ОписPossible SN1054 sighting on 19 apr 1054 (vivid).png
English: The sky in the WSW direction at sunset, on 19 April 1054, at the death of Pope Leo IX. A contemporary chronicler said he "saw as it were the path by which his soul was escorted by the angels to Heaven adorned with shining vestments and gleaming countless lamps". Recent authors think that it could be a very early sighting of the famous SN 1054 supernova, although it might very well be only referring to the proximity and alignment of Mars, Mercury and Venus, with Jupiter not very far away.
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2009-02-01T00:15:44Z Alain r 1278x976 (363477 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1=The sky in the WSW direction at sunset, on 19 Arpil 1054, at the death of Pope Leo IX. A chronicler said that at that time he "saw as it were the path by which his soul was escorted by the an
{{Information |Description={{en|1=The sky in the WSW direction at sunset, on 19 Arpil 1054, at the death of Pope Leo IX. A chronicler said that at that time he "saw as it were the path by which his soul was escorted by the angels to Heaven adorned with sh