Орфеј: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Важни места во животот и патувањата на Орфеј
Ред 17:
== Митологија ==
=== Ран живот ===
[[Податотека:Life of Orpheus Greek MythologyLife_of_Orpheus_Greek_Mythology_(Extra_Details).svg|thumb|десно|Важни места во животот и патувањата на Орфеј.]]
Според [[Аполодориј]] и фрагмент од Пиндар, <ref>son of Oeagrus or Apollo and Calliope: Apollod. 1.3.1</ref> and a fragment of Pindar,<ref>Pindar, frag. 126, line 9, noted in Kerenyi 1959:280.</ref> тракијскиот крал Еагар бил татко на Орфеј, или според друга верзија на приказната, тоа бил богот Аполон. Негова мајка била музата Калиопа или една ќерка на [[Пијер]], син на [[Македон]]. Неговото место на раѓање и место на живеење било во [[Пимплеја]], <ref>Orpheus and Greek Religion (Mythos Books) by William Keith Guthrie and L. Alderlink, 1993, ISBN 0-691-02499-5, page 62</ref><ref>Orpheus and Greek Religion (Mythos Books) by William Keith Guthrie and L. Alderlink, 1993, ISBN 0-691-02499-5, page 61, "... is a city Dion. Near it is a village called Pimpleia.It was there they say that Orpheus the Kikonian lived ..."</ref><ref>Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion (Mythos Books) by Jane Ellen Harrison, 1991, ISBN 0-691-01514-7, page 469, "... and `near the city of Dium is a village called Pimpleia where Orpheus lived.... ..."</ref> во близина на Олимп. Додека живеел со својата мајка и нејзините осум убави сестри во [[Парнас]],<ref>THE ARGONAUTICA, BOOK I,"(ll. 23-34) First then let us name Orpheus whom once Calliope bare, it is said, wedded to Thracian Oeagrus, near the Pimpleian height.</ref> near [[Mount Olympus|Olympus]].<ref name="Greek Religion 1991, page 469"/><ref>[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0198:book=7:chapter=7&highlight=orpheus Strabo, Geography Book 7, Chapter 7]"The city Dium, in the foot-hills of Olympus, is not on the shore of the Thermaean Gulf, but is at a distance of as much as seven stadia from it. And the city Dium has a village near by, Pimpleia</ref> While living with his mother and her eight beautiful sisters in [[Parnassus]],<ref>The Greek Gods by Hoopes And Evslin , ISBN 0-590-44110-8, ISBN 0-590-44110-8, 1995, page 77
His father was a Thracian king; His mother the muse Calliope. For a while he lived on Parnassus with his mother and his eight beautiful aunts and there met Apollo who was courting the laughing muse Thalia. Apollo was taken with Orpheus, gave him his little golden lyre and taught him to play. And his mother taught him to make verses for singing.
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