Устав на Филипините: Разлика помеѓу преработките

[непроверена преработка][непроверена преработка]
Избришана содржина Додадена содржина
с Бот: козметички промени
Ред 11:
'''Преамбулата''': (на англиски)
=== Од 1898 ===
: ''(We, the Representatives of the Filipino people, lawfully covened, in order to establish justice, provide for common defense, promote the general welfare, and insure the benefits of liberty, imploring the aid of the Sovereign Legislator of the Universe for the attainment of these ends, have voted, decreed, and sanctioned the following)
=== Од 1935 ===
:{{cquote|''"The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine Providence, in order to establish a government that shall embody their ideals, conserve and develop the patrimony of the nation, promote the general welfare, and secure to themselves and their posterity the blessings of independence under a regime of justice, liberty, and democracy, do ordain and promulgate this constitution."''}}
=== Од 1987 ===
:{{cquote|''"The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine Providence and desiring to lead a free national existence, do hereby proclaim their independence, and in order to establish a government that shall promote the general welfare, conserve and develop the patrimony of the Nation, and contribute to the creation of a world order based on peace, liberty, and moral justice, do ordain this Constitution."''}}
== Види исто така ==
* [[Филипини]]
== Надворешни врски ==
* [http://www.thecorpusjuris.com/laws/constitutions/8-philippineconstitutions.html Комплетниот устав]
* [http://www.thecorpusjuris.com/laws/constitutions/8-philippineconstitutions/300-1897-biac-na-bato-constitution.html Biak-na-Bato Уставот]
Ред 41:
* [http://www.concom.ph/ The Consultative Commission (The ConCom)]
* [http://www.filipiniana.net/batasan.jsp Комплетен текст на Филипинскиот Устав]
[[Податотека:1935Constitution.jpg|thumb|left|220px|''[[23 март]] [[1935]]'': Потпишувањето на уставот во присуство на американскиот претседател [[Френклин Рузвелт]] и филипинскиот претседател]]
[[Категорија:Политики на Филипините]]