Дипломат: Разлика помеѓу преработките

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== Литература ==
* [[Игор Јанев]], Дипломатија, Институт за политички студии, Белград, 2013, ISBN 978-86-7419-261-0
Повеке* види:Игор МеђународноЈанев, Мегународно право и међународнимегународни односи, Институт за политички студијиистудии, Белград, 2012, ISBN: 978-86-7419-244-3
* Игор Јанев, Меѓународни организации и интеграции, Институт за политички студии, Белград, 2008
* H. G. Shermers, International Institutional Law, Martinus - Nijhoff Publishers, Netherlands, 1980
* Black, Jeremy. ''A History of Diplomacy'' (U. of Chicago Press, 2010) ISBN 978-1-86189-696-4
* Berridge, G. R. ''Diplomacy: Theory & Practice'', 3rd edition, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2005, ISBN 1-4039-9311-4
* Cunningham, George. ''Journey to Become a Diplomat: With a Guide to Careers in World Affairs'' FPA Global Vision Books 2005, ISBN 0-87124-212-5
* Dorman, Shawn, ed. ''Inside a U.S. Embassy: How the Foreign Service Works for America'' by American Foreign Service Association, Second edition February 2003, ISBN 0-9649488-2-6
* Callieres, Francois De. ''The Practice of Diplomacy'' (1919)
* Fischer, Roger and Ury, William L. ''Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In'' (1991)
* Hill, Henry Bertram. ''The Political Testament of Cardinal Richeleiu: The Significant Chapters and Supporting Selections'' (1964)
* Kennan, George F. ''American Diplomacy (Walgreen Foundation Lectures)'' (1985)
* Kissinger, Henry. ''A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh, and the Problem of Peace: 1812-1822'' (1999)
* [[Henry Kissinger]]. ''Diplomacy'' (1999)
* Kurbalija J. and Slavik H. eds. ''Language and Diplomacy'' DiploProjects, Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, Malta, 2001, ISBN 99909-55-15-8. The volume contains collection of paper presented at the international conference.
* [[Garrett Mattingly]], ''Renaissance Diplomacy'' Dover Publications, ISBN 978-0-486-25570-5
* Metternich, Clemens von. ''Mettetnich: The Autobiography, 1773-1815'' (2005)
* Nicolson, Sir Harold George. ''Diplomacy'' (1988)
* Nicolson, Sir Harold George. ''The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity: 1812-1822'' (2001)
* Nicolson, Sir Harold George. ''The Evolution of Diplomatic Method'' (1977)
Повеке види: Међународно право и међународни односи, Институт за политички студијии, Белград, 2012, ISBN: 978-86-7419-244-3