Чарлс Дикенс: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Ред 34:
Дикенс се сметал за книжевен големник во неговото доба..<ref>{{harvnb|Cain|2008|p=1}}.</ref> Неговата новела од 1843, ''[[Божиќна приказна]]'', се уште е популарна и инспирира секакви други адаптации. ''[[Оливер Твист]]'' и ''[[Големите исчекувања]]'' исто така се предмет на адаптаци, но тие се исто така важни за деталниот преглед на Лондон и Викторијанска Англија. Дикенс добил пофални критики од голем број светски книжевни џинови, почнувајќи од [[Лав Толстој]] па се до [[Џорџ Орвел]] на пример.
==Дополнителна литература==
* {{cite DNB|wstitle=Dickens, Charles}}
* {{cite book |title = Other Dickens: Pickwick to Chuzzlewit
|last = Bowen
|first = John
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|year = 2003
|edition = 2
|isbn = 978-0-19-926140-6
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=dAXP68lqcr0C&pg=PA37
|ref =
* Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert, "[https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0674050037 Becoming Dickens 'The Invention of a Novelist]'", London: Harvard University Press, 2011
* {{cite book |title =Studies in Etymology and Etiology: With Emphasis on Germanic, Jewish, Romance and Slavic Languages
|last = Gold
|first = David L.
|editor1-last = González
|editor1-first = Félix Rodríquez
|editor2-last = Buades
|editor2-first = Antonio Lillo
|publisher = Universidad de Alicante
|year = 2009
|isbn = 978-84-7908-517-9
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=l015C5vm1XkC&pg=PA783
|ref =
* {{cite news | title = What, the Dickens World?
|last = Hart
|first = Christopher
|work= [[The Sunday Times]]
|date = 20 May 2007
|accessdate=21 April 2012
|ref =
* {{cite book |chapter = The Outcast as Villain and Victim: Jews in Dickens ''Oliver Twist'' and ''Our Mutual Friend''
|title = Jewish Presences in English Literature
|last = Heller
|first = Deborah
|editor1-last = Cohen
|editor1-first = Derek
|editor2-last = Heller
|editor2-first = Deborah
|publisher = McGill-Queen's Press
|year = 1990
|pages = 40–60
|isbn = 978-0-7735-0781-4
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=Z98ixsptZNMC&pg=PA40
|ref =
*{{Cite book
| last = Pope-Hennessy | first = Una | year = 2007
| title = Charles Dickens
| author-link1 = Una Pope-Hennessy
| publisher = Hennessy Press
| isbn = 978-1-4067-5783-5
*{{Cite book
| last = Jarvie | first = Paul A. | year = 2005
| title = Ready to Trample on All Human Law: Finance Capitalism in the Fiction of Charles Dickens
| series = Studies in Major Literary Authors | location = New York, NY | publisher = Routledge
| isbn = 978-0-415-97524-7 | ref = harv }}
* Johnson, Edgar, ''Charles Dickens: his tragedy and triumph'', New York: Simon and Schuster, 1952. In two volumes.
* {{cite book |chapter = Race
|title = Dickens in Context
|last = Joshi
|first = Prithi
|editor1-last = Ledger
|editor1-first = Sally
|editor2-last = Furneaux
|editor2-first = Holly
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|year = 2011
|pages = 292–300
|isbn = 978-0-521-88700-7
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=j5c9GqZ_7BMC&pg=PA292
|ref =
* {{cite book |title = The merchant of modernism: the economic Jew in Anglo-American Literature, 1864–1939
|last = Levine
|first = Gary Martin
|publisher = [[Routledge]]
|location = London
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-415-94109-9
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=5NflN2bI9KkC&pg=PA23
|ref =
* Manning, Mick & Granström, Brita, ''Charles Dickens: Scenes From An Extraordinary Life'', Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2011.
* {{cite book |title = Literary Strategies: Jewish Texts and Contexts
|series= Studies in Contemporary Jewry
|last = Mendelsohn
|first = Ezra
|publisher = Oxford University Press
|year = 1996
|volume = 12
|isbn = 978-0-19-511203-0
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=4k3ZL8Pf0SQC&pg=PA76
|ref =
*{{Cite book
| last = Meckier | first = Jerome | year = 2002
| title = Dickens's Great Expectations: Misnar's Pavilion Versus Cinderella
| location = Lexington, KY | publisher = University Press of Kentucky
| isbn = 978-0-813-12228-1 | ref = <!-- n/a --> }}
* {{cite journal |title = Reappraising Dickens's 'Noble Savage'
|last = Moore
|first = Grace
|work = The Dickensian
|volume = 98
|year = 2002
|pages = 236–243
|ref =
|issue = 458
* {{cite book |title = Unequal Partners: Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and Victorian Authorship
|last = Nayder
|first =Lillian
|publisher = [[Cornell University Press]]
|year = 2002
|isbn = 978-0-8014-3925-4
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=2Ah4gw9lZwgC&pg=PA96
|ref =
* {{cite book|chapter = Introduction
|title = The Pickwick Papers
|last = Dickens
|first = Charles
|editor-last = Patten
|editor-first = Robert L.
|publisher = [[Penguin Books]]
|year = 1978
|isbn = 978-0-415-22233-4
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=xf2QqVI19b8C&pg=PA261
|ref =
* {{cite book |title = Charles Dickens on the screen: the film, television, and video adaptations
|last = Pointer
|first = Michael
|publisher = Scarecrow Press
|year = 1996
|isbn = 978-0-8108-2960-2
|ref =
* {{cite book |title = Charles Dickens: A Life Defined by Writing
|last = Slater
|first = Michael
|publisher = [[Yale University Press]] |location=New Haven/London
|year = 2009
|isbn = 978-0-300-11207-8
|ref =
* {{cite ODNB|id=7599|title=Dickens, Charles John Huffam|origyear=2004|year=2011|last=Slater|first=Michael}}
* {{cite book |title = Writers, Readers, and Reputations: Literary Life in Britain, 1870–1918
|last = Waller
|first = Philip J.
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|year = 2006
|isbn = 978-0-19-820677-4
|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=FOFzHA5-G8oC&pg=PA194
|ref =