Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
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Ред 699:
== Литература ==
* {{cite book |ref = harv |last = Eberhart |first = George M. |year = 2002. |title = MYSTERIOUS CREATURES A Guide to Cryptozoology |isbn = 1-57607-283-5}}
* {{cite book |ref = harv |last = Schomburgk |first = Hans |year = 1910. |title = Wild und Wilde im Herzen Afrika}}
== Наводии ==
Ред 734:
== Литература ==
* {{cite book |ref = harv |last = Eberhart |first = George M. |year = 2002. |title = MYSTERIOUS CREATURES A Guide to Cryptozoology |isbn = 1-57607-283-5}}
== Наводи ==
Ред 980:
== Литература ==
* {{cite book |ref = harv |last = Eberhart |first = George M. |year = 2002. |title = MYSTERIOUS CREATURES A Guide to Cryptozoology |isbn = 1-57607-283-5}}
== Наводи ==
Ред 1.737:
* „170-ата годишница на српско-британски дипломатски односи”, во коауторство со др [[Слободан Г. Марковиќ]]
* „Историја на Војната болница во Ниш”
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last1=Антиќ|first1=Чедомир|authorlink1=Чедомир Антиќ|last2=Кецмановиќ|first2=Ненад|authorlink2=Ненад Кецмановиќ|title=Историја на Република Српска|year=2015|edition=1|location=Белград|publisher=SAS Intelligence, Српска книжевна задруга}}
** {{Cite book|ref=harv|last1=Антиќ|first1=Чедомир|authorlink1=Чедомир Антиќ|last2=Кецмановиќ|first2=Ненад|authorlink2=Ненад Кецмановиќ|title=Историја на Република Српска (The History of the Republic of Srpska)|year=2016|edition=2|location=Београд|publisher=Две круни}}
*** {{Cite book|ref=harv|last1=Антиќ|first1=Чедомир|authorlink1=Чедомир Антиќ|last2=Кецмановиќ|first2=Ненад|authorlink2=Ненад Кецмановиќ|title=Историја на Република Српска|year=2016|edition=3|location=Белград|publisher=Недељник}}
=== Политички текстови ===
Ред 2.662:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|ref = harv | title = Jane's-World War II Tanks And Fighting Vehicles-The Complete Guide|last=Ness|first=Leland|publisher=HarperCollinsPublishers|year=2002|isbn=978-000711228-9|publication-place=London|pages=119}}
{{Мађарска оклопна возила у Другом светском рату}}
{{Commonscat|Turan (tank)}}
Ред 2.738:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|ref = harv | title = Jane's-World War II Tanks And Fighting Vehicles-The Complete Guide|last=Ness|first=Leland|publisher=HarperCollinsPublishers|year=2002|isbn=978-000711228-9|publication-place=London|pages=121}}
{{Commonscat|39M Csaba}}
{{Мађарска оклопна возила у Другом светском рату}}
Ред 2.779:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|ref = harv | title = Jane's-World War II Tanks And Fighting Vehicles-The Complete Guide|last=Ness|first=Leland|publisher=HarperCollinsPublishers|year=2002|isbn=978-000711228-9|publication-place=London|pages=119}}
{{Мађарска оклопна возила у Другом светском рату}}
{{Commonscat|40M Nimród}}
Ред 3.276:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Pollard Rowe| first = Ann| last2 = A. Meisch| first2 = Lynn| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=kb141n8C8LcC&pg=PA109&lpg=PA109&dq=llawt%27u&source=bl&ots=VWPiIJah2C&sig=7gb4DuiWjYk9j9byal7gyMnzuW8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=yDgjUrDjPM_AswaZ6ICwDA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=llawt'u&f=false| title = Costume and History in Highland Ecuador| publisher = University of Texas Press| location = Austin| year = 2011| isbn = 978-0292725911}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Senchyshyn Trever| first = Lisa| url = http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/3108/1/umi-umd-2921.pdf| title = Slithering Serpents and the Afterlives of Stones| publisher = University of Maryland| location = College Park| year = 2005}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Y. Arnold| first = Denise| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=fOxYdXaTN-cC&pg=PT224&lpg=PT224&dq=llawt%27u&source=bl&ots=SWGBESLxeQ&sig=5VomsBgE1r0m2hVmV1w5SNrcjvM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=yDgjUrDjPM_AswaZ6ICwDA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=llawt'u&f=false| title = The Metamorphosis of Heads| publisher = University of Pittsburgh Press| location = Pittsburgh| year = 2006| asin = B0060I8F58}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| title = Diccionario Quechua - Español - Quechua| publisher = Academía Mayor de la Lengua Quechua| location = Cusco| year = 2005}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| title = Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha| publisher = Teofilo Laime Ajacopa| location = La Paz| year = 2007}}
Ред 3.345:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Carlson|first=Paul H.|title=The Cowboy Way: An Exploration of History and Culture|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=2adTPgAACAAJ|year=2006|publisher=Texas Tech University Press|isbn=978-0-89672-583-6|pages=102}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Slatta|first=Richard W.|title=The Cowboy Encyclopedia|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=_08YPVPGE_MC|year=1996|publisher=W.W. Norton|isbn=978-0-393-31473-1|pages=192}}
[[Категорија:Мексичка култура]]
Ред 3.536:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Pollard Rowe| first = Ann| last2 = A. Meisch| first2 = Lynn| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=kb141n8C8LcC&pg=PA109&lpg=PA109&dq=llawt%27u&source=bl&ots=VWPiIJah2C&sig=7gb4DuiWjYk9j9byal7gyMnzuW8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=yDgjUrDjPM_AswaZ6ICwDA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=llawt'u&f=false| title = Costume and History in Highland Ecuador| publisher = University of Texas Press| location = Austin| year = 2011| isbn = 978-0292725911}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Senchyshyn Trever| first = Lisa| url = http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/3108/1/umi-umd-2921.pdf| title = Slithering Serpents and the Afterlives of Stones| publisher = University of Maryland| location = College Park| year = 2005}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Y. Arnold| first = Denise| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=fOxYdXaTN-cC&pg=PT224&lpg=PT224&dq=llawt%27u&source=bl&ots=SWGBESLxeQ&sig=5VomsBgE1r0m2hVmV1w5SNrcjvM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=yDgjUrDjPM_AswaZ6ICwDA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=llawt'u&f=false| title = The Metamorphosis of Heads| publisher = University of Pittsburgh Press| location = Pittsburgh| year = 2006| asin = B0060I8F58}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| title = Diccionario Quechua - Español - Quechua| publisher = Academía Mayor de la Lengua Quechua| location = Cusco| year = 2005}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| title = Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha| publisher = Teofilo Laime Ajacopa| location = La Paz| year = 2007}}