Лудвиг Болцман: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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Ред 32:
Болцман е роден во [[Виена]], главниот град на [[Австриската Империја]]. Неговиот татко, Лудвиг Георг Болцман, бил управник за јавни приходи. Неговиот дедо, кој се преселил од Берлин во Виена, бил произведувач на часовници, и Болцмановата мајка, Катарина Пауернфеинд, била од [[Салцбург]]. Тој се здобил со основно образование од приватен тутор во домот на неговите родители. Болцман го завршил средното во [[Линц]], [[Горна Австрија]].Кога Болцман имал 15 години,неговиот татко умира.
Болцман студирал [[физика]] на [[Виенскиот Универзитет]], почнувајќи во 1863. Меѓу неговите професори биле [[Јохан Јозеф Лосцхмидт|Јосеф Лосцхмидт]], [[Џозеф Стефан]], [[Андреас вон Еттингсхаусен]] и [[Јозеф Макимилиан Петзвал|Јозеф Петзвал]]. Болцман докторирал во 1866 работејќи под надзор на Јозеф Стефан; неговата дисертација била на тема [[кинетичката теорија на гасовите]]. Во 1867 тој станал [[приватен]] (преведувач). По добивањето на докторатот, Болцман работел уште две години како асистент на Јозеф Стефан. Стефан го запознал со [[Џејмс Клерк Максвел|Максвеловиот]] труд.
===Академска кариераа===
===Academic career===
InВо 1869 atна age25 25годишна возраст, thanksблагодарение toна aписомото letter ofсо recommendationпрепорака writtenнапишана byод StefanСтефан,<ref>{{cite journal |url=http://www.kvarkadabra.net/article.php/Ludwig-Boltzmann |title=Ludwig Boltzmann in prva študentka fizike in matematike slovenskega rodu |language=Slovenian |trans_title=Ludwig Boltzmann and the First Student of Physics and Mathematics of Slovene Descent |date=December 2001 |last=Južnič |first=Stanislav |work=Kvarkadabra.net |issue=12 |accessdate=17 February 2012}}</ref> heБолцман wasбил appointedназначен fullза Professorпрофесор ofпо [[Mathematicalматематичка Physicsфизика]] at theна [[UniversityУноверзитетот ofдо GrazГрац]] inво theпровинцискиот provinceдел ofна [[StyriaСтирија]]. InВо текот на 1869 heтој spentпоминал severalнеколку monthsмесеци inво [[HeidelbergХајделберг]] workingработејќи withсо [[RobertРоберт BunsenБунзен]] andи [[LeoЛео KönigsbergerКонигсбергер]] and thenпотоа inво 1871 heи was withсо [[GustavГустав KirchhoffКирхоф]] and и[[HermannХерман vonфон HelmholtzХелмхолц]] inво BerlinБерлин. InВо 1873 BoltzmannБолцман joinedсе theприклучил Universityна ofВиенскиот Viennaуниверзитет asкако Professorпрофесор ofпо Mathematicsматематика andи thereтаму heостанал stayedсе untilдо 1876.
[[File:Болцман-grp.jpg|thumb|лево|280px|Лудвиг Болцман и неговите соработници во Грац, 1887. (стоејќи,на лево) [[Валтер Нернст
[[File:Boltzmann-grp.jpg|thumb|left|280px|Ludwig Boltzmann and co-workers in Graz, 1887. (standing, from the left) [[Walther Nernst|Nernst]], [[Heinrich Streintz|Streintz]], [[Svante Arrhenius|Arrhenius]], Hiecke, (sitting, from the left) Aulinger, [[Albert von Ettingshausen|Ettingshausen]], Boltzmann, [[Ignacij Klemenčič|Klemenčič]], Hausmanninger]]
|Нернст]], [[Хајнрих Стреинтз|Стреинтз]], [[Сванте Аррхениус|Аррхениус]], Хиецке, (седејчи,на лево) Аулингер, [[Алберт вон Еттингсхаусен
In 1872, long before women were admitted to Austrian universities, he met Henriette von Aigentler, an aspiring teacher of mathematics and physics in Graz. She was refused permission to audit lectures unofficially. Boltzmann advised her to appeal, which she did, successfully. On July 17, 1876 Ludwig Boltzmann married Henriette; they had three daughters and two sons. Boltzmann went back to [[Graz]] to take up the chair of Experimental Physics. Among his students in Graz were [[Svante Arrhenius]] and [[Walther Nernst]].<ref name="springer">"Paul Ehrenfest (1880–1933) along with Nernst[,] Arrhenius, and Meitner must be considered among Boltzmann's most outstanding students."—{{Cite journal|last=Jäger|first=Gustav|last2=Nabl|first2=Josef|last3=Meyer|first3=Stephan|date=April 1999|title=Three Assistants on Boltzmann|journal=Synthese |volume=119|issue=1–2|pages=69–84 |doi=10.1023/A:1005239104047}}</ref><ref name="huji">[http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/history/nernst.htm "Walther Hermann Nernst visited lectures by Ludwig Boltzmann"]</ref> He spent 14 happy years in Graz and it was there that he developed his statistical concept of nature. In 1885 he became a member of the Imperial [[Austrian Academy of Sciences]] and in 1887 he became the President of the [[University of Graz]]. He was elected a member of the [[Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences]] in 1888.
|Еттингсхаусен]], Болцман, [[Игнациј Клеменчич|Клеменчич]], Хаусманнингер]]
InВо 1872, long before women were admitted to Austrian universities, he met Henriette von Aigentler, an aspiring teacher of mathematics and physics in Graz. She was refused permission to audit lectures unofficially. Boltzmann advised her to appeal, which she did, successfully. On July 17, 1876 Ludwig Boltzmann married Henriette; they had three daughters and two sons. Boltzmann went back to [[Graz]] to take up the chair of Experimental Physics. Among his students in Graz were [[Svante Arrhenius]] and [[Walther Nernst]].<ref name="springer">"Paul Ehrenfest (1880–1933) along with Nernst[,] Arrhenius, and Meitner must be considered among Boltzmann's most outstanding students."—{{Cite journal|last=Jäger|first=Gustav|last2=Nabl|first2=Josef|last3=Meyer|first3=Stephan|date=April 1999|title=Three Assistants on Boltzmann|journal=Synthese |volume=119|issue=1–2|pages=69–84 |doi=10.1023/A:1005239104047}}</ref><ref name="huji">[http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/history/nernst.htm "Walther Hermann Nernst visited lectures by Ludwig Boltzmann"]</ref> He spent 14 happy years in Graz and it was there that he developed his statistical concept of nature. In 1885 he became a member of the Imperial [[Austrian Academy of Sciences]] and in 1887 he became the President of the [[University of Graz]]. He was elected a member of the [[Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences]] in 1888.
Boltzmann was appointed to the Chair of Theoretical Physics at the [[University of Munich]] in [[Bavaria]], Germany in 1890.