Податотека:LakeCoatepequeElSalvador (cropped).jpg

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English: Lake Coatepeque is a lake of volcanic origin located in the Los Volcanes National Park in El Salvador.

In the past few weeks, the colour of its water changed from dark blue to turquoise. The director of the Coatepeque Foundation, which works to protect the area, attributes the phenomenon to the interaction between the fresh water that reached the lake as a result of recent rains and the volcanic material deposited on the bottom of the lake.

The unusual phenomenon was captured by one of the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellites on 24 August.
Извор https://www.copernicus.eu/en/media/image-day-gallery/lake-coatepeque-turned-turquoise
Автор European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery
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: LakeCoatepequeElSalvador.jpg
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© This image contains data from a satellite in the Copernicus Programme, such as Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 or Sentinel-3. Attribution is required when using this image.
Припис: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2022

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24 август 2022

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тековна20:06, 30 мај 2023Минијатура на верзијата од 20:06, 30 мај 20231.692 × 1.622 (3,06 МБ)PalauanLibertarianFile:LakeCoatepequeElSalvador.jpg cropped 58 % horizontally, 36 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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