Податотека:Corn and soybean temperature response (ARS USDA).png

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English: This image shows graphs of how the growth rate of corn and soybeans are affected by air temperatures. From the public-domain source: "For each plant variety, there is an optimal temperature for vegetative growth, with growth dropping off as temperatures increase or decrease. Similarly, there is a range of temperatures at which a plant will produce seed. Outside of this range, the plant will not reproduce. As the graphs show, corn will fail to reproduce at temperatures above 95 °F and soybean above 102 °F."

Both graphs show plant growth rates that rise and peak at a particular temperature, then fall off and decline. For corn, optimum vegetative growth occurs between around 77-99 °F, while for soybeans , it occurs between 77-97 °F. For corn, optimum temperatures for producing seeds (reproductive response) occurs between around 62-72 °F, while for soybeans , it occurs between 72-75 °F.

See also: climate change and agriculture
Извор Corn and Soybean Temperature Response, in: Agriculture, in: Karl, T.R., et al. (2009) Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States[1], Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-14407-0
Ова е ретуширана слика, што значи дека е дигитално променета (обработена) од изворната верзија. Обработки: (1) Reduced image size for processing; (2) Added dashes to vegetative response curves; (3) Added labels to optimum ranges; (4) converted to 256 colors.



Public domain Оваа слика е во јавна сопственост бидејќи содржи материјали преземени од Службата за земјоделско истражување, истражниот огранок на Министерството за земјоделство на САД.

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тековна10:28, 30 мај 2013Минијатура на верзијата од 10:28, 30 мај 20131.765 × 691 (57 КБ)Enescot{{Information |Description ={{en|1=This image shows graphs of how the growth rate of corn and soybeans are affected by air temperatures. From the public-domain source: "For each plant variety, there is an optimal tempera...

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