Податотека:Prisoners sorting confiscated property at Auschwitz II-Birkenau.jpg

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English: "Prisoners in the Aufräumungskommando (order commandos) sort through a mound of personal belongings confiscated from the arriving transport of Jews from Subcarpathian Rus. Among those working near the train is Chaim Rephael from Salonika."
Извор https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa8621
Автор НепознатUnknown author


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тековна03:11, 13 април 2021Минијатура на верзијата од 03:11, 13 април 20211.699 × 1.200 (618 КБ)Buidhe{{Information |description={{en|1="Prisoners in the Aufräumungskommando (order commandos) sort through a mound of personal belongings confiscated from the arriving transport of Jews from Subcarpathian Rus. Among those working near the train is Chaim Rephael from Salonika."}} |date=1944 |source=https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa8600 |author={{unknown|author}} |permission= |other versions= }} =={{int:license-header}}== {{PD-US-alien property}} Category:Auschwitz Album

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