Џејмс Данлоп: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Ред 1:
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[[File:James Dunlop, ca. 1843 oil portrait by Joseph Backler a2448001h.jpg|thumb|James Dunlop, painted by [[Joseph Backler]].]]
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'''JamesЏејмс DunlopДанлоп''' [[Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh|FRSE]] [[Fellow of the Royal Society of London|FRS]] (31 Октомври 1793 – 22 Септември 1848) бил Шкоцки астроном, познат по неговата работа во Авцтралија. Тој служел како астрономски асистент кој бил ангажиран од страна на [[Томас Брисбин|Сер Томас Брисбин]] да работи во неговата приватна обсерваторијаопсерваторија,лоцирана сместена во Парамата (сега именувана како [[Парамата]]), во [[Нов јужен ВелсNew South WalesВелс]], околу {{convert|23|km|mi}} километри западно од Сиднеј за време на 1820год.1820 и 1830год1830 година. Данлоп бил претежно визуелен набљудувач, прави ѕвездени астрономски работи за Бризбен, и по неговото завршување, тогаш независно открија и каталогизираа многу нови телескопи во јужниот дел на двојните ѕвезди и длабокото небо. Тој подоцна стана надзорник на Параматската Обзерваторија кога конечно беше продадена на [[Новиот Јуженo Велската]]Влада.
[[File:James Dunlop, ca. 1843 oil portrait by Joseph Backler a2448001h.jpg|thumb|James Dunlop, painted by [[Joseph Backler]].]]
'''James Dunlop''' [[Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh|FRSE]] [[Fellow of the Royal Society of London|FRS]] (31 Октомври 1793 – 22 Септември 1848) бил Шкоцки астроном, познат по неговата работа во Авцтралија. Тој служел како астрономски асистент кој бил ангажиран од страна на [[Томас Брисбин|Сер Томас Брисбин]] да работи во неговата приватна обсерваторија,лоцирана во Парамата (сега именувана како [[Парамата]]),во [[Нов јужен ВелсNew South Wales]], околу {{convert|23|km|mi}} западно од Сиднеј за време на 1820год. и 1830год. Данлоп бил претежно визуелен набљудувач, прави ѕвездени астрономски работи за Бризбен, и по неговото завршување, тогаш независно открија и каталогизираа многу нови телескопи во јужниот дел на двојните ѕвезди и длабокото небо. Тој подоцна стана надзорник на Параматската Обзерваторија кога конечно беше продадена на [[Новиот Јуженo Велската]]Влада.
== Ран живот ==
Ред 14 ⟶ 13:
Between June 1823 and February 1826 Dunlop then made 40,000 observations and catalogued some 7385 stars, of which included 166 double stars and references to several bright deep-sky objects near the bright stars he catalogued. By the beginning of March 1826, he left the Paramatta Observatory and continued working at his own home in Hunter Street, Paramatta. For there he began organising his own observations of double stars and deep-sky objects for the next 18 months, in which he constructed telescopes and other equipment for his dedicated southern sky survey.
Sir Thomas Brisbane, before finally departing Sydney for the last time in December 1825, arranged to sell all of his instruments to the Government so the observatory could continue to function. Some of the equipment he gave to Dunlop, which he used at his home, especially the useful small equatorial mounted {{convert|8 цм.0|cm|in}} [[refracting telescope]] that Rümker, and later Dunlop, both used for doing the important double stars measures as their own personal projects.
By May 1826, Rümker returned to the observatory, and seven months later he was appointed as the first [[New South Wales]] Government Astronomer, though this officially did not happen until a few years later, much to Rümker's disgust, due to delays from his employers in Britain.
Ред 21 ⟶ 20:
Dunlop left Sydney for Scotland in February 1827 and was employed for four years at the observatory of Sir Thomas Brisbane. He had done very good work as an observer in New South Wales, and was associated with Rümker in the recovery of [[Comet Encke]] at Parramatta in June 1822. He was later to be the first in Great Britain to rediscover this comet on 26 October 1829. He had been awarded the [[Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society]] of London on 8 February 1828. [[John Herschel|Sir John Herschel]], when making the presentation, spoke in the highest terms of the value of the work done by Dunlop in New South Wales. On arrival, he also reduced his southern double stars and deep-sky observations for publication, which was believed to have taken about one month, and these were published also in the first half of 1828.
These two detailed astronomical papers were received with many accolades from his peers, which lasted until about 1834, when his observations were able to be scrutinised by [[John Herschel]] and [[Thomas Maclear]] in South Africa. Only then were the various flaws of his observations became revealed, and the time spent in the zenith of popularly, then dwindled to fierce criticism and personal rejection especially from the British astronomical community.{{Citation needed|date=September 2009}}
== Return to Australia ==
Ред 32 ⟶ 31:
Dunlop's other major observational work was of 256 southern [[double stars]] or "pairs" below the [[declination]] of about 30° South. These were listed in ''Approximate Places of Double Stars in the Southern Hemisphere, observed at Paramatta in New South Wales'', published in 1829. Many of these pairs were actual new discoveries, though the most northerly of them had been earlier discoveries made by other observers.
<ref>[http://ad.usno.navy.mil/wds/Webtextfiles/wdsnewframe.html, The Washington Double Star Catalog], WDS Catalog [[United States Naval Observatory]]. Accessed on line 9 June 2013.</ref><ref>[http://ad.usno.navy.mil/wds/Webtextfiles/wdsnewnotes_main.txt Notes file for the WDS ], WDS Catalog [[United States Naval Observatory]]. Accessed on line 9 June 2013.</ref><ref>[http://ad.usno.navy.mil/wds/wdsnewref.txt References and discoverer codes, The Washington Double Star Catalog], [[United States Naval Observatory]]. Accessed on line 9 June 2013.</ref> These double star observations were all made roughly between December 1827 and December 1828, being observed through his homemade 9-foot 23&nbsp;cm (9-inch) [[Mirror|speculum]] [[Newtonian reflector]], or by measuring the separated distances and position angles of selected double stars using the small {{convert|8 цм.0|cm|in}} equatorial mounted [[refracting telescope]].<ref name=Dunlop'sDoubleStars>
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