Национална иранска нафтена компанија: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[проверена преработка][проверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
с Јазична исправка, replaced: сајт → мрежно место, лен мрежно → лно мрежно
Rescuing 2 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.8
Ред 90:
* Ahwaz Pipe Mills Company
* Petropars
* [http://www.ifco.ir/english/index.asp Iranian Fuel Conservation Organization ] {{Семарх|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070825005323/http://www.ifco.ir/english/index.asp |date=2007-08-25 }}
* National Iranian Tanker Co.
* Exploration Service Company (ESC)
Ред 121:
== Надворешни врски ==
* [http://www.nioc.com/index.html НИНК - Официјално мрежно место]
* [http://www.atiehbahar.com/Resources/Oil&Gas.htm Oil & Gas Industry in Iran] {{Семарх|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070928000413/http://www.atiehbahar.com/Resources/Oil%26Gas.htm |date=2007-09-28 }} - Brief Study
* [https://archive.is/20120729103258/www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Iran/Oil.html US Department of Energy] - Iran
* [http://www.austrade.gov.au/Oil-and-gas-to-Iran/default.aspx Australian Trade - Industry Profile for the Oil Sector in Iran]