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English: Datu Ali, a prominent Moro chief, was the Rajahmuda of Tinukop before succeeding his cousin, Datu Uto as Sultan of Buayan from 1899 until 1905. A rising leader, Datu Ali had all the ability to overpower his brother, the Sultan of Tambilawan, to the extent that he expanded his domain and ruled over Kudarangan. He was the able ruler of Cotabato Upper Valley and was the Mighty Leader of the Sultanate of Maguindanao in the 1900s. Acquiring all the prerogatives of a legitimate leader, he claimed the title "Rajah of Buayan", or "Rajah Buayan" translated as "The Kingdom of Buayan". Datu Ali came to be known primarily during the American occupation of the Philippines. He headed the revolt against the American government through open battle and guerrilla warfare for 3 years, beginning in 1903. To force him to surrender, the Americans captured his brother, Guiambangan, at Fort Serenaya, but he did not fall for that trick. He continued to fight until his death on October 22, 1905 when he and most of his men were killed in the Battle of Sampetan.

Datu Ali was the last, and most formidable Moro chieftain to oppose American rule on the island of Mindanao. For nearly two years, operations against Ali were carried out by several formations of the US Army and the Philippine Constabulary.

Ali eluded capture all that time, until finally surprised and killed by a Provisional Company of the 22nd Infantry, led by Captain Frank R. McCoy, the Aide De Camp of General Leonard Wood. Colonel John R. White, who spent 15 years as an officer in the Philippine Constabulary,sets the stage with a description of Ali's home land—the Cotabato District of Mindanao.
Извор Photo courtesy of the website: MOROLAND The History of Uncle Sam and the Moros 1899-1920
Автор Robert A. Fulton (2009)


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