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English: Chandragupta Maurya Empire c.290 BCE
  • For ancestory/map , reference from Schwartzberg Atlas, v. , p. 145 Mauryan empire map: [1]
  • For Sudarshana Lake, reference[2][3][4][5] or check en-wiki Junagadh rock inscription of Rudradaman ,Inscription line 8[6]
  • Other Notes:

" Pg.12-Asoka had the singular good fortune of being spared the ifficult task of founding and organising an inpare That ask was effectively executed by his grandfather, Chandra- gupta Maurya, who bequeathed to his successors an empire extending approximately from Afghanistan to Mysore Territories which are even now outside the Government of India were parts of the Indian Empire under Chandragupta, the four satrapies of Aria, Arochosia, Gedrosia, and the Paropanisadai, which Chanaragupta wrested in about 304 B C from the empire of Selukos as the penalty for his ill-advised aggression."

Mookerji, Radhakumud (1962). Asoka. Motilal Banarsidass Publisher. ISBN 978-81-208-0582-8.

" Pg.36-37: Chandragupta did not merely supplant the Nanda king in the sovereignty of Magadha. He made himself at once the sovereign of an empire which was much larger than that of Nanda, for it included the land of the five rivers up to the Indus. This empire also extended farther by his later conquests. His subsequent career may be gathered from the following statement of Plutarch [Lives^ Chap. LXII] : ^'Not long afterwards, Androcottos, who had at that time mounted the throne, presented Seleukos with 500 elephants and overran and subdued the whole of India with an army of 600,000,” ‘‘^The throne” here is the throne of Magadha which he had won by defeating the Nanda king. The present to Seleukos was the result of a war between the two. It would appear that in the struggle for power which ensued among the generals of Alexander after his death, Seleukos won for himself a secure position as the ruler of Babylon by about 31 1 B C. and felt free to devote himself to the consolidation of his authority in the distant provinces. Bactria was not subdued without hard fighting. And by about 305 or 304 B. C. at the latest, he planned for a recovery of the Indian conquests of Alexander. Taking the route along the Kabul river, hb crossed the Indus [Appian, Syr. 55]. But the expedition proved abortive and ended in an alliance. It was because he had to confront a new India, strong and united, under Chandragupta in command of a formidable army, and felt that discretion was the better part of valour. By the terms of the treaty, Seleukos ceded to Chandragupta the Satrapies of Arachosia' (Kandahar) and the Paropanisadae (Kabul), together with portions of Aria (Herat) and Gedrosia (Baluchistan). Thus Chandragupta was able to add another glorious feather to his cap. He extended his empire beyond the frontiers of India up to the borders of Persia. That is why it was possible for his grandson Asoka to declare in two of his Rock Edicts^ [11 and XIII] that the Syrian emperor, Antiochus [Amiyaho Yona^raja]^ was his ‘"immediate” neighbour, one of his ""frontagers” (an Anta or a Pratyanta king). "

Mookerji, Radhakumud (1966). Chandragupta Maurya and His Times. Motilal Banarsidass Publisher. ISBN 978-81-208-0405-0.

" Pg.67 - After Alexander’s retreat from the Indus the Emperor Chandragupta Maurya established the first indigenous empire to exercise control over much of the subcontinent, and eventually, under his successors, this covered all but the tip of the peninsula. "

Shackley, Myra L. (2006). Atlas of travel and tourism development. Internet Archive. Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-7506-6348-9.

" Pg.106 - Seleucid Kingdom Another Hellenistic monarchy was founded by the general Seleucus (suh-LOO-kuss), who established the Seleucid dynasty of Syria. This was the largest of the Hellenistic kingdoms and controlled much of the old Persian Empire from Turkey in the west to India in the east, although the Seleucids found it increasingly difficult to maintain control of the eastern territories. In fact, an Indian ruler named Chandragupta Maurya (chundruh-GOOP-tuh MOWR-yuh) (324-301 B.c.E.) created a new Indian state, the Mauryan Empire, and drove out the Seleucid forces. His grandson Asoka (uh-SOH-kuh) (269-232 b.c.e.) extended the empire to include most of India and is considered the greatest ruler in India’s history. Asoka, a pious Buddhist, sought to convert the remaining Greek communities in northwestern India to his religion and even sent Buddhist missionaries to Greek rulers. The Seleucid rulers maintained relations with the Mauryan Empire. Trade was fostered, especially in such luxuries as spices and jewels. Seleucus also sent Greek and Macedonian ambassadors to the Mauryan court. Best known of these was Megasthenes (muh-GAS-thuh-neez), whose report on the people of India remained one of the West’s best sources of information on India until the Middle Ages. "

Spielvogel, Jackson J. (2012). Western civilization. Internet Archive. Boston, MA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0-495-91329-0.
Извор сопствено дело and map created from DEMIS Mapserver, which are public domain.
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Chandragupta Maurya Empire c.290 BCE

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4 декември 2023

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тековна01:21, 19 мај 2024Минијатура на верзијата од 01:21, 19 мај 20242.099 × 2.057 (1,22 МБ)Levakpitamminor correction
10:07, 6 декември 2023Минијатура на верзијата од 10:07, 6 декември 20232.099 × 2.057 (1,71 МБ)Levakpitamadding Pundra province naming .
09:08, 6 декември 2023Минијатура на верзијата од 09:08, 6 декември 20232.099 × 2.057 (1,72 МБ)Levakpitamminor correction about naming.
11:51, 4 декември 2023Минијатура на верзијата од 11:51, 4 декември 20232.099 × 2.057 (1,18 МБ)Levakpitamadding missing Sudarshana lake .
10:36, 4 декември 2023Минијатура на верзијата од 10:36, 4 декември 20232.099 × 2.057 (1,17 МБ)LevakpitamUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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