',
name_es = 'maillot verde de líder de la clasificación por puntos',
name_ca = 'mallot verd del líder de la classificació per punts',
name_ru = 'зелёная майка лидера очковой классификации'
['Q24645383'] = {file = 'Jersey white.svg',
name_ar = 'قميص أبيض لمتصدر ترتيب الشباب',
name_fr = 'maillot blanc de leader du classement du meilleur jeune',
name_es = 'maillot blanco de líder de la clasificación de los jóvenes',
name_ru = 'белая майка лидера молодёжной классификации',
name_de = 'weißes Trikot des Führenden der Nachwuchswertung'
if type(h) == 'table' and h[1] ~= '' then mw.log(h[1])
local tableHeader1 = '<span style="float:left">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'..
for i,k in ipairs(h) do
s.item.. '#'.. s.property..']]</span>'.. s.header_function (wiki, s.header_1)
if jerseys[h[i]] ~= nil then mw.log('>')
jersey = 'File:'.. jerseys[h[i]].file
local tableHeader2 = '<tr>'
local name
for i,k in ipairs(s.header_2) do
name = 'name_'..wiki
if i==1 then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th colspan="2" nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px">'.. s.header_function (wiki, k) end
jersey_name = jerseys[h[i]][name] or jerseys[h[i]]['name_en'] or jerseys[h[i]]['name_fr'] or ''
if i==2 and available_list==true and country == true then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px">'.. s.header_function (wiki, k) end
if jersey_name~='' then jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px|'..jersey_name..']]'
if i>=3 then
else jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px]]'
if i ~= tableHeader2_size then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px">'.. s.header_function (wiki, k).. '</th>'
else tableHeader2 = tableHeader2..'<th nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px">'.. s.header_function (wiki, k) .. '</th>'
local entity_jersey = mw.wikibase.getEntity(h[i])
jersey = 'File:'.. entity_jersey.claims['P18'][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value
jersey_name = entity_jersey:getLabel() or entity_jersey:getLabel( 'en' ) or entity_jersey:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
if jersey_name~='' then jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px|'..jersey_name..']]'
else jersey_string = jersey_string .. '[['..jersey..'|20px]]'
return jersey_string
else return ''
end -- function end
local startOfSeason = '' --'+2016-01-01T00:00:00Z'
tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '</th></tr>'
pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P580"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end)
if startOfSeason == '' then
local tableBody = ''
if pcall(function() startOfSeason = entity.claims["P585"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end) then
local t_Body = {}
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink(wiki .. 'wiki') or entity:getSitelink('enwiki') or entity:getSitelink('frwiki') or entity:getSitelink('dewiki') or ''
local bg_color=""
if Sitelink == '' then return '> Wikidata is missing data about the start time (P580) and end time (P582) of the season'
local nr_jersey
else startOfSeason = '+'..string.match(Sitelink, '%d%d%d%d' ) ..'-01-01T00:00:00Z'
for l, m in pairs(entity.claims[s.property]) do -- look into all statements
local rank
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P1352']) do -- for property 'rank'
rank = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) break
h.rider[1] = rank
local riderID = 'Q'.. m.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
if s.team_classification == false then
h.rider[2] = WPlink(riderID, 'pure')
h.rider[6] = national_team(wiki, riderID, startOfSeason, entity, s.property, l)
pcall(function() -- for property 'points' P1358
local v = ''
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P1358']) do h.value[1] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
local plus = ''
local localFrame
if string.match(frame:getParent():getTitle(), '%P+') == mw.site.namespaces.Template.name
pcall(function() -- for property 'race time' P2781
then localFrame = frame:getParent() else localFrame = frame end
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2781']) do h.value[2] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
if localFrame.args[1] ~= nil then localFrame.args[1] = string.gsub(localFrame.args[1], "%c", "") end
if localFrame.args.country ~= nil then -- switch country column on or off in the article
pcall(function() -- for property 'time gap' P2911
if localFrame.args.country == 'true' then country = true end
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2911']) do h.value[3] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
if localFrame.args.country == 'false' then country = false end
plus = '+ '
local tableHeader2_size = table.getn(s.header_2)
pcall(function() -- for property 'speed' P2052
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2052']) do h.value[4] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
local tableStart = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><th colspan="'.. tostring(tableHeader2_size + 1) .. '"'..
' style="padding:2px 2px; text-align:center; background-color:#FFDF80">'
pcall(function() -- for property 'distinctive jersey'
local tableHeader1 = '<span style="float:left">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'..
h.jersey= {''}
s.item.. '#'.. s.property..']]</span>'.. s.header_function (s.header_1) .. '</th></tr>'
nr_jersey = 1
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2912']) do
local tableHeader2 = '<tr>'
h.jersey[nr_jersey] = 'Q'..v.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
for i,k in ipairs(s.header_2) do
nr_jersey = nr_jersey + 1
if i==1 then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'.. s.header_function (k) .. '</th>' end
if i==2 and available_list==true and country == true then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'.. s.header_function (k) .. '</th>' end
if i>=3 then
if i ~= tableHeader2_size then tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '<th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'.. s.header_function (k).. '</th>'
else tableHeader2 = tableHeader2..'<th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'.. s.header_function (k) .. '</th>'
if s.team_classification == true then
h.rider[6] = transform(riderID, 't', startOfSeason)
tableHeader2 = tableHeader2.. '</tr>'
if s.team_classification == false then
local a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P27", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
local tableBody = ''
if a == true then
h.rider[5] = flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason)
local t_Body = {}
if available_list == true and country == true then
local bg_color=""
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h.rider[4] = translations.list('Q'..b) end
local nr_jersey
if h.rider[4] == '' then
for l, m in pairs(entity.claims[s.property]) do -- look into all statements
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h.rider[4] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
local rank
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P1352']) do -- for property 'rank'
rank = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) break
h.rider[1] = rank
local riderID = 'Q'.. m.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
if s.team_classification == true then
if s.team_classification == false then
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( riderID ), 'P17', 1)
h.rider[2] = WPlink(riderID)
if a == true then
a, bh.rider[6] = timeStartEndnational_team(riderID, "P17"startOfSeason, 'numeric-id'entity, startOfSeasons.property, l)
if a == true then
h.rider[5] = flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason)
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( riderID ), 'P21', 1)
if a == true then
if b == 6581097 then h.rider[3] = 'm' end -- men
if b == 6581072 then h.rider[3] = 'f' end -- female
else h.rider[3] = 'n' -- for teams
pcall(function() -- for property 'points' P1358
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P1358']) do h.value[1] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
pcall(function() -- for property 'race time' P2781
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2781']) do h.value[2] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
pcall(function() -- for property 'time gap' P2911
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2911']) do h.value[3] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
plus = '+ '
pcall(function() -- for property 'speed' P2052
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2052']) do h.value[4] = tonumber(v.datavalue.value.amount) end
pcall(function() -- for property 'distinctive jersey'
h.jersey= {''}
nr_jersey = 1
for _, v in pairs(m.qualifiers['P2912']) do
h.jersey[nr_jersey] = 'Q'..v.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
nr_jersey = nr_jersey + 1
if s.team_classification == true then
h.rider[6] = transform(riderID, 't', startOfSeason)
if s.team_classification == false then
local a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P27", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
h.rider[5] = flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason)
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h.rider[4] = translations.list('Q'..b) end
if h.rider[4] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h.rider[4] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if s.team_classification == true then
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( riderID ), 'P17', 1)
if a == true then
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P17", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
h.rider[5] = flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason)
if available_list == true and country == true then
if type( translations.list ) == "function" then h.rider[4] = translations.list('Q'..b) end
if h.rider[4] == '' then
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
h.rider[4] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
local tBody = '<tr'
-- find the right background color if a rider has more then one jersey
-- see Wikidata:WikiProject Cycling/Kit to translate/Jerseys
if h.jersey[1] ~= '' then
local num = 1 -- loop for more then one jersey per rider
while h.jersey[num] ~= nil and h.jersey[num] ~= '' do
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257871" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257763" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" -- Jersey pink.svg
if wiki == "ca" then bg_color="lightpink" end
break end
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257872" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24687408" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24258056" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26696171" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24258125" then bg_color="#BFFF80" break end -- Jersey green 2.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257991" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey gold.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24645208" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26945271" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- MaillotVolta.png (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26945272" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29982321" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey combined.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29594434" then bg_color="#87CEEB" break end -- MaillotCyan.PNG (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q30132459" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow-bluebar.svg (General)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24645209" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25831179" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26919974" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24687409" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265938" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27114205" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28546656" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28820618" then bg_color="#87CEEB" break end -- MaillotCyan.PNG (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29982764" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q43276992" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey pink.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q47945989" then bg_color="#6495ED" break end -- Jersey dark blue.svg (Points)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265958" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey polkadot.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265959" then bg_color="#E0FFFF" break end -- Jersey blue dotted.png (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265960" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey climbing Dauphine.png (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670178" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670182" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670174" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24790519" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey grey.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670105" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey blackdots.png (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28604413" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25266023" then bg_color="#F5DEB3" break end -- Jersey brown.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27670126" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey granate.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25831602" then bg_color="#FF69B4" break end -- Jersey rosa.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29168665" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey pink.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29823248" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28820591" then bg_color="#F5DEB3" break end -- Jersey red green.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q36859499" then bg_color="#CCFFCC" break end -- Jersey greendots.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33060977" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Mountain)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26858731" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28823004" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey combined.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28604421" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q43098388" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Combinated)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24790627" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25831754" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26806427" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27478100" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28060932" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q28483869" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33134180" then bg_color="#FF69B4" break end -- Jersey rosa.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q42532690" then bg_color="#E0FFFF" break end -- Jersey light blue.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q43278032" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey polkadot.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q47513277" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Sprints)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24645383" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26919967" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26209148" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26696523" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29229790" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29982765" then bg_color="#FFC0CB" break end -- Jersey pink.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33134078" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q38929482" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q33026698" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg (Best young)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26953919" then bg_color="#8FBC8F" break end -- Jersey dark green.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29957114" then bg_color="#87CEEB" break end -- MaillotCyan.PNG (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265995" then bg_color="#F5DEB3" break end -- Jersey red green.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q29594765" then bg_color="#C0C0C0" break end -- Jersey black.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q30035039" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q30035038" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg (Combativity)
if h.jersey[num] == "Q48691401" then bg_color="#F2BC38" break end -- Jersey Goldenrod.svg (Combativity)
num = num + 1
if l == 1 and s.background == 'color' then
tBody = tBody ..' style="font-weight:bold;' -- winner is formated bold
local tBody = '<tr'
if h.jersey[1] ~= '' and bg_color ~= nil then -- background color of winner depending on jersey
-- find the right background color if a rider has more then one jersey
tBody = tBody ..'background-color:'..bg_color..'"'
-- see Wikidata:WikiProject Cycling/Kit to translate/Jerseys
if else h.jersey[1]tBody ~= tBody ..'"' thenend
local num = 1 -- loop for more then one jersey per rider
while h.jersey[num] ~= nil and h.jersey[num] ~= '' do
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257872" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257763" then bg_color="pink" -- Jersey pink.svg
if wiki == "ca" then bg_color="lightpink" end
break end
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257871" then bg_color="#FFFF99" break end -- Jersey yellow.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26696171" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24687408" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26945272" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24257991" then bg_color="#FFD700" break end -- Jersey gold.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24258056" then bg_color="#FFD030" break end -- Jersey orange.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24258125" then bg_color="#BFFF80" break end -- Jersey green 2.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24645209" then bg_color="#90EE90" break end -- Jersey green.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q27114205" then bg_color="#808080" break end -- Jersey black.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25831179" then bg_color="#FFFFFF" break end -- Jersey white.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q26919974" then bg_color="#FF8666" break end -- Jersey red.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q24687409" then bg_color="#99CBFF" break end -- Jersey blue.svg
if h.jersey[num] == "Q25265938" then bg_color="#BF80FF" break end -- Jersey violet.svg
num = num + 1
if l == 1 and s.background == 'strong' then
tBody = tBody ..' style="font-weight:bold;' -- winner is formated bold
if l == 1 and s.background == true then
tBody = tBody ..' style="font-weight:bold;' -- winner is formated bold
if h.jersey[1] ~= '' and bg_color ~= nil then -- background color of winner depending on jersey
tBody = tBody ..'background-color:'..bg_color..'"'
else tBody = tBody ..'"' end
tBody = tBody .. '><td nowrap style="text-align:center;padding:2px 0.5em 2px 0.5em">'.. number(h.rider[3], h.rider[1], wiki).. '</td><td style="text-align:left;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'
if s.team_classification == false then
if h.rider[6]==nil then h.rider[6]='' end
if available_list==false then tBody = tBody..h.rider[5].. ' '.. h.rider[2].. jersey(h.jersey)..'</td><td>'.. h.rider[6]
if country == true then tBody = tBody.. h.rider[2].. jersey(h.jersey)..'</td><td>'.. h.rider[5]..' '.. h.rider[4].. '</td><td style="text-align:left;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.rider[6]
else tBody = tBody.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. h.rider[2].. jersey(h.jersey)..'</td><td style="text-align:left;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.rider[6] end
tBody = tBody .. '><td style="text-align:center;padding:2px 0.5em 2px 0.5em;white-space:nowrap">'.. number(h.rider[3], h.rider[1], wiki).. '</td><td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'
if available_list==false then tBody = tBody.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason)
if s.team_classification == false then
if h.rider[6]==nil then h.rider[6]='' end
if available_list==false then tBody = tBody..h.rider[5].. ' '.. h.rider[2].. jersey(h.jersey)..'</td><td>'.. h.rider[6]
if country == true then tBody = tBody.. h.rider[2].. jersey(h.jersey)..'</td><td>'.. h.rider[5]..' '.. h.rider[4].. '</td><td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.rider[6]
else tBody = tBody.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. h.rider[2].. jersey(h.jersey)..'</td><td style="text-align:' .. textalign .. ';padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.rider[6] end
if country available_list== truefalse then tBody = tBody.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason).. '</td><td>'.. jersey(h.rider[5].. ' '.. h.rider[4]jersey)
else tBody = tBody.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason) end
if country == true then tBody = tBody.. WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason).. jersey(h.jersey).. '</td><td>'.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. h.rider[4]
else tBody = tBody.. h.rider[5].. ' '.. WPlink(riderID, 'team', startOfSeason).. jersey(h.jersey) end
tBody = tBody.. '</td>'
tBody = tBody.. '</td>'
if s.header_2[4]==4 then -- for table stageclassification, generalclassification, adds time and time gap
if l == 1 then tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[2]).. '</td>'
if s.header_2[4]==4 then -- for table stageclassification, generalclassification, adds time and time gap
if l == 1 then else tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. plus.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[23]).. '</td>'
else tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. plus.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[3]).. '</td>'
if s.header_2[4] == 7 then -- for table pointsclassification, adds points
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.value[1].. '<span style="font-size:80%">'
if s.header_2[4] == 7 then -- for table pointsclassification, adds points
if type(h.value[1]) == "number" then if h.value[1] > 1 then tBody = tBody..unit(7) else tBody = tBody..unit(6) end end
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.value[1].. '<span style="font-size:80%">'
tBody = tBody.. '</span>' .. '</td>'
if type(h.value[1]) == "number" then if h.value[1] > 1 then tBody = tBody..unit(wiki,7) else tBody = tBody..unit(wiki,6) end end
tBody = tBody.. '</span>' .. '</td>'
if s.header_2[3] == 4 then
if s.property == 'P2417' then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds time
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[2]) .. '</td>'
if s.header_2[3] == 4 then
if s.property == 'P3497' then -- for table teambytimeclassification, adds time and time gap
if ls.property == 1'P2417' then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds time
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[2]) .. '</td>'
else tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. plus.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[3]) .. '</td>'
if s.property == 'P3496' then -- for table teambypointsclassification, adds points
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.value[1].. '<span style="font-size:80%">'
if type(h.value[1]) == "number" then if h.value[1] > 1 then tBody = tBody..unit(wiki,7) else tBody = tBody..unit(wiki,6) end end
tBody = tBody.. '</span>' .. '</td>'
if s.header_2[4] == 5 then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds time gap
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'
if l > 1 then tBody = tBody.. plus end
tBody = tBody.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[3]) .. '</td>'
if s.header_2[5]property == 6'P3497' then -- for table teamtimetrialclassificationteambytimeclassification, adds speedtime and time gap
if l == 1 then tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[2]) .. '</td>'
if else type(h.value[4])tBody == "number" then tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 tBody0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. mwplus.ustring.format calculate_time('%.3f'wiki, h.value[43]) .. '</td>'
'<span style="font-size:80%">'.. unit(wiki, 5).. '</span>'.. '</td></tr>'
if s.property == 'P3496' then -- for table teambypointsclassification, adds points
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'.. h.value[1].. '<span style="font-size:80%">'
if rank ~= nil then t_Body[rank] = tBody.. '</tr>' end -- sort table row into the right row
if type(h.value[1]) == "number" then if h.value[1] > 1 then tBody = tBody..unit(7) else tBody = tBody..unit(6) end end
tBody = tBody.. '</span>' .. '</td>'
if s.header_2[4] == 5 then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds time gap
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'
if l > 1 then tBody = tBody.. plus end
tBody = tBody.. calculate_time(wiki, h.value[3]) .. '</td>'
if s.header_2[5] == 6 then -- for table teamtimetrialclassification, adds speed
tBody = tBody.. '<td style="text-align:right;padding:0 0.2em 0 0.2em">'
if type(h.value[4]) == "number" then tBody = tBody.. mw.ustring.format('%.3f', h.value[4])..
'<span style="font-size:80%">'.. unit(5).. '</span>'
tBody = tBody.. '</td>'
tBody = tBody.. '</tr>'
if rank ~= nil then t_Body[rank] = tBody.. '</tr>' end -- sort table row into the right row
for _, m in pairs(t_Body) do tableBody = tableBody..m end
local tableFooter=''
if s.display_ref ~=nil and s.display_ref==1 then
tableFooter ='<td class="navigation-only" colspan='..tostring(tableHeader2_size + 1)..' style="border-top: 2px #FFDF80 solid; font-size: 80%; "></td>'
tableFooter= tableFooter.."<tr><td colspan=" .. tostring(tableHeader2_size + 1) ..' style="text-align:right><small>'..race_reference(entity) ..' </small></td></tr>'
for _, m in pairs(t_Body) do tableBody = tableBody..m end
local tableEnd = '</table>'
local tableStyle, tableNewline
local tableEnd = '</th></table>'
if localFrame.args.newline == 'false' then -- parameter newline in WP article is 'false'
tableStyle = "float:"..floattable.."; margin-right:0.5em; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
local tableStyle, tableNewline
if localFrame.args.newline == 'false' then -- parameter newline in WP article is 'false'
tableStyle = "float:left; margin-right:0.5em; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = ''
if localFrame.args.newline == 'true' then -- parameter newline in WP article is 'true'
tableStyle = "border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = '<br style="clear:left;">'
if localFrame.args.newline == nil then -- no second parameter, compatible to the old code
if s.property == 'P2417' then --stageclassification
tableStyle = "float:left; margin-right:0.5em; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = ''
if localFrame.args.newline == 'true' then -- parameter newline in WP article is 'true'
tableStyle = "border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = '<br style="clear:left;">' -- everything else
if localFrame.args.newline == nil then -- no second parameter, compatible to the old code
if s.property == 'P2417' then --stageclassification
tableStyle = "float:"..floattable.."; margin-right:0.5em; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
return '<table style="'.. tableStyle.. '"><tr><td>'..
tableNewline = ''
tableStart.. tableHeader1.. tableHeader2.. tableBody.. tableEnd.. '</td></tr></table>'.. tableNewline
tableStyle = "border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200)"
tableNewline = '<br style="clear:left;">' -- everything else
return '<table style="'.. tableStyle.. '"><tr><td>' .. tableStart .. tableHeader1 .. tableHeader2 .. tableBody .. tableFooter..tableEnd .. '</td></tr></table>' .. tableNewline
function references(entity, property, var1)
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
local ref1, ref2, ref2b, ref3, ref4 = "", " ", "", "", ""
local url, ref
Ред 1.557 ⟶ 3.794:
local a, b
if wiki == 'www'onwikidata then wiki = 'fr' lang = mw.getLanguage('fr') end
a, b = pcall(fooB, 'value', entity, property, var1, 1, 'P854', 1) -- url
Ред 1.572 ⟶ 3.809:
if d ~= '00' and m ~= '00' then
if wiki == "de" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "j. F Y", b)
elseif wiki == "ar" then ref3 = '، ' .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "en" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "Y F, j", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "fr" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b)
else ref3 = ', ' .. func_date (b, wiki, 'long') .. '.' --lang:formatDate( "j n Y", b) .. '.'
elseif d == '00' and m ~= '00' then
d = '01'
if wiki == "de" then ref3 = ', ' .. lang:formatDate( "F Y", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )
elseif wiki == "ar" then ref3 ='، ' .. lang:formatDate( "F Y", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )..'.'
elseif wiki == "en" then ref3 =', ' .. lang:formatDate( "Y F", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )..'.'
elseif wiki == "fr" then ref3 =', ' .. lang:formatDate( "F Y", year..'-'..m..'-'..d )
Ред 1.589 ⟶ 3.828:
if a == true then
if wiki == "de" then ref4 = ", (abgerufen am " .. lang:formatDate( "j. F Y", b).. ')'
elseif wiki == "ar" then ref4 = " تاريخ الوصول " .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "en" then ref4 = " Retrieved " .. lang:formatDate( "Y F, j", b) .. '.'
elseif wiki == "fr" then ref4 = " (consulté le " .. lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b) .. ')'
else ref4 = " Retrieved " .. func_date (b, wiki, 'long').. '.' --lang:formatDate( "j n Y", b) .. '.'
Ред 1.615 ⟶ 3.855:
ref = ref2b .. '['.. ref1.. ' '.. ref2.. '] ' .. url.. ref3 .. ref4
return ref or ''
-- end-- end if wiki == 'www'
else return ref or ''
else return ''
Ред 1.643 ⟶ 3.882:
local entityId = frame.args[1]
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
local results = false
local a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2
Ред 1.656 ⟶ 3.894:
then localFrame = frame:getParent() else localFrame = frame end
if localFrame.args[infobox_translate(2)] then tt.nr = localFrame.args[infobox_translate(2)] end
if localFrame.args[infobox_translate(29)] then tt.picture = localFrame.args[infobox_translate(29)] end
if localFrame.args[infobox_translate(30)] then tt.caption = localFrame.args[infobox_translate(30)] end
if localFrame.args[infobox_translate(31)] then tt.map = localFrame.args[infobox_translate(31)] end
if entity:getLabel() ~= nil then tt.name = entity:getLabel()
if wiki == "ar" and entity:getLabel( 'fren' ) ~= nil then tt.name = entity:getLabel( 'fren' ).. " (fr)"
elseif entity:getLabel( 'fr' ) ~= nil then tt.name = entity:getLabel( 'fr' ).. " (fr)"
else tt.name = "Wikidata doesn´t know" end
else tt.name = "Wikidata doesn´t know" end
Ред 1.689 ⟶ 3.929:
if a == true and tt.nr == "" then
tt.nr = b .. ". "
if wiki == "fr" or wiki == "www" then
if b == 1 then tt.nr = "1<sup>re</sup> " else tt.nr = b .."<sup>e</sup> " end end
if wiki == "nl" then tt.nr = b .."e " end
Ред 1.709 ⟶ 3.949:
else -- if there is only one value, assume it is not a class
if a == true or c == true then t.is_a = "Q"..b end
if t.is_a == "Q27020041" then -- if is_a = season so try to find it from "season of"
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P3450', 1)
if a == true then t.is_a = "Q"..b end
Ред 1.749 ⟶ 3.994:
else t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "j", b1 )
if wiki == "ar" then
if y ~= y2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "d F Y", b1 )
elseif m ~= m2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "d F", b1 )
else t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "d F", b1 )
end end
if wiki == "br" then
if y ~= y2 then t.starttime = lang:formatDate( "j", b1 ) .." a viz ".. lang:formatDate( "F Y", b1 )
Ред 1.809 ⟶ 4.059:
t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "j F Y", b2 )
timeofrace = b2
if wiki == "ar" then
if y ~= y2 then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d F Y", b2 )
elseif m ~= m2 then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d F Y", b2 )
else t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d، Y", b2 )
end end
if wiki == "br" then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "j", b2 ) .." a viz ".. lang:formatDate( "F Y", b2 ) end
if wiki == "ca" or wiki == "es" then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "j", b2 ) .." de ".. lang:formatDate( "F", b2 ) .." de ".. lang:formatDate( "Y", b2 ) end
Ред 1.817 ⟶ 4.072:
elseif m ~= m2 then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "F d, Y", b2 )
else t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "d, Y", b2 )
end end
if wiki == "eo" then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "j", b2 ) .."-a de ".. lang:formatDate( "F Y", b2 ) end
if wiki == "eu" then t.endtime = lang:formatDate( "Y", b2 ) ..".eko ".. lang:formatDate( "F", b2 ) .."k ".. lang:formatDate( "j", b2 ) end
Ред 1.836 ⟶ 4.091:
end -- if a2
-- This function give a format to dates when P585 (date) is used in a single day race
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P585', 1)
if a1 == true and t.time == "" then i = 1
Ред 1.843 ⟶ 4.098:
a1, b1, c1 = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity, 'P585', i)
t.time = func_date (b1, wiki, 'long')
timeofrace = b1
Ред 1.859 ⟶ 4.114:
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q828224" then
t.length_unit = 'km'
if wiki == "ar" then t.length_unit = 'كم' end
if wiki == "mk" then t.length_unit = 'км' end
if wiki == "ru" then t.length_unit = 'км' end
Ред 1.875 ⟶ 4.131:
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q828224" then
t.length_unit = 'km'
if wiki == "ar" then t.length_unit = 'كم' end
if wiki == "mk" then t.length_unit = 'км' end
if wiki == "ru" then t.length_unit = 'км' end
Ред 1.946 ⟶ 4.203:
if b1 == "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q180154" then
t.speed_unit = 'km/h'
if wiki == "ar" then t.speed_unit = 'كم/س' end
if wiki == "da" or wiki == 'fo' or wiki == 'no' then t.speed_unit = 'km/t' end
if wiki == "nl" then t.speed_unit = 'km/u' end
Ред 1.971 ⟶ 4.229:
local note, qual, id, id_team
-- By entering a value just below, the Wikipedia added will have Wikidata logos associated with cyclists in the infobox
if wiki == "www" or wiki == "mk" or wiki == "ja" or wiki == "ru" then note = 'q'
else note = 'f'
note = 'f'
-- By entering a value just below, the Wikipedia added will show the team of the winner
if pcall(foo3, entity, "P1346", 1, "P642", 1) then
Ред 1.991 ⟶ 4.250:
-- -- pcall(function() id=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) -- rider ID
-- looks into race item if the winner has a P54 statement for beeng a member of a national team
for _, vv in pairs(entity.claims["P1346"][k].qualifiers['P54']) do
id_team = '2t'.. ' ('.. national_team(wiki, 'Q'..id, timeofrace, entity, 'P1346', k).. ')'
Ред 2.004 ⟶ 4.263:
for _, vv in pairs(entity.claims["P1346"][k].qualifiers['P642']) do
if id~=nil then
if id~=nil and qual~=nil and v.rank~='deprecated' then
if qual == 20882667 and t.first=="" then t.first=note..id t.first_team=id_team ref.first=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20882668 and t.second=="" then t.second=note..id t.second_team=id_team ref.second=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20882669 and t.third=="" then t.third=note..id t.third_team=id_team ref.third=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883007 and t.winner_point=="" then t.winner_point=note..id t.winner_point_team=id_team ref.winner_point=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883212 and t.winner_mountain=="" then t.winner_mountain=note..id t.winner_mountain_team=id_team ref.winner_mountain=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883328 and t.winner_sprint=="" then t.winner_sprint=note..id t.winner_sprint_team=id_team ref.winner_sprint=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20883139 and t.winner_young=="" then t.winner_young=note..id t.winner_young_team=id_team ref.winner_young=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20893983 and t.winner_fighting=="" then t.winner_fighting=note..id t.winner_fighting_team=id_team ref.winner_fighting=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27067359 and t.winner_metas_volantes=="" then t.winner_metas_volantes=note..id t.winner_metas_volantes_team=id_team ref.winner_metas_volantes=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27067170 and t.winner_regularity=="" then t.winner_regularity=note..id t.winner_regularity_team=id_team ref.winner_regularity=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20893979 and t.winner_combination=="" then t.winner_combination=note..id t.winner_combination_team=id_team ref.winner_combination=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27907715 and t.winner_fuga_pinarello=="" then t.winner_fuga_pinarello=note..id t.winner_fuga_pinarello_team=id_team ref.winner_fuga_pinarello=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 27907747 and t.winner_azzurri_ditalia=="" then t.winner_azzurri_ditalia=note..id t.winner_azzurri_ditalia_team=id_team ref.winner_azzurri_ditalia=references(entity,"P1346",k) results=true end
if qual == 20882921 and t.winner_team == "" then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..id ), 'P31', 1)
if a == true and (b == 20738667 or b == 23726798) then -- test if 'national cycling team U23' or 'national cycling team'
t.winner_team = '2t' .." "..national_team(wiki, 'Q'..id, timeofrace, entity, 'P1346', k)
t.winner_team = note .. id ref.winner_team=references(entity,"P1346",k) results = true
if qual == 27104269 and t.winner_team_points == "" then t.winner_team_points = note .. id ref.winner_team_points=references(entity,"P1346",k) results = true end
end else
a, b = pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1346', k, 'P828', 1) -- "has cause" (P828) to be nil?
c, d = pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P1346', k, 'P1013', 1) -- "criterion used"(P1013) to be nil?
if qual~=nil and a == true and b == 1229261 -- has cause:disqualification
and c == true and d == 45123627 then -- criterion used:declared deserted
if qual == 20882667 and t.first=="" then t.first=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20882668 and t.second=="" then t.second=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20882669 and t.third=="" then t.third=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20883007 and t.winner_point=="" then t.winner_point=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20883212 and t.winner_mountain=="" then t.winner_mountain=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20883328 and t.winner_sprint=="" then t.winner_sprint=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20883139 and t.winner_young=="" then t.winner_young=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20893983 and t.winner_fighting=="" then t.winner_fighting=note..d results=true end
if qual == 27067359 and t.winner_metas_volantes=="" then t.winner_metas_volantes=note..d results=true end
if qual == 27067170 and t.winner_regularity=="" then t.winner_regularity=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20893979 and t.winner_combination=="" then t.winner_combination=note..d results=true end
if qual == 27907715 and t.winner_fuga_pinarello=="" then t.winner_fuga_pinarello=note..d results=true end
if qual == 27907747 and t.winner_azzurri_ditalia=="" then t.winner_azzurri_ditalia=note..d results=true end
if qual == 20882921 and t.winner_team=="" then t.winner_team=note..d results=true end
if qual == 27104269 and t.winner_team_points=="" then t.winner_team_points=note..d results=true end
end -- for _, vv
end -- for
Ред 2.102 ⟶ 4.383:
--local nl ="&#10;"
-- local tooltip = infobox_bottom(2) .. nl .. mw.text.encode( property(1) .. ' (P393)' ) .. nl .. mw.text.encode( property(2) ..' (P17)')
local miles
local miles_h
if t.length ~= "" then
if wiki == 'en' then -- To show distance in kilometers and miles
t.length, _ = string.gsub(t.length, "[+]", "") -- delets "+" sign from t.length
miles = math.modf(10*t.length/1.609344)/10
miles = lang:formatNum(tonumber(miles)) -- formats t_g.miles in the way it is done in the local Wiki
t.length, _ = string.gsub(t.length, "[+]", "") -- delets "+" sign from t.length
t.length = lang:formatNum(tonumber(t.length)) -- formats t.length in the way it is done in the local Wiki
if wiki == 'fo' then t.length = string.gsub(t.length, "%.", ",") end
if t.speed ~= "" then
if wiki == 'en' then -- To show speed in kilometers per hour and miles per hour
miles_h = math.modf(1000*t.speed/1.609344)/1000
miles_h = lang:formatNum(tonumber(miles_h)) -- formats t_g.miles in the way it is done in the local Wiki
t.speed, _ = string.gsub(t.speed, "[+]", "")
t.speed = lang:formatNum(tonumber(t.speed))
if wiki == 'fo' then t.speed = string.gsub(t.speed, "%.", ",") end
if t.cost ~= "" then
t.cost, _ = string.gsub(t.cost, "[+]", "")
Ред 2.124 ⟶ 4.416:
local j, _ = string.find(k, "]")
if i ~= nil and j ~= nil then
t.previous = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. span1 .. string.match(string.sub(k, i+1, j-1), "%d%d%d%d") .. string.sub(k, j)
if wiki == "ar" then t.previous = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. span2 .. (string.match(string.sub(k, i+1, j-1), "%d%d%d%d") or '') .. string.sub(k, j) end
if string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d") == nil then t.previous = '' else t.previous = string.sub(k, string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d")) end
if t.previous ~= "" then
t.previous = span1 .. t.previous end
if wiki == "ar" then t.previous = span2 .. t.previous end
k = t.next
i, _ = string.find(k, "|")
j, _ = string.find(k, "]")
if i ~= nil and j ~= nil then
t.next = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. string.match(string.sub(k, i+1, j-1), "%d%d%d%d") .. span2 .. string.sub(k,j)
if wiki == "ar" then t.next = string.sub(k, 1, i) .. (string.match(string.sub(k, i+1, j-1), "%d%d%d%d") or '') .. span1 .. string.sub(k,j) end
if string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d") == nil then t.next = "" else t.next = string.sub(k, string.find(k, "%d%d%d%d")) end
if t.next ~= "" then
t.next = t.next .. span2 end
if wiki == "ar" then t.next = span1 .. t.next end
Ред 2.179 ⟶ 4.479:
tab = "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' style='float:right"..floatinfobox.."; width:300px; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200);"
tab = tab .. "margin:0 0 0.5em 0.5em; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255); color:black; padding:5px; clear:left; "
tab = tab .. "text-align:left" .. textalign .. "; font-size:85%; line-height:1.6em;'>"
if wiki == "eo" then tab = "<table style='width:23em; border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200);"
tab = tab .. "margin:0 0 0.5em 0.5em; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255); color:black; padding:5px;"
tab = tab .. "text-align:left" .. textalign .. "; font-size:85%; line-height:1.6em;' class='infobox' >"
tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='border-bottom:5px solid white; font-size:175%; background:#FFDF80; text-align:center'>"
Ред 2.202 ⟶ 4.502:
if t.date~="" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(6).."'''</td><td>" .. t.date.."</td></tr>" end
if t.dates~="" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(7).."'''</td><td>" .. t.dates.."</td></tr>" end
if wiki ~= 'en' then --As default show only kilometers, but if 'en.wiki' show kilometers and miles
if t.length ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(8).."'''</td><td>" .. t.length.." "..t.length_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t.length ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(8).."'''</td><td>" .. t.length.." "..t.length_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t.length ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(8).."'''</td><td>" .. t.length.." "..t.length_unit.." ("..miles.." mi)".."</td></tr>" end
if ttt.country[1] ~= nil then tab = tab.."<tr><td style= 'vertical-align:top'>'''"
if #ttt.country == 1 then tab = tab..infobox_translate(9).."'''</td><td>" else tab = tab..infobox_translate(10).."'''</td><td>" end
Ред 2.211 ⟶ 4.515:
if t.nr_participants_start ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(14).."'''</td><td>" .. t.nr_participants_start .. "</td></tr>" end
if t.nr_participants_end ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(15).."'''</td><td>" .. t.nr_participants_end .. "</td></tr>" end
if wiki ~= 'en' then --As default show only kilometers/hour, but if 'en.wiki' show kilometers/hour and miles/hour
if t.speed ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(16).."'''</td><td>" .. t.speed .. " "..t.speed_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t.speed ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(16).."'''</td><td>" .. t.speed .. " "..t.speed_unit.."</td></tr>" end
if t.speed ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(16).."'''</td><td>" .. t.speed .. " "..t.speed_unit.." ("..miles_h.." mi/h)".."</td></tr>" end
if t.cost ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..infobox_translate(17).."'''</td><td>" .. t.cost .. " "..t.cost_unit.. "</td></tr>" end
if tttt.special_1a ~= "" then tab = tab.."<tr><td>'''"..tttt.special_1a.."'''</td><td>" .. tttt.special_1b.. "</td></tr>" end
Ред 2.234 ⟶ 4.542:
if tt.map ~= "" then tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:center'>".." [[File:".. tt.map .."|center|300px]]".."</td></tr>" end
tabprevNextLine = tab.."<tr><td>"..t.previous.."</td><td style='text-align:right'>" .. t.next .. "</td></tr>"
if wiki == "ar" then prevNextLine = "<tr><td width='50%' style='text-align:right'>"..t.previous.."</td><td width='50%' style='text-align:left'>" .. t.next .. "</td></tr>" end
tab = tab .. prevNextLine
local s = "d:Wikidata:WikiProject Cycling/Documentation/infobox"
tab = tab .. "<tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align:right; border-top:3px solid #FFDF80; font-size:75%'>" .. "[[" .. s .. "|" .. infobox_translate(34) .. "]] [[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:".. frame.args[1] .. "]]" --infobox_bottom(1)
--tab = tab .. "<span style='float:right' title='".. tooltip .. "'>[[File:High-contrast-help-browser.svg|10px|right|link=]]</span>"
tab = tab .. "</span></td></tr>"
tab= tab.."</table>"
return tab
function national_team(wiki, riderID, startOfSeason, entity, property, k)
-- property: statement where the rider is the value
-- k: loop
local national_team, team, nationality, teamID
-- national team for U23 or older riders
if pcall(function()
local i,j, s
for _, v in pairs(entity.claims[property][k].qualifiers['P54']) do -- for property 'member of sports team'
teamID = 'Q'.. v.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] break
national_team = mw.wikibase.getEntity( teamID )
-- calculate s for national team item
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', national_team, 'P31', 1) -- test if country
if a == true and b == 20738667 then -- Q20738667 = national cycling team U23
if wiki == 'fr' or wiki == 'www' then s = ' espoirs' else s = ' U23' end
if wiki == 'mk' then s = ' под 23 години' end
elseif a == true and (b == 1194951 or b == 23726798) then s = '' end
-- Q1194951 = national sports team, Q23726798 = national cycling team
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P27", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
nationality = nation:getLabel() or nation:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if national_team:getSitelink() == nil then
team = nationality.. s
team = "[[".. national_team:getSitelink().. "|".. nationality.. s.. ']]'
national_team = mw.wikibase.getEntity( teamID )
-- calculate s for national team item
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', national_team, 'P31', 1) -- test if country
if a == true and b == 20738667 then -- Q20738667 = national cycling team U23
if wiki == 'fr' then s = ' espoirs' else s = ' U23' end
if wiki == 'mk' then s = ' под 23 години' end
if wiki == 'ar' then s = ' تحت 23' end
elseif a == true and (b == 1194951 or b == 23726798) then s = '' end
-- Q1194951 = national sports team, Q23726798 = national cycling team
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P27", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
nationality = nation:getLabel() or nation:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if national_team:getSitelink() == nil then
team = nationality.. s
team = "[[".. national_team:getSitelink().. "|".. nationality.. s.. ']]'
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P17", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then --team = 'abc'.. b --riderID
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
nationality = nation:getLabel() or nation:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if national_team:getSitelink() == nil then
team = nationality.. s
team = "[[".. national_team:getSitelink().. "|".. nationality.. s.. ']]'
end) then
--standard team
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, 'P54', 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
national_team = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b )
-- g.team[rank] = national_team:getLabel() or g.country[rank].. s
team = WPlink('Q'..b, 'team', startOfSeason)
-- guest team
if teamID ~= nil then team = WPlink(teamID, 'team') end
return team
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, "P17", 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then --team = 'abc'.. b --riderID
local nation = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
nationality = nation:getLabel() or nation:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
if national_team:getSitelink() == nil then
team = nationality.. s
team = "[[".. national_team:getSitelink().. "|".. nationality.. s.. ']]'
end) then
--standard team
a, b = timeStartEnd(riderID, 'P54', 'numeric-id', startOfSeason)
if a == true then
national_team = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b )
-- g.team[rank] = national_team:getLabel() or g.country[rank].. s
team = WPlink('Q'..b, 'team', startOfSeason)
-- guest team
if teamID ~= nil then team = WPlink(teamID, 'team') end
function func_date (date, mode)
return team
-- local date = '+2016-05-20'
-- local mode = 'small'
function func_date (date, wiki, mode)
-- local wiki = 'cs'
-- local mode = 'small'
-- local date = '+2016-05-20'
local function standard(datum)
if mode=='long' then return mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("j F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("j M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate("j", datum) end
local function ar(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('ar')
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage('ar'):formatDate("j F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('ar'):formatDate("j F", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('ar'):formatDate("j", datum) end
local function br(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('br')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum ) .." a viz ".. lang:formatDate("F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum ) .." a viz ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum ) end
local function ca(datum, language)
local lang = mw.getLanguage(language)
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .." de ".. lang:formatDate("F", datum) .." de ".. lang:formatDate("Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .." de ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function cs(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('cs')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j. xg Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) ..". xg ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function de(datum, language)
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage(language):formatDate("j. F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage(language):formatDate("j. M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage(language):formatDate("j.", datum) end
local function eo(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('eo')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .."-a de ".. lang:formatDate("F Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) .."-a de ".. lang:formatDate("M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function en(datum)
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage('en'):formatDate("F d, Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('en'):formatDate("M d", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('en'):formatDate("d", datum) end
local function eu(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('eu')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate( "Y", datum) ..".eko ".. lang:formatDate("F", datum) .."k ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate( "M", datum) .."k ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function fi(datum) -- may be different
if mode=='long' then return mw.ustring.gsub(mw.getLanguage('fi'):formatDate("j. F Y", date), "%a+", "%0ta") end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('fi'):formatDate("j. M", date) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('fi'):formatDate("j.", date) end
local function hu(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('hu')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate( "Y", datum) ..". ".. lang:formatDate("F", datum) .." ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum)..". " end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate( "M", datum) ..". ".. lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local function ja(datum)
if mode=='long' then return mw.getLanguage('ja'):formatDate("Y年m月d日", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return mw.getLanguage('ja'):formatDate("m月d日", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return mw.getLanguage('ja'):formatDate("d日", datum) end
local function lv(datum)
local lang = mw.getLanguage('lv')
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("Y.", datum) .." gada ".. lang:formatDate("j. F", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("Yj. M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j.", datum) end
local function pl(datum)
Ред 2.365 ⟶ 4.694:
local date_pl = {"stycznia", "lutego", "marca", "kwietnia", "maja", "czerwca", "lipca", "sierpnia", "września", "października", "listopada", "grudnia"}
if mode=='long' then return lang:formatDate("j ", datum) .. date_pl[tonumber(lang:formatDate("n", datum))] .. lang:formatDate(" Y", datum) end
if mode=='small' then return lang:formatDate("j M", datum) end
if mode=='onlyday' then return lang:formatDate("j", datum) end
local x = {['']=standard(date), ['ar']=ar(date), ['br']=br(date), ['ca']=ca(date,'ca'), ['cs']=cs(date), ['da']=de(date,'da'), ['de']=de(date,'de'), ['en']=en(date), ['eo']=eo(date),
['es']=ca(date,'es'), ['eu']=eu(date), ['fi']=fi(date), ['fo']=de(date,'fo'), ['hu']=hu(date), ['ja']=ja(date), ['lv']=lv(date), ['no']=de(date,'no'), ['pl']=pl(date)}
Ред 2.375 ⟶ 4.705:
function p.teamroster(frame)
if frame.args[1] ~= nil then frame.args[1] = string.gsub(frame.args[1], "%c", "") end
local squadSeason = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( frame.args[1] )
local flags, pays = {}, {}
local riderIds, riderNames, riderBirthdays, givenname, familyname, riderTeam, time = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
local riderStart, riderEnd, riderPosition, riderReason, riderRef = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
local index, riderNames_transl, riderNames_notransl = {}, {}, {}
local labelMissing = false
local wikilang = string.match(mw.sitelanguage.server, "%a+"getContentLanguage()
local WDlink_on
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local team, rider, startOfSeason
local WDlink_on
local team,v rider,= startOfSeason''
local v = ''
local function trans(date, month, day)
if date ~= '' then
local function trans(date, month, day)
local _, _, y, m, d = string.find(date, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if date ~= '' then
if m == '00' then m = month end
local _, _, y, m, d = string.find(date, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if md == '00' then md = monthday end
date = '+'..y..'-'..m..'-'..d..'T00:00:00Z'
if d == '00' then d = day end
return date
date = '+'..y..'-'..m..'-'..d..'T00:00:00Z'
else return date'' end
else return '' end
local function name(i, wiki, transl, names, givenname, familyname)
-- transform name "A B ..." into "B ... A"
local function name(i, wiki, transl, names, givenname, familyname)
local _, count = mw.ustring.gsub(names, " ", " ")
-- transform name "A B ..." into "B ... A"
local _a, countb,c,d = mw.ustring.gsub(names'', " "'', "'', ")''
local a,b,c,ddone = '', '', '', ''false
if count ~= nil then count = count + 1 else count = 1 end
local done = false
if count ~= nil then count = count + 1 else count = 1 end
if count > 1 then
if count >== 12 then
if names~='' then _, _, a, b = mw.ustring.find(names, "(%S+)%s+(%S+)") names=b..' '..a..":"..i end
if count == 2 then
if names~='' then _, _, a, b = mw.ustring.find(names, "(%S+)%s+(%S+)") names=b..' '..a..":"..i end
local name_parts_lv = {'da', 'de', 'di', 'De', 'la', 'Le', 'ten', 'van', 'Van'}
local name_parts_lvname_parts_mk = {'daда', 'deди', 'diде', 'DeДе', 'laла', 'LeЛе', 'tenтен', 'vanван', 'VanВан'}
local name_parts_mkname_parts_ru = {'да', 'ди', 'де', 'Де', 'ла', 'Ле', 'тен', 'ван', 'Ван'}
local name_parts_runame_parts = {'даda', 'диde', 'деdi', 'ДеDe', 'лаla', 'ЛеLe', 'тенten', 'ванvan', 'ВанVan'}
local v
local name_parts = {'da', 'de', 'di', 'De', 'la', 'Le', 'ten', 'van', 'Van'}
if count == 3 and names~='' then
local v
_, _, a, b, c = mw.ustring.find(names, "(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
if count == 3 and names~='' then
if wiki == 'mk' then
_, _, a, b, c = mw.ustring.find(names, "(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_mk) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'mk' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_mk) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'lv' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_lv) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_ru) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki ~= 'lv' and wiki ~= 'mk' and wiki ~= 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if transl == 'notransl' then --or (wiki~='lv' and wiki~='mk' and wiki~='ru' and wiki~='ja') then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if not done and familyname==2 then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true end
if not done and familyname==1 then names = c..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true end
if not done and familyname==0 then names = c..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true end
if wikicount ==> 3 and names~='lv' then
_, _, a, b, c, d = mw.ustring.find(names, "(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_lv) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'mk' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_mk) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_mk) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'lv' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_lv) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_lv) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_ru) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_ru) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki ~= 'lv' and wiki ~= 'mk' and wiki ~= 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if transl == 'notransl' then --or (wiki~='lv' and wiki~='mk' and wiki~='ru' and wiki~='ja') then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if not done then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i end
if wiki == 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_ru) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki ~= 'lv' and wiki ~= 'mk' and wiki ~= 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if transl == 'notransl' then --or (wiki~='lv' and wiki~='mk' and wiki~='ru' and wiki~='ja') then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if not done and familyname==2 then names = b..' '..c..' '..a..":"..i done = true end
if not done and familyname==1 then names = c..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true end
if not done and familyname==0 then names = c..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true end
if count > 3 and names~='' then
_, _, a, b, c, d = mw.ustring.find(names, "(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
if wiki == 'mk' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_mk) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_mk) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'lv' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_lv) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_lv) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki == 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_ru) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts_ru) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if wiki ~= 'lv' and wiki ~= 'mk' and wiki ~= 'ru' then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if transl == 'notransl' then --or (wiki~='lv' and wiki~='mk' and wiki~='ru' and wiki~='ja') then
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if c == v then names = c..' '..d..' '..a..' '..b..":"..i done = true break end end
for _,v in ipairs(name_parts) do if b == v then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i done = true break end end
if not done then names = b..' '..c..' '..d..' '..a..":"..i end
return names
return names
local localFrame
local sort
local localFrame
The word 'sort' is used to sort the riders after the surname. It could look like this in the Wikipedia article
local sort
{{Cycling race/teamroster|Q21769847
| sort
The word 'sort' is used to sort the riders after the surname. It could look like this in the Wikipedia article
{{Cycling race/teamroster|Q21769847
A rider called 'Laurens De Vreese' is sorted after 'De Vreese Laurens'. If you want to sort after 'Vreese Laurens De'
| sort
change that in the code. In lvWiki, mkWiki and ruWiki sorting is standard, there is no need to switch sorting on in the article
A rider called 'Laurens De Vreese' is sorted after 'De Vreese Laurens'. If you want to sort after 'Vreese Laurens De'
if string.match(frame:getParent():getTitle(), '%P+') == mw.site.namespaces.Template.name
change that in the code. In lvWiki, mkWiki and ruWiki sorting is standard, there is no need to switch sorting on in the article
if frame.args[2] ~= nil then
if string.match(frame:getParent():getTitle(), '%P+') == mw.site.namespaces.Template.name
then localFrame = frame:getParent() else localFrame = frame end
if localFrame.args[2] ~= nil then
if mw.ustring.find(mw.ustring.lower(framelocalFrame.args[2]), "sort") then sort = true else sort = false end
else sort = false
if wiki == "lv" or wiki == "mk" or wiki == "ru" then sort = true end
if wiki == "lv" or wiki == "mk" or wiki == "ru" then sort = true end
pcall(function() team = squadSeason.claims["P361"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
pcall(function() team = squadSeason.claims["P361"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
-- WDlink_on is used to decide if a Wikidata flag will be shown
if wiki == "mk" or wiki == "ja" or wiki == "ru" then WDlink_on = true else WDlink_on = false end
-- WDlink_on is used to decide if a Wikidata flag will be shown
if wiki == "mk" or wiki == "ja" or wiki == "ru" then WDlink_on = true else WDlink_on = false end
if pcall(function() startOfSeason = squadSeason.claims["P580"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end) then
if pcall(function() startOfSeason = squadSeason.claims["P580"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end) then
local Sitelink = squadSeason:getSitelink(wiki .. 'wiki') or squadSeason:getSitelink('enwiki') or squadSeason:getSitelink('frwiki') or squadSeason:getSitelink('dewiki') or ''
if Sitelink == '' then return '> Wikidata is missing data about the start time (P580) and end time (P582) of the season'
local Sitelink = squadSeason:getSitelink('enwiki') or squadSeason:getSitelink('frwiki') or squadSeason:getSitelink('dewiki') or ''
else startOfSeason = '+'..string.match(Sitelink, '%d%d%d%d' ) ..'-01-01T00:00:00Z'
if Sitelink == '' then return '> Wikidata is missing data about the start time (P580) and end time (P582) of the season'
else startOfSeason = '+'..string.match(Sitelink, '%d%d%d%d' ) ..'-01-01T00:00:00Z'
local i = 1
local i = 1
while squadSeason.claims["P527"][i] do
riderIds[i] = 'Q' .. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
riderNames[i] = WPlink(riderIds[i])
rider = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(riderIds[i])
if pcall(function() riderBirthdays[i] = rider.claims["P569"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end
) then else riderBirthdays[i] = '' end
if pcall(function() local k for k, _ in pairs(rider.claims["P735"]) do givenname[i] = k end end
) then else givenname[i] = 0 end
if pcall(function() local k for k, _ in pairs(rider.claims["P734"]) do familyname[i] = k end end
) then else familyname[i] = 0 end
while squadSeason.claims["P527"][i] do
local language
riderIds[i] = 'Q' .. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
if wiki == "www" then language = 'en' else language = wiki end
localriderNames[i] entity=mw.wikibase.getEntity WPlink(riderIds[i])
if wiki == 'mk' or wiki == 'ru' then
rider = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(riderIds[i])
if entity:getLabel(language) ~= nil and (mw.ustring.byte(entity:getLabel(language), 1, 1) > 127 and mw.ustring.byte(entity:getLabel(language), 3, 3) > 127)
if pcall(function() riderBirthdays[i] = rider.claims["P569"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.time end
then riderNames_transl[i] = entity.labels[language].value riderNames_notransl[i] = ''
) then else riderBirthdays[i] = '' end
else riderNames_notransl[i] = entity.labels['en'].value or entity.labels['fr'].value or entity.labels['de'].value riderNames_transl[i] = ''
if pcall(function() local k for k, _ in pairs(rider.claims["P735"]) do givenname[i] = k end end
) then else givenname[i] = 0 end
if pcall(function() local k for k, _ in pairs(rider.claims["P734"]) do familyname[i] = k end end
) then else familyname[i] = 0 end
local language
language = wiki
local entity=mw.wikibase.getEntity(riderIds[i])
if wiki == 'mk' or wiki == 'ru' then
if entity:getLabel(language) ~= nil and (mw.ustring.byte(entity:getLabel(language), 1, 1) > 127 and mw.ustring.byte(entity:getLabel(language), 3, 3) > 127)
then riderNames_transl[i] = entity.labels[language].value riderNames_notransl[i] = ''
else riderNames_notransl[i] = entity.labels['en'].value or entity.labels['fr'].value or entity.labels['de'].value riderNames_transl[i] = ''
if wiki ~= 'mk' and wiki ~= 'ru' then
if entity:getLabel(language) ~= nil then riderNames_transl[i] = entity.labels[language].value riderNames_notransl[i] = ''
if wiki ~= 'mk' and wiki ~= 'ru' then
if else entity:getLabel(language)riderNames_notransl[i] ~= nilentity.labels['en'].value thenor riderNames_translentity.labels[i'fr'].value =or entity.labels[language'de'].value riderNames_notranslriderNames_transl[i] = ''
else riderNames_notransl[i] = entity.labels['en'].value or entity.labels['fr'].value or entity.labels['de'].value riderNames_transl[i] = ''
if sort == true then
riderNames_transl[i] = name(i, wiki, 'transl', riderNames_transl[i], givenname[i], familyname[i])
riderNames_notransl[i] = name(i, wiki, 'notransl', riderNames_notransl[i], givenname[i], familyname[i])
else index[i] = i
if pcall(function()
local date = squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time or ''
if sort == true then
riderStart[i] = func_date(trans(date,'01', '01'), 'small')
riderNames_transl[i] = name(i, wiki, 'transl', riderNames_transl[i], givenname[i], familyname[i])
riderNames_notransl[i] = name(i, wiki, 'notransl', riderNames_notransl[i], givenname[i], familyname[i])
) then else indexriderStart[i] = i'' end
if pcall(function()
local date = squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
if pcall(function()
riderEnd[i] = func_date(trans(date,'12', '31'), 'small')
local date = squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time or ''
riderStart[i] = func_date(trans(date,'01', '01'), wiki, 'small')
) then else riderEnd[i] = '' end
) then else riderStart[i] = '' end
if pcall(function()
riderPosition[i] = 'Q' .. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P39"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id']
if pcall(function()
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderPosition[i] )
local date = squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel( 'en' )
riderEnd[i] = func_date(trans(date,'12', '31'), wiki, 'small')
) then else riderEnd[i] = '' end
if pcall(function()
riderPosition[i] = 'Q' .. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P39"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id']
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderPosition[i] )
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel( 'en' )
--if label == null then label = entity:getLabel( 'en' ) end
riderPosition[i] = ', ' .. label end
) then else riderPosition[i] = '' end
riderReason[i] = ''
pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P1643"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P1642"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P1534"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
if riderReason[i] ~= '' then
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderReason[i] )
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel('en')
--if label == null then label = entity:getLabel( 'en' ) end
riderPosition[i] = ', ' .. label end
riderRef[i] = references(squadSeason, 'P527', i)
riderReason) then else riderPosition[i] = ', ' .. labelend
riderReason[i] = ''
pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P1643"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
local a, b
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P1642"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
local timeofrace
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P1534"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
local changedTime = '+0000-00-00'
if riderReason[i] ~= '' then
local changedTeam = ''
local entity, label= mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderReason[i] )
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel('en')
local stagiaire
--if label == null then label = entity:getLabel( 'en' ) end
time[i]='' riderTeam[i] = ''
riderRef[i] = references(squadSeason, 'P527', i)
if pcall(function() timeofrace = squadSeason.claims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time end)
riderReason[i] = ', ' .. label
then else timeofrace = startOfSeason end
if team ~= nil then a = true b = team -- if team known, don´t search for team
else a, b = timeStartEnd(riderIds[i], 'P54', 'numeric-id', timeofrace) team = b
local a, b
local timeofrace
if a == true and b ~= nil then
local changedTime = '+0000-00-00'
local vchangedTeam = ''
local entity, label
for _, v in pairs(rider.claims["P54"]) do -- look into all P54 teams
local stagiaire
pcall(function() -- get trainee data from rider item
time[i]='' riderTeam[i] = ''
if v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == b then -- print riderStart[i], riderEnd[i], riderPosition[i], riderReason[i]
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i]timeofrace = 'Q'squadSeason.. vclaims["P527"][i].qualifiers["P1643P580"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'].time end) end
then else timeofrace = startOfSeason end
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. v.qualifiers["P1642"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
if team ~= nil then a = true b = team -- if team known, don´t search for team
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. v.qualifiers["P1534"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
else a, b = timeStartEnd(riderIds[i], 'P54', 'numeric-id', timeofrace) team = b
if string.sub(riderReason[i],1,1)=='Q' then -- only for these pcall-functions, not for those at line 970
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderReason[i] )
if a == true and b ~= nil then
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel('en')
if pcall(function() riderRef[i] = references(squadSeason, 'P527', i) end) then else riderRef[i]='' end
local v
-- riderRef[i] = references(squadSeason, 'P527', i)
for _, v in pairs(rider.claims["P54"]) do -- look into all P54 teams
riderReason[i] = ', ' .. label
pcall(function() -- get trainee data from rider item
if v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == b then -- print riderStart[i], riderEnd[i], riderPosition[i], riderReason[i]
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. v.qualifiers["P1643"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. v.qualifiers["P1642"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
if riderReason[i] == '' then pcall(function() riderReason[i] = 'Q'.. v.qualifiers["P1534"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end) end
if string.sub(riderReason[i],1,1)=='Q' then -- only for these pcall-functions, not for those at line 970
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderReason[i] )
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel('en')
if pcall(function() riderRef[i] = references(squadSeason, 'P527', i) end) then else riderRef[i]='' end
-- riderRef[i] = references(squadSeason, 'P527', i)
riderReason[i] = ', ' .. label
local date1 = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time
date1 = trans(date1,'01','01')
local _, _, y1, m1, d1 = string.find(date1, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
local date2
if pcall(function() date2 = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then else date2='+'..y1..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
date2 = trans(date2,'12','31')
local _, _, y2, m2, d2 = string.find(date2, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
local _, _, y3, m3, d3 = string.find(startOfSeason, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if (y1 == y3 or y2 == y3) and ((y1 == y3 and (m1 ~= '01' or d1 ~= '01')) or (y2 == y3 and (m2 ~= '12' or d2 ~= '31'))) then
-- riders who start after 1 January or end earlier then 31 December in the season
riderStart[i] = func_date(date1, 'small')
if pcall(function()
local date = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
riderEnd[i] = func_date(date2, 'small')
) then else riderEnd[i] = func_date('+'..y1..'-12-31T00:00:00Z', 'small') end
if riderPosition[i] == '' then -- find the 'position' (P39) of a rider
pcall(function() riderPosition[i] ='Q' ..v.qualifiers["P39"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id']
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderPosition[i] )
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel( 'en' )
riderPosition[i] = ', ' .. label
stagiaire = ''
pcall(function() stagiaire = v.qualifiers["P39"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
if v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] ~= b and stagiaire == '' then -- find previous team and end time for the rider at that team
local date1 = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time
date1 = trans(date1,'01','01')
Ред 2.600 ⟶ 4.960:
local _, _, y2, m2, d2 = string.find(date2, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
local _, _, y3, m3, d3 = string.find(startOfSeason, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if y1 <= y3 then -- start time < season time
if (y1 == y3 or y2 == y3) and ((y1 == y3 and (m1 ~= '01' or d1 ~= '01')) or (y2 == y3 and (m2 ~= '12' or d2 ~= '31'))) then
local timeP582 = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
-- riders who start after 1 January or end earlier then 31 December in the season
riderStart[i] timeP582 = func_datetrans(date1timeP582, wiki'12', 'small31')
if timeP582 >= changedTime then -- find maximum end time
if pcall(function()
-- Case Pierre-Roger Latour: Chambéry CF (2012 - 2014), time season at 2013
local date = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
-- Task: changedTime should be after start time, but before startOfSeason
riderEnd[i] = func_date(date2, wiki,'small')
local _, _, y4, m4, d4 = string.find(timeP582, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
) if theny4 else> riderEnd[i]y3 then changedTime = func_date('+'..y1y3..'-12-31T00:00:00Z', wiki,'small')else changedTime = timeP582 end
changedTeam = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
end -- end if
if riderPosition[i] == '' then -- find the 'position' (P39) of a rider
end) -- end function
pcall(function() riderPosition[i] ='Q' ..v.qualifiers["P39"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id']
-- print riderTeam[i], time[i]
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( riderPosition[i] )
if changedTime ~= '+0000-00-00' then
local label = string.gsub(entity:getLabel(), "%b()", "") or entity:getLabel( 'en' )
riderPositionpcall(function() riderTeam[i] = WPlink( 'Q'..changedTeam , 'team', ..changedTime ) end) label
local _, _, y1, _, _ = string.find(changedTime, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
end time[i] = ' ('..y1..')'
stagiaire = ''
pcall(function() stagiaire = v.qualifiers["P39"][1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] end)
if v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] ~= b and stagiaire == '' then -- find previous team and end time for the rider at that team
local date1 = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time
date1 = trans(date1,'01','01')
local _, _, y1, m1, d1 = string.find(date1, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
local date2
if pcall(function() date2 = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then else date2='+'..y1..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
date2 = trans(date2,'12','31')
local _, _, y2, m2, d2 = string.find(date2, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
local _, _, y3, m3, d3 = string.find(startOfSeason, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if y1 <= y3 then -- start time < season time
local timeP582 = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
timeP582 = trans(timeP582,'12', '31')
if timeP582 >= changedTime then -- find maximum end time
-- Case Pierre-Roger Latour: Chambéry CF (2012 - 2014), time season at 2013
-- Task: changedTime should be after start time, but before startOfSeason
local _, _, y4, m4, d4 = string.find(timeP582, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if y4 > y3 then changedTime = '+'..y3..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' else changedTime = timeP582 end
changedTeam = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
end -- end if
end) -- end function
-- print riderTeam[i], time[i]
if changedTime ~= '+0000-00-00' then
pcall(function() riderTeam[i] = WPlink( 'Q'..changedTeam , 'team', changedTime ) end)
local _, _, y1, _, _ = string.find(changedTime, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
time[i] = ' ('..y1..')'
end -- end if
end -- end if for
end) -- end forfunction
end) -- end functionif
end -- end if
local a, b = timeStartEnd( riderIds[i], 'P27', 'numeric-id', startOfSeason )
if a then
if pcall(function()
local a, b flags[i] = timeStartEndflag(riderIds[i], "P27", 'numeric-idQ' .. b, startOfSeason )
if available_list == true and type( translations.list ) == 'function' then
flags[i] = flag('Q'..b, startOfSeason)
if pays[i] available_list==true and type( translations.list ('Q'..b) == "function" then
if pays[i] == translations.list('Q'..b) then
if local pays[i]country == mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b then)
pays[i] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
local country = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( 'Q'..b )
pays[i] = country:getLabel() or country:getLabel('en') .. ' (en)'
flags[i] = ''
pays[i] = ''
i = i + 1
-- sorting names after surname
if sort == true then
if language~='ja' then
table.sort(riderNames_transl, function(a,b) return a<b end)
table.sort(riderNames_notransl, function(a,b) return a<b end)
local ii, v1, v2, name1, name2, number
) then else flags[i] = '' end
i = 1
-- sorting riders with a translation
i = i + 1
for ii,name1 in ipairs(riderNames_transl) do
if name1 ~= '' then
v1, v2 = mw.ustring.find(name1, ":")
number = mw.ustring.sub(name1, v2+1)
-- sorting names after surname
name2, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(name1, ":%d+", "")
if sort == true then
index[i] = tonumber(number)
if language~='ja' then
i = i + 1
table.sort(riderNames_transl, function(a,b) return a<b end)
table.sort(riderNames_notransl, function(a,b) return a<b end)
-- sorting riders without a translation
for ii,name1 in ipairs(riderNames_notransl) do
if name1 ~= '' then
v1, v2 = mw.ustring.find(name1, ":")
number = mw.ustring.sub(name1, v2+1)
name2, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(name1, ":%d+", "")
index[i] = tonumber(number)
i = i + 1
local ii, v1, v2, name1, name2, number
local tableBody= ''
local tableHeader = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="sortable">'
..'<tr style="background-color:#FFDF80;line-height:1.8em;"><th colspan = "4" style="text-align:center;white-space:nowrap">'
if WDlink_on == false then tableHeader = tableHeader..'<span style="float:left">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'.. frame.args[1].. '#P527]]</span>' end
tableHeader = tableHeader..getSquadTableColumn(7) .. '</th></tr>'
tableHeader = tableHeader..'<th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 20px 2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'..getSquadTableColumn(1) ..
'</th><th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 20px 2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'..getSquadTableColumn(2)
if available_list==true then tableHeader = tableHeader.. '</th><th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 20px 2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'..getSquadTableColumn(6) end
tableHeader = tableHeader.. '</th><th style="text-align:center;padding:2px 20px 2px 2px;white-space:nowrap">'..getSquadTableColumn(3) .. '</th></tr>'
local tableFoot = '</table>'
local tableEndText = ''
local tableSize = table.getn(riderNames)
local iii = 1
i = 1
while index[i] do
-- sorting riders with a translation
tableBody = tableBody.. '<tr style="line-height:1.8em"><td style="padding:0 1em 0 0;white-space:nowrap">'
for ii,name1 in ipairs(riderNames_transl) do
if available_list==false then tableBody=tableBody.. flags[index[i]]..' '..riderNames[index[i]] else tableBody = tableBody.. riderNames[index[i]] end
if name1 ~= '' then
if WDlink_on == true then tableBody = tableBody.. ' '.. wdLink(riderIds[index[i]]) end
v1, v2 = mw.ustring.find(name1, ":")
if riderStart[index[i]]~='' or riderEnd[index[i]]~='' then
number = mw.ustring.sub(name1, v2+1)
tableBody=tableBody..'<span style="font-size:80%; color:#686868"> ('..riderStart[index[i]]..'–'..riderEnd[index[i]].. riderPosition[index[i]]
name2, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(name1, ":%d+", "")
if riderReason[index[i]] ~= tonumber(number)'' then
note = ', [[#tr_'..i..frame.args[1]..'|'..getSquadTableColumn(4)..']]'
i = i + 1
if wiki == "ar" then note = '، [[#tr_'..i..frame.args[1]..'|'..getSquadTableColumn(4)..']]' end
tableBody = tableBody .. note
tableBody=tableBody .. ')</span>'
elseif riderReason[index[i]]~='' then
tableBody=tableBody.. '<span style="font-size:80%; color:#686868"> ([[#tr_'..i..frame.args[1]..'|'..getSquadTableColumn(4)..']]'.. ')</span>'
tableBody = tableBody.. '</td><td style="text-align:right;white-space:nowrap">'
if wiki == 'lv' then
local _, _, y1, m1, d1 = string.find(startOfSeason,"(%d+)-(%d+)-0*(%d+)")
local _, _, y2, m2, d2 = string.find(riderBirthdays[index[i]],"(%d+)-(%d+)-0*(%d+)")
tableBody = tableBody.. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Template:Birth date and age2', args = { y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2 } }.. '</td>'
tableBody = tableBody.. func_date (riderBirthdays[index[i]], 'long')
if available_list==false then tableBody=tableBody..'</td>' else tableBody=tableBody..'</td><td>'.. flags[index[i]].. ' '..pays[i].. '</td>' end
tableBody = tableBody.. '<td style="padding:0 0.5em; text-align:left">'
if riderTeam[index[i]] ~= nil then tableBody = tableBody.. riderTeam[index[i]].. time[index[i]] end
tableBody = tableBody..'</td></tr>'
if riderReason[index[i]] ~= '' then
if iii == 1 then tableEndText = tableEndText.. getSquadTableColumn(5)..': '.. riderNames[index[i]].. riderReason[index[i]]
else tableEndText = tableEndText.. '<span style="color:white">'.. getSquadTableColumn(5)..': </span>'.. riderNames[index[i]].. riderReason[index[i]] end
iii = iii + 1
if riderRef[index[i]] ~= '' then tableEndText = tableEndText..
frame:extensionTag{name='ref', content=riderRef[index[i]], args = {name='tr_'..i..frame.args[1]}} end
tableEndText = tableEndText.. '<br>'
i = i + 1
-- sorting riders without a translation
--if tableEndText ~= '' then tableEndText = getSquadTableColumn(5)..': <span style="font-size:80%; color:#686868">'.. tableEndText .. '</span>' end
for ii,name1 in ipairs(riderNames_notransl) do
if name1 ~= '' then
local borderStyle = 'border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200); padding: 4px'
v1, v2 = mw.ustring.find(name1, ":")
number = mw.ustring.sub(name1, v2+1)
name2, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(name1, ":%d+", "")
index[i] = tonumber(number)
i = i + 1
local tableBody= ''
local tableHeader = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'
.. '<tr style="background-color:#FFDF80;line-height:1.8em;"><th nowrap style="text-align:left;">'
if WDlink_on == false then tableHeader = tableHeader .. '[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'.. frame.args[1].. '#P527]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' end
tableHeader = tableHeader..getSquadTableColumn(1)..'</th><th nowrap style="text-align:right">'..getSquadTableColumn(2)
if available_list==true then tableHeader = tableHeader.. '</th><th nowrap style="text-align:left;padding:0 0.5em">'..getSquadTableColumn(6) .. '&nbsp;' end
tableHeader = tableHeader.. '&nbsp;</th><th nowrap style="text-align:left;padding:0 0.5em">'..getSquadTableColumn(3) .. '&nbsp;</th></tr>'
local tableFoot = '</table>'
local tableEndText = ''
local tableSize = table.getn(riderNames)
local iii = 1
i = 1
while index[i] do
tableBody = tableBody.. '<tr style="line-height:1.8em"><td nowrap style="padding:0 1em 0 0">'
if available_list==false then tableBody=tableBody.. flags[index[i]]..' '..riderNames[index[i]] else tableBody = tableBody.. riderNames[index[i]] end
if WDlink_on == true then tableBody = tableBody.. ' '.. wdLink(riderIds[index[i]]) end
if riderStart[index[i]]~='' or riderEnd[index[i]]~='' then
tableBody=tableBody..'<span style="font-size:80%; color:#686868"> ('..riderStart[index[i]]..'–'..riderEnd[index[i]].. riderPosition[index[i]]
if riderReason[index[i]] ~= '' then tableBody=tableBody.. ', [[#tr_'..i..frame.args[1]..'|'..getSquadTableColumn(4)..']]' end
tableBody=tableBody .. ')</span>'
elseif riderReason[index[i]]~='' then
tableBody=tableBody.. '<span style="font-size:80%; color:#686868"> ([[#tr_'..i..frame.args[1]..'|'..getSquadTableColumn(4)..']]'.. ')</span>'
tableBody = tableBody.. '</td><td nowrap style="text-align:right">'
if wiki == 'lv' then
borderStyle = 'border:0'
local _, _, y1, m1, d1 = string.find(startOfSeason,"(%d+)-(%d+)-0*(%d+)")
local _, _, y2, m2, d2 = string.find(riderBirthdays[index[i]],"(%d+)-(%d+)-0*(%d+)")
tableBody = tableBody.. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Template:Birth date and age2', args = { y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2 } }.. '</td>'
tableBody = tableBody.. func_date (riderBirthdays[index[i]], wiki, 'long')
if available_list==false then tableBody=tableBody..'</td>' else tableBody=tableBody..'</td><td>'.. flags[index[i]].. ' '..pays[i].. '</td>' end
tableBodylocal tableStart = tableBody'<table style="' .. borderStyle .. '"><tr><td style="padding:0 0.5em; textvertical-align:lefttop;">'
local tableEnd = '</td></tr></table>'
if riderTeam[index[i]] ~= nil then tableBody = tableBody.. riderTeam[index[i]].. time[index[i]] end
tableBody = tableBody..'</td></tr>'
if labelMissing then tableEnd = tableEnd .. getMissingLabelTrackingCategory() end
if riderReason[index[i]] ~= '' then
if iii == 1 then tableEndText = tableEndText.. getSquadTableColumn(5)..': '.. riderNames[index[i]].. riderReason[index[i]]
return tableStart .. tableHeader .. tableBody .. tableFoot .. tableEnd .. tableEndText
else tableEndText = tableEndText.. '<span style="color:white">'.. getSquadTableColumn(5)..': </span>'.. riderNames[index[i]].. riderReason[index[i]] end
iii = iii + 1
if riderRef[index[i]] ~= '' then tableEndText = tableEndText..
frame:extensionTag{name='ref', content=riderRef[index[i]], args = {name='tr_'..i..frame.args[1]}} end
tableEndText = tableEndText.. '<br>'
i = i + 1
--if tableEndText ~= '' then tableEndText = getSquadTableColumn(5)..': <span style="font-size:80%; color:#686868">'.. tableEndText .. '</span>' end
local borderStyle = 'border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200); padding: 4px'
if wiki == 'lv' then
borderStyle = 'border:0'
local tableStart = '<table style="'.. borderStyle.. '"><tr><td style="vertical-align:top;">'
local tableEnd = '</td></tr></table>'
if labelMissing then tableEnd = tableEnd .. getMissingLabelTrackingCategory() end
return tableStart.. tableHeader.. tableBody.. tableFoot.. tableEnd.. tableEndText
function timeStartEnd(Qid, property, mode, timeofrace)
-- mode = 'numeric-id', property = 'P54', Qid = 'Q123'
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(Qid)
local a, b = pcall(fooA, mode, entity, property, 1)
local starttime, endtime
local available_lang_priority = available_lang_priority
if a == true then
local timeStartEnd = {}
local num = 1
local v
for _, v in pairs(entity.claims[property]) do
if pcall(function () local test = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode] end) then -- test if not 'unnown value'
if pcall(function () starttime = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then
starttime = v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time
local _,_,year,m,d = string.find(starttime,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if m == '00' and d == '00' then starttime = '+'..year..'-01-01T00:00:00Z' end
if pcall(function () endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then
endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
local _,_,year,m,d = string.find(endtime,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if m == '00' and d == '00' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if m == '01' and d == '01' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if v.qualifiers then
if (not v.qualifiers["P580"] or starttime <= timeofrace)
(not v.qualifiers["P582"] or endtime >= timeofrace)
if available_lang_priority == true and property == "P1448" then
local test = false
pcall(function () if type( v.qualifiers["P1448"])=='table' then test=true end end)
if test == false then
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
local lang_module, lang_WD
local language= ''
local zaehler
for i,j in ipairs(translations.lang_priority) do
lang_module = j
for number in pairs(v.qualifiers["P1448"]) do
lang_WD = v.qualifiers["P1448"][number].datavalue.value.language
if lang_WD == lang_module then zaehler = number break end
end -- for number in pairs
if lang_WD == lang_module then language = lang_WD break end
end -- for i,j
if language~='' then -- a WD translation matching translations.lang_priority exist
local t = v.qualifiers["P1448"][zaehler].datavalue.value.text
timeStartEnd[num] = t
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]-- no matching between lang module and "official name" qualifier
end -- if language~=''
end -- test if official name qualifier exist
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
end -- if property == "P1448"
num = num + 1
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
num = num + 1
if pcall(function () endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time end) then
return a, timeStartEnd[1]
endtime = v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time
else return false, '' end
local _,_,year,m,d = string.find(endtime,"(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)")
if m == '00' and d == '00' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if m == '01' and d == '01' then endtime = '+'..year..'-12-31T00:00:00Z' end
if v.qualifiers then
if (not v.qualifiers["P580"] or starttime <= timeofrace)
(not v.qualifiers["P582"] or endtime >= timeofrace)
if available_lang_priority == true and property == "P1448" then
local test = false
pcall(function () if type( v.qualifiers["P1448"])=='table' then test=true end end)
if test == false then
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
local lang_module, lang_WD
local language= ''
local zaehler
for i,j in ipairs(translations.lang_priority) do
lang_module = j
for number in pairs(v.qualifiers["P1448"]) do
lang_WD = v.qualifiers["P1448"][number].datavalue.value.language
if lang_WD == lang_module then zaehler = number break end
end -- for number in pairs
if lang_WD == lang_module then language = lang_WD break end
end -- for i,j
if language~='' then -- a WD translation matching translations.lang_priority exist
local t = v.qualifiers["P1448"][zaehler].datavalue.value.text
timeStartEnd[num] = t
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]-- no matching between lang module and "official name" qualifier
end -- if language~=''
end -- test if official name qualifier exist
else timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
end -- if property == "P1448"
num = num + 1
timeStartEnd[num] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
num = num + 1
return a, timeStartEnd[1]
else return false, '' end
function black_list(wiki, Label)
-- List of Wikipedia articles with the same lemma as the non existing rider article. Those lemmas are printed as text "black" in the tables,
-- not "blue" or "red". This way there will be no false wikilinks at the WhatLinksHere entry. List should be updated maybe once a year.
local black_list = {}
if wiki=='de' then black_list={ ["Ryan Anderson"]=true, ["Chris Butler"]=true, ["Josef Černý"]=true, ["Brad Evans"]=true, ["Robert Fontaine"]=true,
["Carlos Giménez"]=true, ["George Harper"]=true, ["Mathias Jørgensen"]=true, ["Luis Lemus"]=true, ["David Lozano"]=true, ["Jan Maas"]=true,
["James McLaughlin"]=true, ["Nikolaj Michajlow"]=true, ["Antonio Molina"]=true, ["Ben O'Connor"]=true, ["Andrea Peron"]=true, ["Cristian Rodríguez"]=true,
["Nick Schultz"]=true, ["Adam Stachowiak"]=true, ["Michel Vermote"]=true, ["Johannes Weber"]=true, ["Martin Weiss"]=true, ["Christopher Williams"]=true,
["Samuel Williams"]=true, ["Peter Williams"]=true, ['Stephen Williams']=true, ["Michael Woods"]=true, ["Michael Wright"] = true, ["Edoardo Zardini"]=true,
["Georg Zimmermann"]=true } end
if wiki=='en' then black_list={ ["Tiago da Silva"]=true, ["Jan Maas"]=true, ["Alexander Meier"]=true, ["James McLaughlin"]=true, ["Andrea Nencini"]=true,
["Johannes Weber"]=true } end
if wiki=='fr' then black_list={['Pierre Barbier']=true, ['Jessica Cutler']=true, ['Fernanda da Silva']=true, ['Guillaume Delvaux']=true, ['Willy De Waele']=true,
['Jules Dubois']=true, ['Jean Dupont']=true, ['Robert Fontaine']=true, ['René Fournier']=true, ['Pierre Gauthier']=true, ['Marc Goossens']=true,
['Claude Guyot']=true, ['Amy Hill']=true, ['Liang Hongyu']=true, ['Marcus Johansson']=true, ['Mathias Jørgensen']=true, ['José Mendoza']=true,
['Daniel Müller']=true, ['Henri Parmentier']=true, ['Jean Raynal']=true, ['Pascal Robert']=true, ['Jean-Yves Roy']=true, ['Michael Shermer']=true,
['Juris Silovs']=true, ['Jacques Simon']=true, ['Guy Thomas']=true, ['Ryan Thomas']=true, ['Hans Vonk']=true, ['Jan Wijnants']=true } end
return black_list[Label]
function WPlink(Qnumber, ...)
local link=''
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( Qnumber )
local Sitelink = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
local Sitelink2 = Sitelink
local Label = entity:getLabel() or ''
local Label_fr = entity:getLabel( 'fr' ) or ''
local a, b
local official_name = ""
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
if arg[1] == nil then
if arg[1]pcall(foo1, == nilQnumber) then
if pcall(foo1,Sitelink Qnumber)~= nil then
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
if Sitelink~=nil then
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2, "%b()", "")..' ') .. "]]"
if wiki == "de" then -- ru riders get label as alias, to shorten the name
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P27', 1)
if a == true and (b==159 or b==184 or b==212 or b==232) then link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. Label .. "]]" end
elseif Label ~= '' then
if wiki == 'ar' then
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title and title.exists
then link = Label
else link = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Ill-WD2', args = {id=Qnumber,target='en',label=Label} }--"[[" .. Label.. "]]"
if black_list(wiki, Label) == true then
link = Label -- function black_list: articles that are printed as text, not wikilinks
else -- detect if there is a different local article with the same name
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title and title.exists then link = Label else link = "[[" .. Label.. "]]" end
else link = Label end
else return "unknown ID in function WPlink" end
if link == '' then
link = entity:getLabel('fr') or entity:getLabel('en') or entity:getLabel('de') or ''
if wiki == "ar" then link = entity:getLabel() or entity:getLabel('en') or entity:getLabel('fr') or entity:getLabel('de') or '' end
if link ~= '' then link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "%b()", "")
else link = "(label missing)" end
end -- if arg[1] == nil
if arg[1] == 'team' then -- add '(team of the winner)'
a, b = timeStartEnd(Qnumber, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
local a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P361', 1)
if a1== true then
local a2, b2 = timeStartEnd('Q'..b1, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2])
if a2== true then a = a2 b = b2 end
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b1 )
Sitelink2 = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
if a == true then official_name = b end
if available_lang_priority == false then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 2) -- test if more then two official names
if a == true then
a, b = timeStartEnd(Qnumber, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
if a == true then official_name = b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 1)
if a == true then official_name = b end
if Sitelink ~= nil then
if official_name == nil then
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink,"%b()","").. ' ') .. "]]"
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
link = link .. '[['.. Sitelink.. "|".. official_name.. ']]'
if link == '' and Sitelink2 ~= nil then -- code goes from season item to team item
if official_name == nil or official_name == '' then
link = "[[".. Sitelink2.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2,"%b()","").. ' ') .. "]]"
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink2, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink2, 1, i-1) end
link = link .. '[['.. Sitelink2.."|".. official_name.. ']]'
if Sitelink == nil and Sitelink2 == nil then
if official_name ~='' then link = official_name else link = entity:getLabel() end
if link == nil then link = "(label missing)" end
-- mw.log('Sitelink=', Sitelink, 'Sitelink2=', Sitelink2, 'official_name=', official_name)
end -- end arg[1]
if arg[1] == 'pure' then
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then
if wiki == "en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
if Sitelink~=nil then
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
if Sitelink ~= nil then link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2, "%b()", "")..' ') .. "]]"
ifelseif wiki == "de"'ar' then -- ru riders get label as alias, to shorten the name
local a, btitle = pcallmw.title.new(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P27', 1Label)
if title and title.exists
if a == true and (b==159 or b==184 or b==212 or b==232) then link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. Label .. "]]" end
then link = Label
else link = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Ill-WD2', args = {id=Qnumber,target='en',label=Label} }--"[[" .. Label.. "]]"
elseif Label ~= '' then
if wiki ~= 'www' then
if black_list(wiki, Label) == true then
link = Label -- function black_list: articles that are printed as text, not wikilinks
else -- detect if there is a different local article with the same name
local title = mw.title.new(Label)
if title.exists then link = Label else link = "[[" .. Label.. "]]" end
else link = mw.ustring.gsub(Label, "^(%a)", function (x) return mw.ustring.upper(x) end)
else link = Label end
else return "unknown ID in function WPlink" end
if link == '' then
link = entity:getLabel('fr') or entity:getLabel('en') or entity:getLabel('de') or ''
if link ~= '' then link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, "%b()", "")
else link = "(label missing)" end
end -- if arg[1] == nil
if arg[1] == 'team' then -- add '(team of the winner)'
a, b = timeStartEnd(Qnumber, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
local a1, b1 = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P361', 1)
if a1== true then
local a2, b2 = timeStartEnd('Q'..b1, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2])
if a2== true then a = a2 b = b2 end
entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b1 )
Sitelink2 = entity:getSitelink() -- link to WParticle
if a == true then official_name = b end
if available_lang_priority == false then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 2) -- test if more then two official names
if a == true then
a, b = timeStartEnd(Qnumber, 'P1448', 'text', arg[2]) --officialName(entity)
if a == true then official_name = b end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'text', entity, 'P1448', 1)
if a == true then official_name = b end
if arg[1] == 'race' then -- for infobox "Competitions"
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P31', 1)
if Sitelink ~= nil then
if official_namea == niltrue thenand b == 1137352 then
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q' .. b )
link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink,"%b()","").. ' ').. "]]"
local Label_race = entity_race:getLabel() or ''
local Sitelink_race = entity_race:getSitelink() or ''
if wiki=="en" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
if Label_race ~= '' and Sitelink ~= nil then link = '[[' .. Sitelink .. '|' .. Label_race .. ']]'
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
ifelseif iSitelink ~= nil then Sitelinklink = mw'[[' .ustring.sub( Sitelink, 1, i-1).. end']]'
else if Sitelink_race ~= '' then link = '[[' .. Sitelink_race ..'|' .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink_race, "%b()", "") .. ' ') .. ']]'
else link = Label_race or Label end
linkif onwikidata == true then link ..= '[['..entity:getSitelink( Sitelink'frwiki').. "'|"'.. official_nameentity_race:getLabel('fr').. ']]' end
else if Sitelink ~= nil then link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "]]" else link = Label end
if linkarg[1] == '' and Sitelink2 ~= nil"Q22348500" then -- codeadd goesweblink from season item to"Q22348500" teamif itemavailable
local Sitelink_claas = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q22348500' ):getSitelink()
if official_name == nil then
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then --Sitelink_claas
link = "[[".. Sitelink2.. "|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2,"%b()","").. ' ').. "]]"
if Sitelink == nil then
if wikiSitelink_claas ~=="en" nil then --deletelink string= ",[[" ..." fromSitelink_claas e.g. "Unley,|" South.. Label .. Australia"]]"
elseif entity:getLabel( 'ar' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'ar' )
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink2, ",")
ifelseif ientity:getLabel( 'fr' )~= nil then Sitelink2link = mw.ustring.subentity:getLabel(Sitelink2, 1,'fr' i-1) end
elseif entity:getLabel( 'en' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'en' )
elseif entity:getLabel( 'de' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'de' )
link = link .. '[['.. Sitelink2.."|".. official_name.. ']]'
else link = Label
if Sitelink == nil and Sitelink2 == nil then
if official_name ~='' then link = official_name else link = entity:getLabel() end
if link == nil then link = "(label missing)" end
-- mw.log('Sitelink=', Sitelink, 'Sitelink2=', Sitelink2, 'official_name=', official_name)
end -- end arg[1]
if arg[1] == 'pure' then
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then
if wiki=="en" or wiki=="www" then --delete string ", ..." from e.g. "Unley, South Australia"
if Sitelink~=nil then
local i, _ = mw.ustring.find(Sitelink, ",")
if i ~= nil then Sitelink2 = mw.ustring.sub(Sitelink, 1, i-1) end
if Sitelink ~= nil then link = "[[" .. Sitelink .. "|" .. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink2, "%b()", "")..' ') .. "]]"
else link = mw.ustring.gsub(Label, "^(%a)", function (x) return mw.ustring.upper(x) end)
if arg[1] == 'race' then -- for infobox "Competitions"
local a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P31', 1)
if a == true and b == 1137352 then
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q'..b )
local Label_race = entity_race:getLabel() or ''
local Sitelink_race = entity_race:getSitelink() or ''
if Label_race ~= '' and Sitelink ~= nil then link = '[['..Sitelink..'|'..Label_race..']]'
elseif Sitelink ~= nil then link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "]]"
else if Sitelink_race ~= '' then link = '[['..Sitelink_race.."|".. mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.gsub(Sitelink_race,"%b()","").. ' ').. "]]"
else link = Label_race or Label end
if wiki == 'www' then link = '[['..entity:getSitelink( 'frwiki')..'|'..entity_race:getLabel('fr')..']]' end
else if Sitelink ~= nil then link = "[[".. Sitelink.. "]]" else link = Label end
return link
if arg[1] == "Q22348500" then -- add weblink from item "Q22348500" if available
local Sitelink_claas = mw.wikibase.getEntity( 'Q22348500' ):getSitelink()
if pcall(foo1, Qnumber) then --Sitelink_claas
if Sitelink == nil then
if Sitelink_claas ~= nil then link = "[[" .. Sitelink_claas .. "|" .. Label .. "]]"
elseif entity:getLabel( 'fr' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'fr' )
elseif entity:getLabel( 'en' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'en' )
elseif entity:getLabel( 'de' )~=nil then link = entity:getLabel( 'de' )
else link = Label
return link
Ред 3.005 ⟶ 5.355:
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local n = frame:expandTemplate {title="sxangxu sxablonon2", args = {["sxablono"] = "Cycling race/infobox"}}
return n
function fooA (mode,entity,property,var)
local snak
if mode=="value" then snak=entity.claims[property][var].mainsnak.datavalue.value
else snak=entity.claims[property][var].mainsnak.datavalue.value[mode]
return snak, entity.claims[property][var].rank
function fooB (mode, entity_var, property, var1, var2, ref, var3)
local snak
if mode == 'value' then snak = entity_var.claims[property][var1].references[var2].snaks[ref][var3].datavalue.value
else snak = entity_var.claims[property][var1].references[var2].snaks[ref][var3].datavalue.value[mode]
return snak
function fooC (mode, entity_var, property, var1, quali, var2)
local snak
if mode == 'value' then snak = entity_var.claims[property][var1].references[var2].snaks[ref][var3].datavalue.value
else snak = entity_var.claims[property][var1].qualifiers[quali][var2].datavalue.value[mode]
return snak
function foo1 (arg)
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( arg )
function foo2 (entity_var, property, var)
local snak = entity_var.claims[property][var].mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount
function foo3 (entity_var, property, var1, quali, var2)
local snak = entity_var.claims[property][var1].qualifiers[quali][var2].datavalue.value.amount
function winner (wiki, t, winner_id)
local number = t.number
local wiki = wiki
local winner_id = winner_id
local tt = {}
for num=1,number do table.insert(tt, "") end
local WDlink_on
local winner
-- WDlink_on is used to decide if a Wikidata flag will be shown
Ред 3.056 ⟶ 5.406:
for num=1,number do
local entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(t.race[num][1])
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', 1) == true then --if exist "winner" (P1346)
for k, v1 in pairs(entity_race.claims['P1346']) do
if pcall(fooCfooA, 'numeric-idvalue', entity_race, 'P1346', k, 'P642', 1) == true and v1.qualifiers.P642[1].datavalue.value['numericthen --id'] ==Check winner_idif then"winner" (P1346) is not void due some "of" (P642)
if pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', k, 'P642', 1) == true
local time_var, a, b
local and winner = "Q"..v1.mainsnakqualifiers.P642[1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == winner_id then
local time_var, a, b
winner = "Q"..v1.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
-- get date of the race, e.g. "+2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-- P585 (point in time for a single day race) or P580 (start time for a stage race)
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, 'P585', 1)
if a == true then time_var = b
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, 'P580', 1)
if a == true then time_var = b end
-- get nationality of the winner, nationality could have changed, therefore look for qualifiers p580 and p582
-- get date of the race, e.g. "+2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntity( winner ), 'P27', 1) -- standard: only one nationality
-- P585 (point in time for a single day race) or P580 (start time for a stage race)
if a == true then
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, 'P585', 1)
if a tt[num] == trueflag("Q"..b, thentime_var) .. " " .. WPlinkrider(winner, time_var) =.. b" "
if WDlink_on == true then tt[num] = tt[num].. wdLink(winner) end
else if WDlink_on == true then tt[num] = " " .. wdLink(winner) else tt[num] = "" end
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, 'P580', 1)
if a == true then time_var = b end
-- getif nationalityperson ofhas themore winner,than one nationality could have changed, therefore look for qualifiers p580calculate andtt[num] p582again
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntity( winner ), 'P27', 12) -- standard: only one nationality
if a == true then
local _, bb = timeStartEnd(winner, "P27", 'numeric-id', time_var)
tt[num] = flag("Q"..b, time_var) .. " " .. WPlink(winner) .. " "
if WDlink_on == true then tt[num] = tt[num]flag('Q'..bb, wdLinktime_var) .. " " .. WPlinkrider(winner, time_var) end.. " "
else if WDlink_on == true then tt[num] = " " tt[num].. wdLink(winner) else tt[num] = "" end
end -- if v1.
-- If "winner (P1346)"" is nil, check if still "of" has "numeric-id" and if "has cause" (P828)" for "disqualification"
-- if person has more than one nationality calculate tt[num] again
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', mw.wikibase.getEntity( winner ), 'P27', 2)
if pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', k, 'P642', 1) == true -- if exist "of" (P642)
if a == true then
and v1.qualifiers.P642[1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == winner_id -- if "of" is a winner_id (winner, second or third)
local _, bb = timeStartEnd(winner, "P27", 'numeric-id', time_var)
and pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', k, 'P828', 1) == true -- if exist "has cause" (P828)
tt[num] = flag('Q'..bb, time_var) .. " " .. WPlink(winner) .. " "
and v1.qualifiers.P828[1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == 1229261 then -- if cause is "discualification" (Q1229261)
if WDlink_on == true then tt[num] = tt[num].. wdLink(winner) end
if pcall(fooC, 'numeric-id', entity_race, 'P1346', k, 'P1013', 1) == true then -- if exist "criterion used" (P1013)
local criterion = v1.qualifiers.P1013[1].datavalue.value['numeric-id'] -- if criterion is "declared desert" (Q45123627)
end -- if v1.
if criterion == 45123627 then -- if criterion is "declared desert" (Q45123627), add others if you want
tt[num] = WPlink("Q"..criterion)
end -- for k, v1
end -- if
end -- for num=
return tt
Ред 3.098 ⟶ 5.463:
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( frame.args[1] )
local WDlink_on
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
local WPcontent = {}
Ред 3.128 ⟶ 5.492:
local num = 0
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P527', 1) == true then
for k, v1 in pairs(entity.claims['P527']) do
local year, race, entity_race, a, b
race = 'Q'..v1.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] -- Qnumbers of the parts of a tour
entity_race = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(race)
-- P585(point in time for a single day race) or P580(start time for a stage race)
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, 'P585', 1)
if a == true then year = b
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'time', entity_race, 'P580', 1)
if a == true then year = b end
if year ~= nil then _, _, year, _, _ = string.find(year, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)") end
table.insert(t.race, { race, year} )
table.sort(t.race, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end) -- t.race is sorted after year
num = num + 1
if year ~= nil then _, _, year, _, _ = string.find(year, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)") end
table.insert(t.race, { race, year} )
table.sort(t.race, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end) -- t.race is sorted after year
num = num + 1
end -- for k, v1
t.number = num
for num=1, t.number do -- build year column with link to wikipedia article and to wikidata item
local sitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink( t.race[num][1] )
if sitelink == nil then sitelink = t.race[num][2] else sitelink = "[[" .. sitelink .. "|" .. t.race[num][2] .. "]]" end
Ред 3.161 ⟶ 5.525:
local table_first = "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' style='border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200); color:black;"..
"margin:0 0 0.5em 0; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255); padding:5px; clear:left; "..
"text-align:left" .. textalign .. "; vertical-align:top; font-size:85%; line-height:1.6em;'>"
local table_proto = "<tr style='background:#FFDF80; text-align:center'><th>"
if WDlink_on == false then table_proto = table_proto .. '<span style="float:left">[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:'.. frame.args[1].. '#P527]]</span>' end
table_proto = table_proto.. headoftableIV(wiki,1).. "</th><th>".. headoftableIV(wiki,2).. "</th><th>".. headoftableIV(wiki,3).. "</th><th>".. headoftableIV(wiki,4).. "</th></tr>"
local table_center, table_last = "", "</table>"
Ред 3.190 ⟶ 5.554:
local level = false
local a, b, num, var
local wiki = string.match(mw.site.server, "%a+")
local entity0 = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject( frame.args[1] )
local WDlink_on
Ред 3.216 ⟶ 5.579:
start location and end location are the same. The file data for the icon looks this way: [[File:Stage rest day.svg|any text]]
if localFrame.args[2] ~= nil then
-- local WProw, WPcourse, WPwinner = mw.ustring.lower(headoftable(1)), mw.ustring.lower(headoftable(3)), mw.ustring.lower(headoftable(5))
local WProw, WPnew_row, WPcourse, WPtext, WPdate, WPwinner, WPicon, WPdistance = 'row', 'afterrow', 'location', 'text', 'date', 'winner', 'icon', 'distance'
for num,var in pairs(localFrame.args) do
if num > 1 and mw.ustring.find(mw.ustring.lower(localFrame.args[num]), WProw) then
_, _, key1, key2, val = mw.ustring.find(localFrame.args[num], "([^:]+)%s*:?%s*([^:]*)%s*:%s*(%C+)")
_, _, key01, key11, key12 = mw.ustring.find(key1, "(%a+)%s*(%a+)%s*(%d+)")
key12 = tonumber(key12) key11 = mw.ustring.lower(key01..key11)
key2 = mw.ustring.lower(mw.text.trim(key2))
_, _, key21, key22 = mw.ustring.find(key2, "(%a+)%s*(%a*)")
key21 = mw.ustring.lower(key21) key22 = mw.ustring.lower(key22)
if type(WPcontent[key12]) ~= 'table' then WPcontent[key12] = {} end
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPcourse then WPcontent[key12][key22] = val end
if key11 == WPnew_row and key2 == WPdate then
WPcontent[key12]['date'] = val
WPcontent[key12]['text'] = WPcontent[key12]['text'] or ''
WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] = WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] or ''
if key11 == WPnew_row and key2 == WPtext then
WPcontent[key12]['text'] = val
WPcontent[key12]['date'] = WPcontent[key12]['date'] or ''
WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] = WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] or ''
if key11 == WPnew_row and key2 == WPicon then
val = mw.ustring.gsub(val, "|", "|border|right|20px|", 1)
WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] = val
WPcontent[key12]['date'] = WPcontent[key12]['date'] or ''
WPcontent[key12]['text'] = WPcontent[key12]['text'] or ''
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPwinner and key22 == 'a' then WPcontent[key12]['stage winner'] = val end
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPwinner and key22 == 'b' then WPcontent[key12]['general winner'] = val end
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPicon then
val = mw.ustring.gsub(val, "|", "|border|right|20px|", 1) WPcontent[key12]['icon'] = val end
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPdistance then WPcontent[key12]['distance'] = val end
if key11 == WPnew_row and key2 == WPtext then
WPcontent[key12]['text'] = val
WPcontent[key12]['date'] = WPcontent[key12]['date'] or ''
WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] = WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] or ''
if key11 == WPnew_row and key2 == WPicon then
val = mw.ustring.gsub(val, "|", "|border|right|20px|", 1)
WPcontent[key12]['icon (new row)'] = val
WPcontent[key12]['date'] = WPcontent[key12]['date'] or ''
WPcontent[key12]['text'] = WPcontent[key12]['text'] or ''
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPwinner and key22 == 'a' then WPcontent[key12]['stage winner'] = val end
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPwinner and key22 == 'b' then WPcontent[key12]['general winner'] = val end
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPicon then
val = mw.ustring.gsub(val, "|", "|border|right|20px|", 1) WPcontent[key12]['icon'] = val end
if key11 == WProw and key21 == WPdistance then WPcontent[key12]['distance'] = val end
-- if there is one 'P527' then level = true
a, b = pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity0, 'P527', 1)
Ред 3.399 ⟶ 5.762:
table_first = "<table border='0' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' style='border:1px solid rgb(200,200,200); color:black; "
table_first = table_first .. "margin:0 0 0.5em 0; background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255); padding:5px; clear:left; "
table_first = table_first .. "text-align:left" .. textalign .. "; font-size:85%; line-height:1.6em;'>"
table_proto = "<tr style='background:#FFDF80; text-align:center;'><th style='white-space:nowrap'>"
if WDlink_on == false then table_proto = table_proto .. "[[File:Wikidata-logo S.svg|12px|link=d:".. localFrame.args[1].. "#P527]]" end
table_proto = table_proto.. headoftable(1) .."</th><th>" .. headoftable(2) .."</th><th>".. headoftable(3)..
Ред 3.425 ⟶ 5.788:
if day == "1" and (wiki == "fr") then day = "1<sup>er</sup>" end
if wiki == "lv" then stageNr = series_ordinal[num] end
local month = func_month(tonumber(m[num]))
local date = day ..' ' .. month
if wiki == "br" then date = day.. " a viz ".. month end
if wiki == "ca" or wiki == "es" then date = day .. " de ".. month end
Ред 3.437 ⟶ 5.800:
if wiki == "en" then date = month.. " ".. day end
local miles
if pcall(function()
if wiki == 'en' then --If 'en.wiki' express distance in kilometers and miles
length[num] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatNum(tonumber(length[num]))
if pcall(function()
) miles then else= math.modf(10*length[num] = " " end/1.609344)/10
miles = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatNum(tonumber(miles))
) then else miles = " " end
if pcall(function()
length[num] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatNum(tonumber(length[num]))
) then else length[num] = " " end
if length[num] ~= " " then length[num] = length[num].." ("..miles..")" end
if pcall(function()
length[num] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatNum(tonumber(length[num]))
) then else length[num] = " " end
if type(WPcontent[num]) == 'table' and WPcontent[num]['a'] ~= nil then sitelinks1[num] = WPcontent[num]['a'] end
Ред 3.457 ⟶ 5.834:
table_center = table_center.. sitelinks2[num].."</td><td style='padding-top:10px'>".. stage[num].. "</td><td style='text-align:center'>".. length[num].. "</td>"
if type(WPcontent[num]) == 'table' and WPcontent[num]['stage winner'] ~= nil then
table_center = table_center.. "<td style='text-align:center" .. textalign .. "'>".. flag1[num].. ' '.. sitelinks3[num].. number1[num] .. "</td>"
else table_center = table_center.. "<td>".. flag1[num].. ' '.. sitelinks3[num].. number1[num] .. "</td>" end
if type(WPcontent[num]) == 'table' and WPcontent[num]['general winner'] ~= nil then
table_center = table_center.. "<td style='text-align:center" .. textalign .. "'>".. flag2[num].. ' '.. sitelinks4[num].. number2[num].. "</td></tr>"
else table_center = table_center.. "<td>".. flag2[num].. ' '.. sitelinks4[num].. number2[num].. "</td></tr>" end
if type(WPcontent[num]) == 'table' and (WPcontent[num]['date'] ~= nil or WPcontent[num]['text'] ~= nil or WPcontent[num]['icon (new row)'] ~= nil)
then table_center = table_center.. "<tr><td></td>"
if WPcontent[num]['icon (new row)'] == '' then table_center = table_center.."<td nowrap style='text-align:right; padding:3px 0px 10px 0px;white-space:nowrap'>".. WPcontent[num]['date']
else table_center = table_center.."<td style='text-align:right; padding-right:0px'>".. WPcontent[num]['date'] end
if WPcontent[num]['icon (new row)'] == '' then table_center = table_center.."</td><td style='text-align:left" .. textalign .. "; padding:3px 4px 10px'>"..WPcontent[num]['text']
else table_center = table_center.."</td><td style='text-align:left" .. textalign .. "'>"..WPcontent[num]['text'] end
table_center = table_center.."</td><td style='padding-top:10px'>".. WPcontent[num]['icon (new row)'].. "</td><td colspan='3' ></td></tr>"
Ред 3.479 ⟶ 5.856:
function func_prologue() -- returns the word "Prologue"
local l10nDef = { ["fr"]="Prologue", ["ar"]="المقدمة", ["en"]="Prologue", ["br"]="Prolog", ["ca"]="Pròleg", ["cs"]="Prolog", ["de"]="Prolog", ["da"]="Prolog", ["eo"]="Prologo",
["es"]="Prólogo", ["eu"]="Aitzinetapa", ["fi"]="Prologi", ["fo"]="Forteinur", ["hu"]="Prolog", ["it"]="Prologo", ["ja"]="プロローグ", ["la"]="Incipit prologus", ["lb"]="Prolog", ["lv"]="Prologs",
["mk"]="Пролог", ["nl"]="Proloog", ["no"]="Prolog", ["pl"]="Prologu", ["pt"]="Prólogo", ["ro"]="Prolog", ["ru"]="Пролог", ["sk"]="Prológ", ["sv"]="Prolog" }
if l10nDef[wiki] ~= nil then return l10nDef[wiki] else return l10nDef["en"] end -- if no translation, show en translation
local wiki=wiki -- global wiki to local wiki
if wiki=='www' then return l10nDef["fr"]
if l10nDef[wiki] ~= nil then return l10nDef[wiki] else return l10nDef["en"] end -- if no translation, show en translation
function stageLink(x, a, b) -- x= 10a: a = 10, b = a. x = 5: a = 5, b = ""
local l10nDef = {["fr"]="étape", ["en"]="stage", ["ar"]="مرحلة", ["br"]="Tennad", ["ca"]="etapa", ["cs"]="etapa", ["de"]="Etappe", ["da"]="etape", ["eo"]="Etapo",
["es"]="etapa", ["eu"]="Etapa", ["fi"]="Etappi", ["fo"]="teinur", ["hu"]="Szakasz", ["it"]="Tappa", ["ja"]="ステージ", ["la"]="Statio", ["lb"]="etapp",
["lv"]="Posms", ["mk"]="Етапа", ["nl"]="Etappe", ["no"]="etappe", ["pl"]="Etap", ["pt"]="Etapa", ["ro"]="Etapa", ["ru"]="Этап", ["sk"]="Etapa",
["sv"]="Etapp" }
local wiki=wiki -- global wiki to local wiki
local word1, word2
if wiki=='www' then word2=l10nDef["fr"] else word2=l10nDef[wiki] end
if word2 == nil then word2=l10nDef["en"] end -- if no translation, show en translation
local word = word2
-- fr: {{1re}} étape, {{2e}} étape
if wiki=="www" or wiki=="fr" or wiki=="lb" then
if b == "" then -- series_ordinal without character
if a == "1" then word1 = "1<sup>re</sup> "..word else word1 = a.."<sup>e</sup> "..word end -- table text = {{1re}} étape, {{2ae}} étape,
Ред 3.528 ⟶ 5.899:
function func_month(x)
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {"يناير", "فبراير", "مارس", "أبريل", "مايو", "يونيو", "يوليو", "أغسطس", "سبتمبر", "أكتوبر", "نوفمبر", "ديسمبر"}
l10nDef["fr"] = {"janv.", "févr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin", "juil.", "août", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "déc."}
l10nDef["en"] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}
Ред 3.538 ⟶ 5.910:
l10nDef["de"] = {"Jan.", "Feb.", "März", "Apr.", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "Aug.", "Sept.", "Okt.", "Nov.", "Dez."}
l10nDef["eo"] = {"janu.", "febr.", "marto", "apr.", "majo", "jun.", "jul.", "auxg.", "sept.", "okt.", "nov.", "dec."}
l10nDef["es"] = {"enero", "feb.febrero", "marzo", "abr.abril", "mayo", "jun.junio", "jul.julio", "agosto", "sept.septiembre", "oct.octubre", "nov.noviembre", "dic.diciembre"}
l10nDef["et"] = {"jaan.", "veebr.", "märts", "apr.", "mai", "juuni", "juuli", "aug.", "sept.", "okt.", "nov.", "dets."}
l10nDef["eu"] = {"urtarrila", "otsaila", "martxoa", "apirila", "maiatza", "ekaina", "uztaila", "abuztua", "iraila", "urria", "azaroa", "abendua"}
Ред 3.558 ⟶ 5.930:
l10nDef["pt"] = {"jan", "fev", "mar", "abr", "mai", "jun", "jul", "ago", "set", "out", "nov", "dez"}
l10nDef["ro"] = {"Ian.", "Feb.", "Mar.", "Apr.", "Mai", "Iun.", "Iul.", "Aug.", "Sep.", "Oct.", "Nov.", "Dec."}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"Январяянваря", "Февраляфевраля", "Мартамарта", "Апреляапреля", "Маямая", "Июняиюня", "Июляиюля", "Августаавгуста", "Сентябрясентября", "Октябряоктября", "Ноябряноября", "Декабрядекабря"}
l10nDef["sh"] = {"sijec.", "velj.", "ozuj.", "trav.", "svib.", "lip.", "srp.", "kol.", "ruj.", "list.", "stud.", "pros."}
l10nDef["sk"] = {"jan.", "feb.", "mar.", "apr.", "máj", "jún.", "júl.", "aug.", "sept.", "okt.", "nov.", "dec."}
Ред 3.565 ⟶ 5.937:
l10nDef["zh"] = {"1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月"}
local wiki,l10n =mw.site.server l10nDef[wiki]
if wiki=='//www.wikidata.org'not l10n then returnl10n = l10nDef["fren"][tonumber(x)] end -- default
return l10n[x]
else return l10nDef[string.sub(wiki,string.find(wiki,"%a+"))][tonumber(x)] end
function headoftable(x) -- En-tête du tableau listant les étapes
local l10nDef={ }
l10nDef["ar"]={"المرحلة", "التاريخ", "الدورة", "المسافة (كم)", "الفائز بالمرحلة", "القائد العام"}
l10nDef["fr"]={"Étape", "Date", "Villes étapes", "Distance (km)", "Vainqueur d'étape", "Leader du classement général"}
l10nDef["en"]={"Stage", "Date", "Course", "Distance (- km (mi)", "Stage winner", "Overall leader"}
l10nDef["br"]={"Tennad", "Deiziad", "Kêr loc'hañ ha kêr degouezhout", "Hed (km)", "Trec'hour", "E penn ar renkamant hollek"}
l10nDef["ca"]={"Etapa", "Data", "Ciutats d'etapa", "Distància (km)", "Vencedor de l'etapa", "Líder de la general"}
Ред 3.599 ⟶ 5.972:
l10nDef["sk"]={"Etapa", "Dátum", "Trasa", "Vzdialenosť (km)", "Víťaz", "Priebežný líder"}
l10nDef["sv"]={"Etapp", "Datum", "Start – mål", "Distans (km)", "Skede vinnare", "Övergripande ledare"}
local wiki,l10n=mw.site.server
if wiki=='//www.wikidata.org' then l10n=l10nDef["fr"]
else l10n=l10nDef[string.sub(wiki,string.find(wiki,"%a+"))] end
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["en"] end -- default
return l10n[x]
function headoftableII(wiki,x) -- En-têtes des tableaux générant les classements
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {"العداء", "البلد", "الفريق", "الوقت", "إزاحة الوقت", "السرعة", "النقاط", "تصنيف الفرق ضد الساعة", "التصنيف العام", "تصنيف النقاط", "تصنيف الجبال", "تصنيف أفضل عداء", "تصنيف أفضل شاب", "تصنيف الفرق حسب الوقت", "ترتيب الفرق حسب النقاط", "تصنيف المجموعة", "تصنيف أفضل مقاتل", "التصنيف تحت 23"}
l10nDef["fr"] = {"Coureur", "Pays", "Équipe", "Temps", "Écart de temps", "Vitesse moy.", "Points", "Classement de l'étape", "Classement général", "Classement par points", "Classement de la montagne", "Classement des sprints", "Classement du meilleur jeune", "Classement par équipes", "Classement par équipes aux points"}
l10nDef["enfr"] = {"RiderCoureur", "CountryPays", "TeamÉquipe", "TimeTemps", "TimeÉcart Gapde temps", "SpeedVitesse moy.", "Points", "StageClassement classificationde l'étape", "GeneralClassement classificationgénéral", "PointsClassement par classificationpoints", "MountainsClassement classificationde la montagne", "SprintsClassement classificationdes sprints", "BestClassement youngdu classificationmeilleur jeune", "TeamsClassement classificationspar équipes", "PointsClassement par équipes aux points", "Classement du combiné", "Classement de la combativité", "Classement classificationdu formeilleur teamsjeune"}
l10nDef["bren"] = {"RederRider", "BroCountry", "SkipailhTeam", "AmzerTime", "Time Gap", "Speed", "PoentoùPoints", "RenkadurStage an tennadclassification", "RenkadurGeneral hollekclassification", "RenkadurPoints a-boentoùclassification", "RenkadurMountains arclassification", menez"Sprints classification", "RenkadurBest aryoung sprintoùclassification", "RenkadurTeams arclassification", yaouank"Points classification for teams", "Combination gwellañclassification", "RenkadurCombative a-skipailhclassification", "RenkadurU23 a-skipailhclassification"}
l10nDef["cabr"] = {"CorredorReder", "PaísBro", "EquipSkipailh", "TempsAmzer", "Time Gap", "VelocitatSpeed", "PuntsPoentoù", "ClassificacióRenkadur dean l'etapatennad", "ClassificacióRenkadur generalhollek", "ClassificacióRenkadur per puntsa-boentoù", "ClassificacióRenkadur dear la muntanyamenez", "ClassificacióRenkadur delsar esprintssprintoù", "ClassificacióRenkadur delar milloryaouank jovegwellañ", "ClassificacióRenkadur pera-skipailh", equips"Renkadur a-skipailh", "ClassificacióCombination perclassification", "Combative classification", "U23 equipsclassification"}
l10nDef["ca"] = {"Corredor", "País", "Equip", "Temps", "Time Gap", "Velocitat", "Punts", "Classificació de l'etapa", "Classificació general", "Classificació per punts", "Classificació de la muntanya", "Classificació dels esprints", "Classificació del millor jove", "Classificació per equips", "Classificació per equips", "Classificació de la combinada", "Classificació de la combativitat", "Classificació sub-23"}
l10nDef["da"] = {"Rytter", "Land", "Hold", "Tid", "Tidsforskel", "Gns. fart", "Point", "Etaperesultat", "Samlede stilling", "Pointkonkurrence", "Bjergkonkurrence", "Sprintkonkurrence", "Ungdomskonkurrence", "Holdkonkurrence", "Holdkonkurrence"}
l10nDef["deda"] = {"FahrerRytter", "Land", "TeamHold", "ZeitTid", "ZeitabstandTidsforskel", "GeschwGns. fart", "PunktePoint", "EtappenergebnisEtaperesultat", "GesamtwertungSamlede stilling", "PunktewertungPointkonkurrence", "BergwertungBjergkonkurrence", "SprintwertungSprintkonkurrence", "NachwuchswertungUngdomskonkurrence", "MannschaftswertungHoldkonkurrence", "Holdkonkurrence efter point", "Kombinationskonkurrence", "Mest angrebsivrige rytter", "MannschaftswertungU23-konkurrence"}
l10nDef["eode"] = {"KurantoFahrer", "LandoLand", "TeamoTeam", "TempoZeit", "Time GapZeitabstand", "RapidoGeschw.", "PoentojPunkte", "Etapa klasifikoEtappenergebnis", "Gxenerala klasifikoGesamtwertung", "KlasifikoPunktewertung", laux poentoj"Bergwertung", "KlasifikoSprintwertung", por la montaro"Nachwuchswertung", "KlasifikoMannschaftswertung", por la sprintoj"Mannschaftswertung", "KlasifikoCombination de la plej bona junoclassification", "KlasifikoCombative po teamoclassification", "Klasifiko poU23 teamoclassification"}
l10nDef["eseo"] = {"CiclistaKuranto", "PaísLando", "EquipoTeamo", "TiempoTempo", "IntervaloTime de tiempoGap", "Velocidad mediaRapido", "PuntosPoentoj", "ClasificaciónEtapa deklasifiko", la"Gxenerala etapaklasifiko", "ClasificaciónKlasifiko laux generalpoentoj", "ClasificaciónKlasifiko por puntosla montaro", "ClasificaciónKlasifiko depor la montañasprintoj", "ClasificaciónKlasifiko de losla plej bona sprintsjuno", "ClasificaciónKlasifiko delpo mejor joventeamo", "ClasificaciónKlasifiko porpo equiposteamo", "ClasificaciónCombination porclassification", "Combative classification", "U23 equiposclassification"}
l10nDef["es"] = {"Ciclista", "País", "Equipo", "Tiempo", "Intervalo de tiempo", "Velocidad media", "Puntos", "Clasificación de la etapa", "Clasificación general", "Clasificación por puntos", "Clasificación de la montaña", "Clasificación de las metas volantes", "Clasificación del mejor joven", "Clasificación por equipos", "Clasificación por equipos", "Clasificación de la combinada", "Clasificación de la combatividad", "Clasificación sub-23"}
l10nDef["eu"] = {"Txirrindularia", "Herrialdea", "Taldea", "Denbora", "Time Gap", "Speed", "Puntua", "Etapako sailkapena", "Sailkapen orokorra", "Puntukako sailkapena", "Mendiko sailkapena", "Esprinetako sailkapena", "Gazte onenaren sailkapena", "Taldekako sailkapena", "Taldekako sailkapena"}
l10nDef["fieu"] = {"PyöräilijäTxirrindularia", "MaaHerrialdea", "JoukkueTaldea", "AikaDenbora", "AikaeroTime Gap", "NopeusSpeed", "PisteetPuntua", "EtapinEtapako tuloksetsailkapena", "KokonaistilanneSailkapen orokorra", "PistekilpailuPuntukako sailkapena", "VuoristokilpailuMendiko sailkapena", "SprinttikilpailuEsprinetako sailkapena", "NuortenGazte kilpailuonenaren sailkapena", "JoukkuekilpailuTaldekako sailkapena", "JoukkuekilpailuTaldekako sailkapena", "Combination classification", "Combative classification", "U23 classification"}
l10nDef["fofi"] = {"SúkklariPyöräilijä", "LandMaa", "LiðJoukkue", "TíðAika", "TimeAikaero", Gap"Nopeus", "FerðPisteet", "StigEtapin tulokset", "TeinaplaseringKokonaistilanne", "SamlaðPistekilpailu", plasering"Vuoristokilpailu", "StigkappinginSprinttikilpailu", "FjallakappinginNuorten kilpailu", "SpurtkappinginJoukkuekilpailu", "UngdómskappinginJoukkuekilpailu", "LiðkappinginCombination classification", "LiðkappinginCombative classification", "U23 classification"}
l10nDef["hufo"] = {"VersenyzőSúkklari", "OrszágLand", "ÉquipeLið", "IdőTíð", "IdőkülönbségTime Gap", "ÁtlagsebességFerð", "PontStig", "Szakasz versenyTeinaplasering", "ÖsszetettSamlað versenyplasering", "PontversenyStigkappingin", "HegyiFjallakappingin", pontverseny"Spurtkappingin", "GyorsulversenyUngdómskappingin", "FiatalokLiðkappingin", versenye"Liðkappingin", "CsapatversenyKombinatiónsheiðurkappingin", "CsapatversenyCombative classification", "U23 classification"}
l10nDef["lbhu"] = {"CoureurVersenyző", "LandOrszág", "EquipeÉquipe", "ZäitIdő", "TimeIdőkülönbség", Gap"Átlagsebesség", "VitessePont", "PunktenSzakasz verseny", "EtappeklassementÖsszetett verseny", "GeneralklassementPontverseny", "KlassementHegyi nopontverseny", Punkten"Gyorsulverseny", "BiergpräisFiatalok versenye", "SprintklassementCsapatverseny", "BeschteCsapatverseny", "Combination Jonkenclassification", "EquippeklassementCombative classification", "EquippeklassementU23 classification"}
l10nDef["lvlb"] = {"BraucējsCoureur", "ValstsLand", "KomandaEquipe", "LaiksZäit", "laikaTime atstarpeGap", "ĀtrumsVitesse", "PunktiPunkten", "Posma rezultātiEtappeklassement", "KopvērtējumsGeneralklassement", "PunktuKlassement klasifikācijano Punkten", "KalnuBiergpräis", klasifikācija"Sprintklassement", "SprintaBeschte klasifikācijaJonken", "JaunoEquippeklassement", braucēju"Equippeklassement", klasifikācija"Combinéklassement", "KomanduCombative klasifikācijaclassification", "KomanduU23 klasifikācijaclassification"}
l10nDef["lv"] = {"Braucējs", "Valsts", "Komanda", "Laiks", "laika atstarpe", "Ātrums", "Punkti", "Posma rezultāti", "Kopvērtējums", "Punktu klasifikācija", "Kalnu klasifikācija", "Sprinta klasifikācija", "Jauno braucēju klasifikācija", "Komandu klasifikācija", "Komandu klasifikācija", "Kombinācijas klasifikācija", "Cīnītāja klasifikācija", "U23 klasifikācija"}
l10nDef["mk"] = {"Возач", "Земја", "Екипа", "Време", "Разлика", "Брзина", "Бодови", "Етапен резултат", "Генерален пласман", "Бодовен пласман", "Планински пласман", "Спринтерски пласман", "Пласман за млад возач", "Екипен пласман", "Екипен пласман"}
l10nDef["mk"] = {"Возач", "Земја", "Екипа", "Време", "Разлика", "Брзина", "Бодови", "Етапен резултат", "Генерален пласман", "Бодовен пласман", "Планински пласман", "Спринтерски пласман", "Пласман за млад возач", "Екипен пласман", "Екипен пласман", "Combination classification", "Combative classification", "U23 classification"}
l10nDef["no"] = {"Rytter", "Land", "Lag", "Tid", "Tidsforskjell", "Fart", "Poeng", "Etappeplassering", "Sammenlagtplassering", "Poengkonkurranse", "Klatrekonkurranse", "Sprintkonkurranse", "Ungdomskonkurranse", "Lagkonkurranse", "Lagkonkurranse"}
l10nDef["nlno"] = {"RennerRytter", "Land", "PloegLag", "TijdTid", "TijdsverschilTidsforskjell", "SnelheidFart", "PuntenPoeng", "EtappeklassementEtappeplassering", "AlgemeenSammenlagtplassering", Klassement"Poengkonkurranse", "PuntenklassementKlatrekonkurranse", "BergklassementSpurtkonkurranse", "SprintklassementUngdomskonkurranse", "JongerenklassementLagkonkurranse", "PloegenklassementLagkonkurranse (poeng)", "PloegenklassementKombinasjonkonkurranse", "U23 classification", "Combative classification", "U23 classification"}
l10nDef["ptnl"] = {"CiclistaRenner", "PaísLand", "EquipePloeg", "TempoTijd", "Intervalo de tempoTijdsverschil", "RapidezSnelheid", "PontosPunten", "Classificação por etapasEtappeklassement", "ClassificaçãoAlgemeen geralKlassement", "Classificação por pontosPuntenklassement", "Classificação deBergklassement", montanha"Sprintklassement", "Classificação porJongerenklassement", velocidade"Ploegenklassement", "ClassificaçãoPloegenklassement", de juventude"Combinatieklassement", "ClassificaçãoCombative coletivaclassification", "ClassificaçãoU23 coletivaclassification"}
l10nDef["ropt"] = {"CiclistCiclista", "ȚarăPaís", "EchipăEquipe", "TimpTempo", "TimeIntervalo Gapde tempo", "VitezăRapidez", "PunctePontos", "ClasamentulClassificação etapeipor etapas", "ClasamentClassificação generalgeral", "ClasamentClassificação pepor punctepontos", "ClasamentClassificação cățărătorida montanha", "ClasamentClassificação sprinteripor velocidade", "ClasamentulClassificação celuidos maijovens", "Classificação bunpor tânărequipes", "ClasamentClassificação pepor echipeequipes", "ClasamentClassificação pede combinados", "Classificação da combatividade", "Classificação echipeU23"}
l10nDef["ro"] = {"Ciclist", "Țară", "Echipă", "Timp", "Time Gap", "Viteză", "Puncte", "Clasamentul etapei", "Clasament general", "Clasament pe puncte", "Clasament cățărători", "Clasament sprinteri", "Clasamentul celui mai bun tânăr", "Clasament pe echipe", "Clasament pe echipe", "Combination classification", "Combative classification", "U23 classification"}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"Гонщик", "Страна", "Команда", "Время", "Отставание", "Скорость", "Очки", "Результаты этапа", "Генеральная классификация", "Очковая классификация", "Горная классификация", "Спринтерская классификация", "Молодёжная классификация", "Командная классификация", "Командная классификация"}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"Гонщик", "Страна", "Команда", "Время", "Отставание", "Скорость", "Очки", "Результаты этапа", "Генеральная классификация", "Очковая классификация", "Горная классификация", "Спринтерская классификация", "Молодёжная классификация", "Командная классификация по времени", "Командная классификация по очкам", "Комбинированная классификация", "Бойцовская калссификация", "Классификация U23"}
l10nDef["www"] = l10nDef["fr"]
local l10n = l10nDef[wiki]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["en"] end -- default
return l10n[x]
function headoftableIII(wiki,x) -- En-tête du tableau listant les équipes participantes (P1923)
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {"اسم الفريق", "البلد", "الرمز", "فريق عالمي", "فرق عالمية", "فريق برو", "فرق برو", "فريق قاري محترف", "فرق قارية محترفة", "فريق قاري", "فرق قارية", "فريق وطني", "فرق وطنية", "فريق إقليمي ونادي", "فرق إقليمية وأندية", "فريق دراجات محترف", "فرق دراجات محترفة", "فريق هواة دراجات", "فرق هواة دراجات", "مجموعة رياضية أولى", "مجموعات رياضية أولى", "مجموعة رياضية ثانية", "مجموعات رياضية ثانية", "مجموعة رياضية ثالثة", "مجموعات رياضية ثالثة", "فريق مختلط", "فرق مختلطة", "فريق إناث محترف", "فرق إناث محترفة", "فريق هواة دراجات إناث", "فرق هواة دراجات إناث"}
l10nDef["fr"] = {"Nom de l'équipe", "Pays", "Code", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Équipe continentale professionnelle", "Équipes continentales professionnelles", "Équipe continentale", "Équipes continentales", "Équipe nationale", "Équipes nationales", "Équipe régionale et de club", "Équipes régionales et de clubs", "Équipe cycliste professionnelle", "Équipes cyclistes professionnelles", "Équipe cycliste amateur", "Équipes cyclistes amateurs", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "Équipe mixte", "Équipes mixtes", "Équipe féminine professionnelle", "Équipes féminines professionnelles"}
l10nDef["enfr"] = {"TeamNom namede l'équipe", "CountryPays", "Code", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "ProfessionalÉquipe continentalcontinentale teamprofessionnelle", "ProfessionalÉquipes continentalcontinentales teamsprofessionnelles", "ContinentalÉquipe teamcontinentale", "ContinentalÉquipes teamscontinentales", "NationalÉquipe teamnationale", "NationalÉquipes teamsnationales", "RegionalÉquipe andrégionale clubet teamde club", "RegionalÉquipes andrégionales clubet de teamsclubs", "ProfessionalÉquipe cyclingcycliste teamprofessionnelle", "ProfessionalÉquipes cyclingcyclistes teamsprofessionnelles", "AmateurÉquipe cyclingcycliste teamamateur", "AmateurÉquipes cyclingcyclistes teamsamateurs", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "MixtÉquipe teammixte", "MixtÉquipes teamsmixtes", "ProfessionalÉquipe womanféminine teamprofessionnelle", "ProfessionalÉquipes féminines professionnelles", "Équipe cycliste amateur féminine", "Équipe cycliste womenamateur teamsféminines"}
l10nDef["jaen"] = {"チーム名Team name", "Country", "コードCode", "ワールドチームWorldTeam", "ワールドチームWorldTeams", "プロチームProTeam", "プロチームProTeams", "プロフェッショナルコンチネンタルチームProfessional continental team", "プロフェッショナルコンチネンタルチームProfessional continental teams", "コンチネンタルチームContinental team", "コンチネンタルチームContinental teams", "ナショナルチームNational team", "ナショナルチームNational teams", "地域・クラブチームRegional and club team", "地域・クラブチームRegional and club teams", "プロ自転車チームProfessional cycling team", "プロ自転車チームProfessional cycling teams", "アマ自転車チームAmateur cycling team", "アマ自転車チームAmateur cycling teams", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "Mixt team", "Mixt teams", "プロ女子チームProfessional woman team", "プロ女子チームProfessional women teams", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["ja"] = {"チーム名", "国", "コード", "ワールドチーム", "ワールドチーム", "プロチーム", "プロチーム", "プロフェッショナルコンチネンタルチーム", "プロフェッショナルコンチネンタルチーム", "コンチネンタルチーム", "コンチネンタルチーム", "ナショナルチーム", "ナショナルチーム", "地域・クラブチーム", "地域・クラブチーム", "プロ自転車チーム", "プロ自転車チーム", "アマ自転車チーム", "アマ自転車チーム", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "Mixt team", "Mixt teams", "プロ女子チーム", "プロ女子チーム", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["br"] = {"Anv skipailh", "Bro", "Kod", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Skipailh kevandir a-vicher", "Skipailhoù kevandir a-vicher", "Skipailh kevandir", "Skipailhoù kevandir", "Skipailh bro", "Skipailhoù bro", "Skipailh rannvro ha klub", "Skipailhoù rannvro ha club", "Skipailh marc'h-houarn a-vicher", "Skipailhoù marc'h-houarn a-vicher", "Skipailh marc'h-houarn amatour", "Skipailhoù marc'h-houarn amatour", "Strollad sport I", "Strolladoù sport I", "Strollad sport II", "Strolladoù sport II", "Strollad sport III", "Strolladoù sport III", "Skipailh kemmesk", "Skipailhoù kemmesk", "Skipailh merc'hed", "Skipailhoù merc'hed"}
l10nDef["cabr"] = {"NomAnv de l'equipskipailh", "PaísBro", "CodiKod", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "EquipSkipailh continentalkevandir professionala-vicher", "EquipsSkipailhoù continentalskevandir professionalsa-vicher", "EquipSkipailh continentalkevandir", "EquipsSkipailhoù continentalskevandir", "EquipSkipailh nacionalbro", "EquipsSkipailhoù nacionalsbro", "EquipSkipailh regionalrannvro iha de clubklub", "EquipsSkipailhoù regionalsrannvro iha de clubsclub", "EquipSkipailh ciclistamarc'h-houarn professionala-vicher", "EquipsSkipailhoù ciclistesmarc'h-houarn professionalsa-vicher", "EquipSkipailh ciclistamarc'h-houarn amateuramatour", "EquipsSkipailhoù ciclistesmarc'h-houarn amateursamatour", "GrupStrollad esportiusport I", "GrupsStrolladoù esportiussport I", "GrupStrollad esportiusport II", "GrupsStrolladoù esportiussport II", "GrupStrollad esportiusport III", "GrupsStrolladoù esportiussport III", "EquipSkipailh mixtkemmesk", "EquipsSkipailhoù mixtoskemmesk", "EquipSkipailh femenímerc'hed", "EquipsSkipailhoù merc'hed", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling femeninsteams"}
l10nDef["daca"] = {"HoldnavnNom de l'equip", "LandPaís", "KodeCodi", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "ProfessioneltEquip kontinentalholdcontinental professional", "ProfessionelleEquips kontinentalholdcontinentals professionals", "KontinentalholdEquip continental", "KontinentalholdEquips continentals", "LandsholdEquip nacional", "LandsholdEquips nacionals", "Regional-Equip ogregional klubholdi de club", "Regional-Equips regionals i ogde klubholdclubs", "ProholdEquip ciclista professional", "ProholdEquips ciclistes professionals", "AmatørholdEquip ciclista amateur", "AmatørholdEquips ciclistes amateurs", "SportsgruppeGrup esportiu I", "SportsgruppeGrups esportius I", "SportsgruppeGrup esportiu II", "SportsgruppeGrups esportius II", "SportsgruppeGrup esportiu III", "SportsgruppeGrups esportius III", "Mix-holdEquip mixt", "Mix-holdEquips mixtos", "KvindeholdEquip femení", "KvindeholdEquips femenins", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["deda"] = {"TeamHoldnavn", "Land", "CodeKode", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "ProfessionalProfessionelt Continental Teamkontinentalhold", "ProfessionalProfessionelle Continental Teamskontinentalhold", "Continental TeamKontinentalhold", "Continental TeamsKontinentalhold", "NationalmannschaftLandshold", "NationalmannschaftenLandshold", "Regionale TeamsRegional- undog Vereineklubhold", "RegionaleRegional- Teamsog und Vereineklubhold", "Profi-RadsportteamProhold", "Profi-RadsportteamsProhold", "AmateurmannschaftAmatørhold", "AmateurmannschaftenAmatørhold", "Groupe SortifSportsgruppe I", "Groupes SportifsSportsgruppe I", "Groupe SportifSportsgruppe II", "Groupes SportifsSportsgruppe II", "Groupe SportifSportsgruppe III", "Groupes SportifsSportsgruppe III", "Mixed TeamMix-hold", "MixedMix-hold", Teams"Kvindehold", "Profi-Radsportteam derKvindehold", Frauen"Amatørkvindehold", "Profi-Radsportteams der FrauenAmatørkvindehold"}
l10nDef["eode"] = {"Nomo de la teamoTeam", "LandoLand", "KodoCode", "Monda teamoWorldTeam", "Mondaj teamojWorldTeams", "ProTeamoProTeam", "ProTeamojProTeams", "ProfesiistaProfessional kontinentaContinental teamoTeam", "ProfesiistajProfessional kontinentajContinental teamojTeams", "KontinentaContinental teamoTeam", "KontinentajContinental teamojTeams", "Nacia teamoNationalmannschaft", "Naciaj teamojNationalmannschaften", "RegionaRegionale auxTeams klubaund teamoVereine", "RegionajRegionale auxTeams klubajund teamojVereine", "ProfesiistaProfi-Radsportteam", bicikla teamo"Profi-Radsportteams", "ProfesiistajAmateurmannschaft", biciklaj teamoj"Amateurmannschaften", "AmatoraGroupe biciklaSortif teamoI", "AmatorajGroupes biciklajSportifs teamojI", "SportaGroupe grupoSportif 1II", "SportajGroupes grupojSportifs 1II", "SportaGroupe grupoSportif 2III", "SportajGroupes grupojSportifs 2III", "SportaMixed grupo 3Team", "SportajMixed grupoj 3Teams", "MiksaUCI teamoWomen's Team", "MiksajUCI Women's teamojTeams", "InaSonstiges teamoFrauenteam", "InajSonstige teamojFrauenteams"}
l10nDef["eseo"] = {"NombreNomo delde la equipoteamo", "PaísLando", "CódigoKodo", "WorldTeamMonda teamo", "WorldTeamsMondaj teamoj", "ProTeamProTeamo", "ProTeamsProTeamoj", "EquipoProfesiista continentalkontinenta profesionalteamo", "EquiposProfesiistaj continentaleskontinentaj profesionalesteamoj", "EquipoKontinenta continentalteamo", "EquiposKontinentaj continentalesteamoj", "EquipoNacia nacionalteamo", "EquiposNaciaj nacionalesteamoj", "EquipoRegiona regionalaux ykluba de clubteamo", "EquiposRegionaj regionalesaux yklubaj deteamoj", "Profesiista bicikla clubesteamo", "EquipoProfesiistaj ciclistabiciklaj profesionalteamoj", "EquiposAmatora ciclistasbicikla profesionalesteamo", "EquipoAmatoraj ciclistabiciklaj aficionadoteamoj", "EquiposSporta ciclistasgrupo aficionados1", "GrupoSportaj deportivogrupoj I1", "GruposSporta deportivosgrupo I2", "GrupoSportaj deportivogrupoj II2", "GruposSporta deportivosgrupo II3", "GrupoSportaj deportivogrupoj III3", "GruposMiksa deportivosteamo", III"Miksaj teamoj", "EquipoIna mixtoteamo", "EquiposInaj mixtosteamoj", "EquipoWomen's femeninoamateur cycling team", "EquiposWomen's amateur cycling femeninosteams"}
l10nDef["es"] = {"Nombre del equipo", "País", "Código", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Equipo continental profesional", "Equipos continentales profesionales", "Equipo continental", "Equipos continentales", "Equipo nacional", "Equipos nacionales", "Equipo regional y de club", "Equipos regionales y de clubes", "Equipo ciclista profesional", "Equipos ciclistas profesionales", "Equipo ciclista aficionado", "Equipos ciclistas aficionados", "Grupo deportivo I", "Grupos deportivos I", "Grupo deportivo II", "Grupos deportivos II", "Grupo deportivo III", "Grupos deportivos III", "Equipo mixto", "Equipos mixtos", "Equipo femenino", "Equipos femeninos", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["eu"] = {"Taldearen izena", "Herrialdea", "Kodea", "Munduko taldea", "Munduko taldeak", "Pro taldea", "Pro taldeak", "Kontinenteko talde profesionala", "Kontinenteko talde profesionala", "Kontinenteko taldea", "Kontinenteko taldeak", "Estatuko taldea", "Estatuko taldeak", "Eskualdeko eta klubeko taldea", "Eskualdeko eta klubeko taldeak", "Txirrindulari talde profesionala", "Txirrindulari talde profesionalak", "Txirrindulari talde amateurra", "Txirrindulari talde amateurrak", "I. mailako kirol taldea", "I. mailako kirol taldeak", "II. mailako kirol taldea", "II. mailako kirol taldeak", "III. mailako kirol taldea", "III. mailako kirol taldeak", "Talde mistoa", "Talde mistoak", "Emakume taldea", "Emakume taldeak"}
l10nDef["eu"] = {"Taldearen izena", "Herrialdea", "Kodea", "Munduko taldea", "Munduko taldeak", "Pro taldea", "Pro taldeak", "Kontinenteko talde profesionala", "Kontinenteko talde profesionala", "Kontinenteko taldea", "Kontinenteko taldeak", "Estatuko taldea", "Estatuko taldeak", "Eskualdeko eta klubeko taldea", "Eskualdeko eta klubeko taldeak", "Txirrindulari talde profesionala", "Txirrindulari talde profesionalak", "Txirrindulari talde amateurra", "Txirrindulari talde amateurrak", "I. mailako kirol taldea", "I. mailako kirol taldeak", "II. mailako kirol taldea", "II. mailako kirol taldeak", "III. mailako kirol taldea", "III. mailako kirol taldeak", "Talde mistoa", "Talde mistoak", "Emakume taldea", "Emakume taldeak", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["fi"] = {"Joukkueen nimi", "Maa", "Koodi", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Professional continental -joukkue", "Professional continental -joukkueet", "Continental-joukkue", "Continental-joukkueet", "Maajoukkue", "Maajoukkueet", "Alue- ja seurajoukkue", "Alue- ja seurajoukkueet", "Ammattilaispyöräilytalli", "Ammattilaispyöräilytallit", "Amatööripyöräilytalli", "Amatööripyöräilytallit", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "Mixt team", "Mixt teams", "Naisten ammattilaisjoukkue", "Naisten ammattilaisjoukkueet"}
l10nDef["fofi"] = {"LiðnavnJoukkueen nimi", "LandMaa", "KotaKoodi", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "ProfessioneltProfessional kontinentalliðcontinental -joukkue", "ProfessionelProfessional kontinentalliðcontinental -joukkueet", "KontinentalliðContinental-joukkue", "Kontinental liðContinental-joukkueet", "LandsliðMaajoukkue", "LandsliðMaajoukkueet", "RegionalAlue- ogja klubliðseurajoukkue", "RegionalAlue- ogja felagsliðseurajoukkueet", "ProliðAmmattilaispyöräilytalli", "ProliðAmmattilaispyöräilytallit", "AmatørliðAmatööripyöräilytalli", "AmatørliðAmatööripyöräilytallit", "ÍtróttarbólkurGroupe sportif I", "ÍtróttarbólkurGroupes sportifs I", "ÍtróttarbólkurGroupe sportif II", "ÍtróttarbólkurGroupes sportifs II", "ÍtróttarbólkurGroupe sportif III", "ÍtróttarbólkurGroupes sportifs III", "BlandaðliðMixt team", "BlandaðliðMixt teams", "KvinuliðNaisten ammattilaisjoukkue", "KvinnuliðNaisten ammattilaisjoukkueet", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["lbfo"] = {"EquippennummLiðnavn", "Land", "CodeKota", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "ProfessionellProfessionelt Kontinentalequipekontinentallið", "ProfessionellProfessionel Kontinentalequippenkontinentallið", "KontinentalequipeKontinentallið", "KontinentalequippenKontinental lið", "NationalequipeLandslið", "NationalequippenLandslið", "Regional- aog Klubequipeklublið", "Regional- aog Klubequippenfelagslið", "Professionell VëlosequipeProlið", "Professionell VëlosequippenProlið", "AmateursequipeAmatørlið", "AmateursequippenAmatørlið", "SportsgruppÍtróttarbólkur I", "SportsgruppenÍtróttarbólkur I", "SportsgruppÍtróttarbólkur II", "SportsgruppenÍtróttarbólkur II", "SportsgruppÍtróttarbólkur III", "SportsgruppenÍtróttarbólkur III", "GemëschtBlandaðlið", Equipe"Blandaðlið", "GemëschtKvinulið", Equippen"Kvinnulið", "DammenequipeWomen's amateur cycling team", "DammenequippenWomen's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["lb"] = {"Equippennumm", "Land", "Code", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Professionell Kontinentalequipe", "Professionell Kontinentalequippen", "Kontinentalequipe", "Kontinentalequippen", "Nationalequipe", "Nationalequippen", "Regional- a Klubequipe", "Regional- a Klubequippen", "Professionell Vëlosequipe", "Professionell Vëlosequippen", "Amateursequipe", "Amateursequippen", "Sportsgrupp I", "Sportsgruppen I", "Sportsgrupp II", "Sportsgruppen II", "Sportsgrupp III", "Sportsgruppen III", "Gemëscht Equipe", "Gemëscht Equippen", "Dammenequipe", "Dammenequippen", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["lv"] = {"Komandas nosaukums", "Valsts", "Kods", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeam komandas", "ProTeam", "ProTeam komandas", "Profesionālā kontinentālā komanda", "Profesionālās kontinentālās komandas", "Kontinentālā komanda", "Kontinentālās komandas", "Nacionālā izlase", "Nacionālās izlases", "Reģionālā vai klubu komanda", "Reģionālās vai klubu komandas", "Profesionāla riteņbraukšanas komanda", "Profesionālas riteņbraukšanas komandas", "Amatieru riteņbraukšanas komanda", "Amatieru riteņbraukšanas komandas", "1. sporta grupa", "1. sporta grupa", "2. sporta grupa", "3. sporta grupa", "3. sporta grupa", "3. sporta grupa", "Jauktā komanda", "Jauktās komandas", "Profesionāla sieviešu komanda", "Profesionālas sieviešu komandas"}
l10nDef["lv"] = {"Komandas nosaukums", "Valsts", "Kods", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeam komandas", "ProTeam", "ProTeam komandas", "Profesionālā kontinentālā komanda", "Profesionālās kontinentālās komandas", "Kontinentālā komanda", "Kontinentālās komandas", "Nacionālā izlase", "Nacionālās izlases", "Reģionālā vai klubu komanda", "Reģionālās vai klubu komandas", "Profesionāla riteņbraukšanas komanda", "Profesionālas riteņbraukšanas komandas", "Amatieru riteņbraukšanas komanda", "Amatieru riteņbraukšanas komandas", "1. sporta grupa", "1. sporta grupa", "2. sporta grupa", "3. sporta grupa", "3. sporta grupa", "3. sporta grupa", "Jauktā komanda", "Jauktās komandas", "Profesionāla sieviešu komanda", "Profesionālas sieviešu komandas", "Amatieru sieviešu komanda", "Amatieru sieviešu komandas"}
l10nDef["mk"] = {"Име на екипата", "Земја", "Код", "Екипа од Светската турнеја UCI", "Екипи од Светската турнеја UCI", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Професионална континентална екипа", "Професионални континентални екипи", "Континентална екипа", "Континентални екипи", "Национална екипа", "Национални екипи", "Регионална екипа и клуб", "Регионални екипи и клубови", "Професионална велосипедска екипа", "Професионални велосипедски екипи", "Аматерска велосипедска екипа", "Аматерски велосипедски екипи", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "Мешана екипа", "Мешани екипи", "Професионална женска екипа", "Професионални женски екипи"}
l10nDef["nlmk"] = {"TeamnaamИме на екипата", "LandЗемја", "CodeКод", "WorldTeamЕкипа од Светската турнеја UCI", "WorldTeamsЕкипи од Светската турнеја UCI", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "ProfessionalПрофесионална continentalконтинентална teamекипа", "ProfessionalПрофесионални continentalконтинентални teamsекипи", "ContinentalКонтинентална teamекипа", "ContinentalКонтинентални teamsекипи", "NationalНационална teamекипа", "NationalНационални teamsекипи", "RegionalРегионална andекипа clubи teamклуб", "RegionalРегионални andекипи clubи teamsклубови", "ProfessionalПрофесионална cyclingвелосипедска teamекипа", "ProfessionalПрофесионални cyclingвелосипедски teamsекипи", "AmateurteamАматерска велосипедска екипа", "AmateurteamsАматерски велосипедски екипи", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "GemengdМешана teamекипа", "GemengdeМешани teamsекипи", "ProfessioneelПрофесионална vrouwenteamженска екипа", "ProfessioneleПрофесионални vrouwenteamsженски екипи", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["nonl"] = {"LagnavnTeamnaam", "Land", "KodeCode", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "ProfesjoneltProfessional kontinentallagcontinental team", "ProfesjonelleProfessional kontinentallagcontinental teams", "KontinentallagContinental team", "KontinentaleContinental lagteams", "NasjonallagNational team", "NasjonaleNational lagteams", "ÉquipeRegional régionaleand etclub de clubteam", "ÉquipesRegional régionalesand et declub clubsteams", "ProfflagProfessional cycling team", "ProfflagProfessional cycling teams", "AmatørlagAmateurteam", "AmatørlagAmateurteams", "SportsgruppeGroupe sportif I", "SportsgruppeGroupes sportifs I", "SportsgruppeGroupe sportif II", "SportsgruppeGroupes sportifs II", "SportsgruppeGroupe sportif III", "SportsgruppeGroupes sportifs III", "Mix-lagGemengd team", "Mix-lagGemengde teams", "KvinnelagProfessioneel vrouwenteam", "KvinnelagProfessionele vrouwenteams", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["ptno"] = {"Nome da equipeLagnavn", "PaísLand", "CódigoKode", "Equipe WorldTeamWorldTour-lag", "Equipes WorldTeamWorldTour-lag", "Equipe ProTeamProTour-lag", "Equipes ProTeamProTour-lag", "EquipeProfesjonelt profissional Continentalkontinentallag", "Equipes profissionaisProfesjonelle Continentaiskontinentallag", "Equipe ContinentalKontinentallag", "Equipes ContinentaisKontinentallag", "Equipe nacionalLandslag", "Equipes nacionaisLandslag", "EquipeRegional- regionalog e clubeklubblag", "EquipesRegional- regionaisog e clubesklubblag", "Equipe profissional de ciclismoProfflag", "Equipes profissionais de ciclismoProfflag", "Equipe amadora de ciclismoAmatørlag", "Equipes amadoras de ciclismoAmatørlag", "Grupo esportivoSportsgruppe I", "Grupos esportivosSportsgruppe I", "Grupo esportivoSportsgruppe II", "Grupos esportivosSportsgruppe II", "Grupo esportivoSportsgruppe III", "Grupos esportivosSportsgruppe III", "Equipe mistaMix-lag", "Equipes mistasMix-lag", "Equipe femininaProfflag", profissional"Profflag", "EquipesAmatørlag", femininas profissionais"Amatørlag"}
l10nDef["ropt"] = {"NumeleNome echipeida equipe", "ȚarăPaís", "CodCódigo", "Equipe WorldTeam", "WorldTeamsEquipes WorldTeam", "Equipe ProTeam", "ProTeamsEquipes ProTeam", "EchipăEquipe continentalăprofissional profesionistăContinental", "EchipeEquipes continentaleprofissionais profesionisteContinentais", "EchipăEquipe continentalăContinental", "EchipeEquipes continentaleContinentais", "EchipăEquipe naționalănacional", "EchipeEquipes naționalenacionais", "EchipăEquipe regionalăregional șie de clubclube", "EchipeEquipes regionaleregionais șie de clubclubes", "EchipăEquipe ciclistăprofissional de profesionistăciclismo", "EchipeEquipes ciclisteprofissionais profesionistede ciclismo", "EchipăEquipe ciclistăamadora de amatoriciclismo", "EchipeEquipes ciclisteamadoras de amatoriciclismo", "GrupGrupo sportivesportivo I", "GrupuriGrupos sportiveesportivos I", "GrupGrupo sportivesportivo II", "GrupuriGrupos sportiveesportivos II", "GrupGrupo sportivesportivo III", "GrupuriGrupos sportiveesportivos III", "EchipăEquipe mixtămista", "EchipeEquipes mixtemistas", "EchipăEquipe femininăfeminina profissional", "EchipeEquipes femininas profissionais", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling feminineteams"}
l10nDef["ro"] = {"Numele echipei", "Țară", "Cod", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Echipă continentală profesionistă", "Echipe continentale profesioniste", "Echipă continentală", "Echipe continentale", "Echipă națională", "Echipe naționale", "Echipă regională și de club", "Echipe regionale și de club", "Echipă ciclistă profesionistă", "Echipe cicliste profesioniste", "Echipă ciclistă de amatori", "Echipe cicliste de amatori", "Grup sportiv I", "Grupuri sportive I", "Grup sportiv II", "Grupuri sportive II", "Grup sportiv III", "Grupuri sportive III", "Echipă mixtă", "Echipe mixte", "Echipă feminină", "Echipe feminine", "Women's amateur cycling team", "Women's amateur cycling teams"}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"Команда", "Страна", "Код", "WorldTeam", "WorldTeams", "ProTeam", "ProTeams", "Профессиональная континентальная команда", "Профессиональные континентальные команды", "Континентальная команда", "Континентальные команды", "Национальная команда", "Национальные команды", "Региональная команда или клуб", "Региональные команды и клубы", "Профессиональная велокоманда", "Профессиональные велокоманды", "Любительская велокоманда", "Любительские велокоманды", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "Смешанная велокоманда", "Смешанные велокоманды", "Профессиональная женская велокоманда", "Профессиональные женские велокоманды"}
l10nDef["ru"] = {"Команда", "Страна", "Код", "[[UCI WorldTeam|WorldTeam]]", "[[UCI WorldTeam|WorldTeams]]", "[[UCI ProTeam|ProTeam]]", "[[UCI ProTeams|ProTeams]]", "[[UCI Professional Continental Team|Профессиональная континентальная команда]]", "[[UCI Professional Continental Team|Профессиональные континентальные команды]]", "[[UCI Continental Team|Континентальная команда]]", "[[UCI Continental Team|Континентальные команды]]", "Национальная команда", "Национальные команды", "Региональная команда или клуб", "Региональные команды и клубы", "Профессиональная велокоманда", "Профессиональные велокоманды", "Любительская велокоманда", "Любительские велокоманды", "Groupe sportif I", "Groupes sportifs I", "Groupe sportif II", "Groupes sportifs II", "Groupe sportif III", "Groupes sportifs III", "Смешанная велокоманда", "Смешанные велокоманды", "[[UCI Women’s Team|Женская профессиональная команда]]", "[[UCI Women’s Team|Женские профессиональные команды]]", "Женская любительская велокоманда", "Женские любительские велокоманды"}
l10nDef["www"] = l10nDef["fr"]
returnlocal l10n = l10nDef[wiki][x]
if not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["en"] end -- default
return l10n[x]
function headoftableIV(wiki,x) -- En-tête du tableau du palmarès d'une course cycliste
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {"السنة", "الفائز", "الثاني", "الثالث"}
l10nDef["fr"] = {"Année", "Vainqueur", "Deuxième", "Troisième"}
l10nDef["en"] = {"Year", "Winner", "Second", "Third"}
Ред 3.692 ⟶ 6.065:
l10nDef["sr"] = {"Година", "Победник", "Други", "Трећи"}
l10nDef["sv"] = {"År", "Vinnare", "Andra", "Tredje"}
l10nDef["www"] = l10nDef["fr"]
return l10nDef[wiki][x]
Ред 3.701 ⟶ 6.073:
-- l10nDef[""] = {plain = "", hilly="", inter='', mount='', time_prologue='', time_team='', time_indiv='', uphill='', rest=''}
local l10nDef = { }
l10nDef["ar"] = {plain = "مرحلة مستوية", hilly="مرحلة التلال", inter='مرحلة متوسطة', mount='مرحلة جبلية', time_prologue='مرحلة سباق ضد الساعة', time_team='مرحلة سباق الفرق ضد الساعة', time_indiv='مرحلة سباق فردي ضد الساعة', uphill='مرحلة تسلق الجبل ضد الساعة', rest='يوم راحة'}
l10nDef["fr"] = {plain = "étape de plaine", hilly="étape vallonnée", inter='étape de moyenne montagne', mount='étape de montagne', time_prologue='prologue', time_team='contre-la-montre par équipes', time_indiv='contre-la-montre individuel', uphill='contre-la-montre en côte', rest='étape de repos'}
l10nDef["en"] = {plain = "plain stage", hilly="hilly stage", inter='intermediate stage', mount='mountain stage', time_prologue='time trial stage', time_team='team time trial stage', time_indiv='individual time trial stage', uphill='uphill time trial stage', rest='rest day'}
Ред 3.723 ⟶ 6.096:
l10nDef["pt"] = {plain = "etapa plana", hilly="", inter='média montanha', mount='alta montanha', time_prologue='prólogo', time_team='contrarrelógio por equipes', time_indiv='contrarrelógio individual', uphill='', rest=''}
l10nDef["ro"] = {plain = "etapă de plat", hilly="etapă valonată", inter='etapă intermediară', mount='etapă de munte', time_prologue='prolog', time_team='contratimp pe echipe', time_indiv='contratimp individual', uphill='', rest='zi de repaus'}
l10nDef["ru"] = {plain = "равнинный", hilly="холмистый", inter='горныйсреднегорный', mount='высокогорныйгорный', time_prologue='пролог', time_team='командная разделка', time_indiv='индивидуальная разделка', uphill='горная разделка', rest='день отдыха'}
l10nDef["sv"] = {plain = "Flack etapp", hilly="", inter='Kuperat', mount='Bergsetapp', time_prologue='Prolog', time_team='Lagtempoetapp', time_indiv='Tempoetapp', uphill='', rest='Vilodag'}
local wiki,l10n =mw.site.server l10nDef[wiki]
if wiki=='//www.wikidata.org'not l10n then l10n = l10nDef["fren"] end -- default
else l10n=l10nDef[string.sub(wiki,string.find(wiki,"%a+"))] end
if x=='plain stage' then return "[[File:Plainstage.svg|border|right|20px|"..l10n.plain.."]]" end
Ред 3.806 ⟶ 6.178:
local num = 1
if pcall(fooA, 'numeric-id', entity, 'P41', 1) then
local v
for _, v in pairs(flags) do
if v.qualifiers then
if (not v.qualifiers["P580"] or v.qualifiers["P580"][1].datavalue.value.time <= date)
and (not v.qualifiers["P582"] or v.qualifiers["P582"][1].datavalue.value.time >= date)
then possible_flag[num]=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value num=num+1 end
else possible_flag[num]=v.mainsnak.datavalue.value num=num+1 end
local file="[[File:"..possible_flag[1].."|border|20px"
if possible_flag[1]~=nil then
local a2,b2=pcall(fooA,'value',entity,'P984',1) -- P984 (country code by the International Olympic Committee)
if a2==true then file=file.."|"..b2.."]]" else file=file.."]]" end
flag_table[x] = file
return file
local a2,b2=pcall(fooA,'value',entity,'P984',1) -- P984 (country code by the International Olympic Committee)
if a2 == true then file=file.."|"..b2.."]]" else file=file.."]]" end
flag_table[x] = file
return file