Just visited Lamar historical museum. There is no known photo of Urilla. All photos currently online are not of her. Other inaccurate info is that she died in childbirth but she actually died while pregnant of Typhoid in Lamar. Wyatt did burn their house down in Lamar most likely because of Typhoid scare. Also while there is a gravestone to her in Milford MO there is still doubt that she is really buried there and some speculation that she is buried in a small cemetery in Lamar not the large Lake Cemetery but a small one in a neighborhood there. There is a stone there as well an old marble cross that says “wife of Wyatt Earp”
ОписUrilla Sutherland.jpg
English: Urilla Sutherland was married to Wyatt Earp on January 24th. 1870 and was pregnant and about to deliver their first child when she died from typhoid fever later that year.
Ова дело е во јавна сопственост во САД бидејќи е издадено пред 1 јануари 1929 г.
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