Затемнување на Сонцето: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Ред 176:
Гледајќи директно во [[фотосфера|фотосферата]] од Сонцето (theсветлиот brightдиск diskод of the Sun itselfСонцето), evenпа forдури justи aза fewсамо secondsнеколку, canможе causeда permanentпредизвика трајно [[Solarсончева retinopathyретинопатија|damageоштетување]] to theна [[retinaмрежница|мрежницата]] of theна eyeокото, becauseпоради ofинтензивната theвидлива intenseи visibleневидлива andрадиација invisibleкоја radiationфотосферата thatја theемитува. photosphereОва emits.оштетување Thisможе damageда canрезултира resultсо inоштетување impairmentна of visionвидот, up toпа andсе includingдо [[blindnessслепило]]. TheМрежницата retinaнема hasчувствителност noна sensitivityболка toи pain,ефектите andод theоштетување effectsна ofмрежницата retinalможе damageда mayне notсе appearпојават forсо hoursчасови, so thereпа isне noпостои warningпредупредување thatдека injuryповредата isсе occurringјавува.<ref>{{cite web|first=Fred|last=Espenak|title=Eye Safety During Solar Eclipses |url=http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/SEhelp/safety.html|date=July 11, 2005|publisher=NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|accessdate=January 15, 2012}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|url=http://www.bmj.com/content/319/7208/469.1|title=UK hospitals assess eye damage after solar eclipse|journal=British Medical Journal|date=August 21, 1999|author=Dobson, Roger|volume=319|page=469|doi=10.1136/bmj.319.7208.469}}</ref>
UnderВо normalнормални conditionsуслови, theСонцето Sunе isтолку soсветло brightшто thatе itтешко isда difficultсе toгледа stareдиректно atво it directlyнего. HoweverНо, duringза време anна eclipseзатемнување, withкаде soдел muchод ofСонцето theе Sun coveredпокриен, itполесно isе easierи andповеќе moreпримамливо temptingда toсе stareгледа. atГледајќи it.во LookingСонцето atза theвреме Sunна duringзатемнување anе eclipseопасно isколку asшто dangerousе asи lookingда atсе itгледа outsideкога anне eclipseе во затемнување, exceptосвен за duringвреме theна briefкраток periodпериод ofод totalityтоталитетот, whenкога theсончевиот Sun'sдиск diskе isкомплетно completely coveredпокриен (totalityтоталитет occursсе onlyјавува duringсамо aза totalвреме eclipseна andцелосно onlyзатемнување veryи brieflyмногу кратко; itне doesсе notјавува occurза duringвреме aна partialделумно orзатемнување annularили eclipseпрстенесто затемнување). ViewingНабљудувајќи theго Sun'sсончевиот diskдиск throughпреку anyбило kindкаков ofвид opticalна aidоптичко помагало (binocularsдвоглед, a telescopeтелескоп, orпа evenдури anи opticalоптичка cameraкамера viewfinderсо окулар) isе исклучително extremelyопасно hazardousи andможе canда causeпредизвика irreversibleнепоправлива eyeштета damageна withinокото aво fractionдел ofод aсекунда second.<ref>{{cite web|first=Alan M.|last=MacRobert |title=How to Watch a Partial Solar Eclipse Safely |publisher=Sky & Telescope|url=http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/eclipses/3306081.html|accessdate=August 4, 2007}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|first=B. Ralph|last=Chou|title=Eye safety during solar eclipses |publisher=NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|url=http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEhelp/safety2.html |date=July 11, 2005|accessdate=January 15, 2012}}</ref>
===Делумни и прстенести затемнувања===
===Partial and annular eclipses===
[[File:Eclipsbrilletje.JPG|thumb|Очила за затемнување]]
[[File:Solar eclipse in Turkey March 2006.jpg|thumb|PinholeМетод projectionбез methodобјектив ofза observingнабљудување partialна solarделумно eclipseзатемнување на Сонцето. InsertВметнување (upperгоре leftлево): partiallyделумно eclipsedзатемнето SunСонце photographedсликано withсо aбел whiteсончев solar filterфилтер. MainГлавна imageслика: projections ofпроекции theод partiallyделумно eclipsedзатемнето SunСонце (bottomдоле rightдесно)]]
ViewingНабљудувајќи theго SunСонцето duringза partialвреме andна annularделумни eclipsesили прстенести затемнувања (andи duringза totalвреме eclipsesна outsideцелосно theзатемнување, briefнадвор periodод ofкраткиот totalityпериод на тоталитетот) requiresбара specialспецијална eyeзаштита protectionза очите, orили индиректни indirectметоди viewingна methodsгледање, ifако eyeсе damageсака isда toсе beизбегне avoidedоштета на окото. TheСончевиот Sun'sдиск diskможе canда beсе viewedнабљлудува usingкористејќи appropriateсоодветна filtrationфилтрација toза blockда theсе harmfulблокира partштетниот ofдел theод Sun'sсончевото radiationзрачење. SunglassesОчила doза notсонце makeне viewingго theправат Sunнабљудувањето safeна Сонцето безбедно. OnlyСамо properlyсоодветно designedдизајнирани andи certifiedсертифицирани solarсончеви filtersфилтри shouldтреба beда usedсе forкористат directза viewingдиректно ofнабљудување theна Sun'sсончевиот diskдиск.<ref>{{cite web|author=Littmann, Mark; Willcox, Ken; Espenak, Fred|date=1999|title=Observing Solar Eclipses Safely|url=http://www.mreclipse.com/Totality/TotalityCh11.html|publisher=MrEclipse.com|accessdate=January 15, 2012}}</ref> EspeciallyОсобено, selfсамо-madeнаправени filtersфилтри usingкористејќи commonсекојдневни objectsпредмети suchкако asшто aе [[floppyфлопи diskдиск]] removedизваден fromод its caseопаковката, a [[CompactКомпактен Discдиск|Компактниот диск]], aслајд blackфилм colourсо slideцрна filmбоја, smokedзачадено glassстакло, etcитн. mustтреба да beсе avoidedизбегнат.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/filters.html|author=Chou, B. Ralph|date=January 20, 2008|title=Eclipse Filters|publisher=MrEclipse.com|accessdate=January 4, 2012}}</ref><ref name="perkins"/>
The safest way to view the Sun's disk is by indirect projection.<ref name="Harrington25">Harrington, p. 25</ref> This can be done by projecting an image of the disk onto a white piece of paper or card using a pair of binoculars (with one of the lenses covered), a telescope, or another piece of cardboard with a small hole in it (about 1&nbsp;mm diameter), often called a [[pinhole camera]]. The projected image of the Sun can then be safely viewed; this technique can be used to observe [[sunspot]]s, as well as eclipses. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that no one looks through the projector (telescope, pinhole, etc.) directly.<ref>Harrington, p. 26</ref> Viewing the Sun's disk on a video display screen (provided by a [[video camera]] or [[digital camera]]) is safe, although the camera itself may be damaged by direct exposure to the Sun. The optical viewfinders provided with some video and digital cameras are not safe. Securely mounting #14 welder's glass in front of the lens and viewfinder protects the equipment and makes viewing possible.<ref name="perkins">{{cite web|url=http://www.perkins-observatory.org/eclipsesafety.html|title=Eclipse Viewing Safety|publisher=Perkins Observatory|accessdate=January 15, 2012}}</ref> Professional workmanship is essential because of the dire consequences any gaps or detaching mountings will have. In the partial eclipse path, one will not be able to see the corona or nearly complete darkening of the sky, however, depending on how much of the Sun's disk is obscured, some darkening may be noticeable. If three-quarters or more of the sun is obscured, then an effect can be observed by which the daylight appears to be dim, as if the sky were overcast, yet objects still cast sharp shadows.<ref>Harrington, p. 40</ref>
[[File:TheSun beads.jpg|thumb|left|[[Baily's beads]]]]
When the shrinking visible part of the photosphere becomes very small, [[Baily's beads]] will occur. These are caused by the sunlight still being able to reach the Earth through lunar valleys. Totality then begins with the [[diamond ring effect]], the last bright flash of sunlight.<ref name="total">{{cite web|author=Littmann, Mark; Willcox, Ken; Espenak, Fred|date=1999|title=The Experience of Totality|url=http://www.mreclipse.com/Totality/TotalityCh01.html|publisher=MrEclipse.com|accessdate=January 15, 2012}}</ref>
Ред 194:
It is safe to observe the total phase of a solar eclipse directly only when the Sun's photosphere is completely covered by the Moon, and not before or after totality.<ref name="Harrington25"/> During this period, the Sun is too dim to be seen through filters. The Sun's faint [[corona]] will be visible, and the [[chromosphere]], [[solar prominence]]s, and possibly even a [[solar flare]] may be seen. At the end of totality, the same effects will occur in reverse order, and on the opposite side of the Moon.<ref name="total"/>
Photographing an eclipse is possible with fairly common camera equipment. In order for the disk of the Sun/Moon to be easily visible, a fairly high magnification [[long focus lens]] is needed (at least 200&nbsp;mm for a 35&nbsp;mm camera), and for the disk to fill most of the frame, a longer lens is needed (over 500&nbsp;mm). As with viewing the Sun directly, looking at it through the viewfinder of a camera can produce damage to the retina, so care is recommended.<ref>{{cite web|author=Kramer, Bill|url=http://www.eclipse-chasers.com/eclphot.htm |title=Photographing a Total Solar Eclipse|publisher=Eclipse-chasers.com|accessdate=March 7, 2010|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20090129100143/http://eclipse-chasers.com/eclphot.htm|archivedate=January 29, 2009}}</ref>
==Други опсервации==
==Other observations==
[[File:2008-08-01 Solar eclipse progression with timestamps.jpg|thumb|The progression of a solar eclipse on August 1, 2008 in [[Novosibirsk]], [[Russia]]. All times UTC (local time was UTC+7). The time span between shots is three minutes.]]
A total solar eclipse provides a rare opportunity to observe the [[corona]] (the outer layer of the Sun's atmosphere). Normally this is not visible because the [[photosphere]] is much brighter than the corona. According to the point reached in the [[solar cycle]], the corona may appear small and symmetric, or large and fuzzy. It is very hard to predict this in advance.<ref>{{cite web|title=The science of eclipses|date=September 28, 2004|publisher=ESA|url=http://www.esa.int/esaSC/SEMYK9R1VED_index_0.html|accessdate=August 4, 2007}}</ref>