Бугарија: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[проверена преработка][проверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
Sashko1999 (разговор | придонеси)
сНема опис на уредувањето
сНема опис на уредувањето
Ред 70:
|Gini = 35.1<!--number only-->
|Gini_ref = <ref name=eurogini>{{cite web|title=Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (source: SILC)|url=http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=ilc_di12|publisher=Eurostat Data Explorer|accessdate=13 August 2013}}</ref>
|HDI_year = 20132015<!-- Please use the year to which the data refers, not the publication year. -->
|HDI_change = steadyincrease<!--increase Increase/decrease/steady. -->
|HDI = 0.777794 <!--number Number only. -->
|HDI_ref = <ref name="UNDP2014UN">{{cite web|url=http://hdr.undp.org/ensites/contentdefault/human-development-report-2014 files/hdr_2015_statistical_annex.pdf|title= Human Development Report 2014 – "Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience"2015|publisher=[[Human Development Report|HDRO (Human Development Report Office)]] [[United Nations Development Programme]]|accessdate=2514 JulyDecember 20142015}}</ref>
|HDI_rank = 58ма56та
|currency = [[Бугарски лев|Лев]]
|currency_code = BGN